
At the beginning of the new year, the sons and daughters of Yandu saluted the national flag

author:Look at Zigong

At the beginning of the new year, greeting the first dawn of 2022, people from all walks of life in Zigong, Sichuan Gathered at the China Merchants International City to hold a solemn flag-raising ceremony. Everyone is full of vitality and expectations, and enters the new year.

At the beginning of the new year, the sons and daughters of Yandu saluted the national flag
At the beginning of the new year, the sons and daughters of Yandu saluted the national flag

Gather patriotic feelings and build the Chinese dream together. "New era, new journey, strong mountains and rivers." The best souvenir is to go again. I wish our great motherland prosperity! At 9:00 a.m., the flag-raising ceremony officially began, and the energetic flag bearers took sonorous and powerful steps to escort the national flag to the flag-raising platform. With the sound of the majestic and exciting "March of the Volunteer Army", the bright five-star red flag was rising, and the crowd participating in the ceremony stood in a neat line, solemnly, waving the bright red five-star red flag in their hands and paying attention to the national flag.

At the beginning of the new year, the sons and daughters of Yandu saluted the national flag
At the beginning of the new year, the sons and daughters of Yandu saluted the national flag
At the beginning of the new year, the sons and daughters of Yandu saluted the national flag
At the beginning of the new year, the sons and daughters of Yandu saluted the national flag

Gazing at the five-star red flag flying high, everyone's blood was boiling, and their hearts were full of pride and pride... Citizens have said that the flag raising on the first day of the new year is very ceremonial and a good start for the new year.

At the beginning of the new year, the sons and daughters of Yandu saluted the national flag

Hou Yuchang, a volunteer of the Zigong 977 Charity Association and a national outstanding youth volunteer, said that the biggest harvest in 2021 is that he has always adhered to the road of public welfare, and the children have also achieved excellent results in learning. In 2022, I hope that through my own efforts, I will buy a car that has been happy for a long time, and my life will become more and more prosperous.

At the beginning of the new year, the sons and daughters of Yandu saluted the national flag

Looking back on the past, full of pride; looking forward to the future, faith is like steel. To participate in the flag-raising ceremony on this special day is to express our heartfelt blessings to the great motherland.

At the beginning of the new year, the sons and daughters of Yandu saluted the national flag

Gong Xinrong, director and deputy general manager of Sichuan Zigong Transport Machinery Group Co., Ltd. and a national labor model, said that the most impressive thing in 2021 is that Zigong has passed the high-speed railway, and the city is becoming more and more beautiful. In 2022, I wish my motherland prosperity, I wish the people's lives more and more beautiful, I wish my hometown to realize the reconstruction industry Zigong as soon as possible, and the future of the millennium salt capital is better.

Look at the first end of Zigong 丨 Zigong news Editor 丨Li Wanjiang Editor 丨 Yu Ling © Zigong City Radio and Television Station

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