
River Street ("Old Pen Remembers Nanchong" Cultural Essay Series I)

author:A pot of moonlight

Text/Zhu Tao

River Street ("Old Pen Remembers Nanchong" Cultural Essay Series I)

Guocheng Nanchong is the city of Linjiang. Because there is a river, there is also a river street by the river. Along the river, Longwang Street, Shangdu Street, Wujie Lane, Xiaodong Street, Kong Xuan Street, Dadong Street, Pingjin Lane, Cotton Lane, streets and alleys are numerous, these streets near the river, people are generally called "River Street". However, in a narrow sense, Guocheng River Street generally refers to three, namely Upper River Street, Middle River Street and Lower River Street.

River Street ("Old Pen Remembers Nanchong" Cultural Essay Series I)

The geographical location of Zhonghe Street and Xiahe Street is easy to describe: between Kong Xuan Street and Dadong Street, it was the Lower River Street in Nanchong in that year; between Dadong Street and Xiaodong Street, it was Zhonghe Street. But what about Upper River Street? Even if you look through the map of Nanchong, I am afraid that you will not be able to find such a place name. Originally, this Sanfeng Street was Shanghe Street, because there was an old "Sanfeng Building" on the north side of the street, so it was called "Sanfeng Street". Its specific location is between Model Street and Little East Street.

A few years ago, above this river street, there was a farmer surnamed Xie in Jiangba Village who set up stalls all year round, and the stalls were about near the Middle Ferry Port. Its dandan cold noodles, from grinding and stirring, to seasoning and flavoring, have a unique place. According to the older generation, in the late Qing Dynasty, above the sand dunes on the banks of the Jialing River, there were originally two cool powders. The surname of the greenhouse is Xue, known as "Xue Liang Powder"; and its small shed is the "Xie Liang Powder" created by Xie Tianlu. At that time, the Xue family operated cold spin spindle cold powder; Xie Tianlu family, they operated hot food slice cold powder. Later, after the two sides got married and the stunts merged, the "Xie Liang Powder" was unified into a shared signboard.

River Street ("Old Pen Remembers Nanchong" Cultural Essay Series I)

On River Street, there are also "Shunqing brine ducks" sold. In the 30th year of the Republic of China, The villagers of Laojun Township, Ren Daixing, have begun to sell their products at the Liuhechun Hotel in Zhongdukou, because of the fire and unique formula, past merchants flocked to patronize. In 1962, Zhu De, He Long, Luo Ruiqing and others visited Nanchong, and after tasting it, they also praised it.

NanchongHe Street, there is also a place worth mentioning, that is, the Torch Society, which specializes in water transportation, shipbuilding and ship repair, is located in the area of Xiahe Street. In the 1950s and 1960s, in response to the call to participate in the Battle of Sichuan Petroleum, torch society employees, all from poor boat people from Fushun Dengguan, stayed in the local area and transported coal and grain and other materials along the Jialing River. The employees of the Torch Society also brought their families, and their living habits, such as eating eels, loach, frogs, field snails, etc., as well as their local accents, also brought a unique southern Sichuan style to the people of the lower half of the city.

Today, the area around River Street has been completely demolished, and the above section of the road has also been named Binjiang Avenue, which has become a bund along the river with unlimited scenery.

River Street ("Old Pen Remembers Nanchong" Cultural Essay Series I)