
Dazzling! More than 200 folk crafts in Zhanjiang "catch the sea"

At the beginning of the new year in 2022, the exhibition of excellent works of zhanjiang folk crafts is dazzling. On New Year's Day, under the guidance of the Guangdong Provincial Association of Nationalities and the Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage Promotion Association, sponsored by the Zhanjiang Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, undertaken by the Citizens' Association and the Suixi County Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Sports, and co-organized by the Suixi County Federation of Literature and Literature and the County Cultural Center, the 2022 Zhanjiang Folk Craft Excellent Works Exhibition was launched in Suixi Chaoshun Redwood Cultural Intangible Cultural Heritage Park, and the online exhibition was launched in phases. This is also the first time that Zhanjiang's civic crafts have been exhibited in an integrated and comprehensive large-scale special exhibition, offering a rich New Year's "literary and artistic feast" for the public. Huang Jingwei, vice president of the Guangdong Intangible Cultural Heritage Promotion Association, Zhou Weiwu, secretary of the party group and chairman of the Zhanjiang Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, Zhang Minying, deputy governor of Suixi County, and other leading guests and representatives of well-known artists in the province and city attended the opening activities of the exhibition.

Dazzling! More than 200 folk crafts in Zhanjiang "catch the sea"

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Dazzling! More than 200 folk crafts in Zhanjiang "catch the sea"

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Dazzling! More than 200 folk crafts in Zhanjiang "catch the sea"

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Dazzling! More than 200 folk crafts in Zhanjiang "catch the sea"

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Dazzling! More than 200 folk crafts in Zhanjiang "catch the sea"

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Zhanjiang folk art is full of brilliance, purple and red, dazzling and sparkling. With the theme of "Inheriting Folk Crafts and Helping Rural Revitalization", this exhibition is composed by Hong Santai, a librarian of the Research Museum of Literature and History of the People's Government of Guangdong Province and a first-class writer, and specially invited the works of well-known painter Lin Xuewei to set up the theme painting of "Mangrove City" as the exhibition preface. It mainly exhibits the award-winning works of Zhanjiang City that have participated in national and provincial exhibitions in recent years, folk crafts with local characteristics, new works inherited by the new generation of folk literature and students of colleges, middle schools, primary and secondary schools, cutting-edge handicrafts and cultural and creative products. The exhibition received more than 300 registered works, selected folk crafts, clay sculptures, folk paintings, book carvings, inheritance works exhibition, rural revitalization, souvenir cultural creation, Suixi intangible cultural heritage and other eight categories of more than 30 kinds of 200 pieces rich in artistic atmosphere, unique local characteristics, reflecting the new style, new dynamics, new development of Zhanjiang folk crafts on display, hundreds of literary and artistic masterpieces of the masterpieces of the struggle, brilliant gathering, each with their own characteristics of folk crafts intertwined and dancing. The activity aims to carry forward the excellent traditional culture, revitalize the traditional crafts, and further promote the prosperity and development of Zhanjiang folk crafts and folk art undertakings and cultural and creative industries through the exhibition of folk craft works.

Dazzling! More than 200 folk crafts in Zhanjiang "catch the sea"

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Dazzling! More than 200 folk crafts in Zhanjiang "catch the sea"

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Dazzling! More than 200 folk crafts in Zhanjiang "catch the sea"

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Dazzling! More than 200 folk crafts in Zhanjiang "catch the sea"

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Folk crafts are an important carrier of a local history and culture and a reproduction of living culture, containing simple and profound wisdom of life. Zhanjiang folk craft tradition is exquisite, inheritance and development, hai na hundred rivers, after thousands of years of inheritance and development, integration and innovation, stone carving, ceramics, wood carving, bamboo carving, kiln firing, color, lacquer art, shell painting, straw weaving, drifting color, puppets and other traditional crafts, under the nourishment of the blue ocean and red land, local characteristics are highlighted, glowing with new brilliance. Folk crafts masters emerge in an endless stream, adhering to the spirit of craftsmanship, and fine works continue to emerge. Zhanjiang folk crafts highlight the characteristics of local culture, vividly express folk life, and shape the image of folk art. In recent years, Zhanjiang has strengthened the promotion of local folk culture and folk crafts excavation research and innovative development, and has organized delegations to participate in the 2019 China Folk Crafts Expo, the 11th Guangdong Provincial Folk Craft Exhibition and other activities, and won many awards. Zhanjiang participated in the "Shanhua Award", the highest award of Chinese folk art, and achieved a new breakthrough and a new record.

Dazzling! More than 200 folk crafts in Zhanjiang "catch the sea"

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Dazzling! More than 200 folk crafts in Zhanjiang "catch the sea"

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At the same time, the exhibition was held online through the network platform, and the on-site exhibition was restricted by telephone and the public account of Suixi Cultural Center according to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, and the online exhibition was launched in phases.

Guo Longbi bright


【Author】 Guo Longbi; bright

【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client

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