
fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

fgo this time the launch of the new five-star advent dark Gao Yangskaya, involving specific skills, treasures and attack action modules, etc., this time brings detailed explanations and instructions, this follower is really good, the details of the design is very careful and reliable, the specific details of the module here to expand the explanation.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

For the first time, the treasure tool broke the customary close-up of the slave's front, and directly beastized the target of the five-tailed team to launch a powerful fixed-point meteorite projection blasting blow, which was very powerful.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The first skill mod is to play with laptops

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The second skill mod is to burst purple gas and pull the whip at the same time.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The third skill mod is a half-lying charge position.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The fourth module is a conventional gas burst.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The fifth skill mod is the tail bursting out of one eye after another.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The first red card summons a three-headed dog similar to the hell three-headed dog that was originally launched at 2.51, and the three-headed dog sprays a huge blue-blue flame to burn the enemy

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The second red card summons the dragon that dropped the golden egg (the Sky Dragon of Osiris) to fire a super-electric guided lightning blast at the enemy

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The third red card is to summon the giant to launch the long-haired slash.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The fourth red card transforms itself into a giant shadow fox to launch a nibbling attack.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The fifth red card is a piercing attack with its tail.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The sixth red card is to summon huge claws to tear enemies apart.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The first blue card summons a large number of Shadow Assassins to attack enemies.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The second blue card uses the whip to whip the enemy wildly.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The third album of the Blue Card is a bath in the rain of the Sea of Blood.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The fourth blue card uses its tail to summon and launch the attack of the red and black tornado.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The first green card spawned a purple tornado at its feet, then lay on its side to launch a drill-bit tornado piercing attack.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The second green card is to launch a meteorite attack closely.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The third green card is to launch a cool eighteen splits.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

EX Attack is to summon the Yagi Great Snake Team enemies to launch a wormhole-style Void Fangs Bite

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

After that, the Yagi Great Snake opened the hardcore spraying style, annihilating all the enemies.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The second EX card is to launch the Toddler for a charge attack.

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

The third EX module fires lasers with the eyes on the tail

fgo Dark High Yangskaya Action Skill Mod Detailed Explanation of Game King Play Summoning various elite monsters

Then the overhead gathered power to emit red-black light. Overall, it is really good, the module action is designed to be very careful, it is indeed in line with their own settings and identity, but this kind of dispatch is also too much of a game king.

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