
When the children came back for the festival, the 64-year-old mother could not say that the home was a hotel, and the old man was a waiter

When the children came back for the festival, the 64-year-old mother could not say that the home was a hotel, and the old man was a waiter

It is often said that today's young people are literate, learned, grateful, and filial to their parents. That sounds great, but is it really true?

Parents provide for their children to read, hoping that they will have long skills and have a career, which is of course very important, but the premise is that they cannot read dead books, read dead books, apply what they have learned, and understand what the meaning of learning is.

To learn scientific knowledge through reading, it is even more necessary to learn the truth of how to behave in the world. Otherwise, the more you know, the more knowledgeable you are, but without good character, it is not a good thing.

Aunt Hu, 64, in the community, is a bitter woman. Her wife left early, and she supported her two children alone to finish college and helped them start a family in other places. But every time her children came back for the festival, Aunt Hu had words of suffering, and often sighed behind her back, saying that the home is a hotel, and I am a waiter.

When the children came back for the festival, the 64-year-old mother could not say that the home was a hotel, and the old man was a waiter

Aunt Hu, 64, said of herself:


Every time I came back for the holidays, my son and daughter would call in advance and ask me to prepare something they wanted to eat. Unconsciously, this seems to have become a habit.

A week ago, I received another "notice." The son wants to eat dumplings with lambballs; the daughter-in-law does not eat lamb and lets her stew a pot of beef; and the daughter wants to eat pickled salted fish, and repeatedly tells her to buy more. The children also "ordered" a bunch, and I was afraid that I would not be able to remember them, so I could only write them all in the book.

In order to buy these things, I took the order, first went to the big supermarket, then turned to the vegetable market, ran for a few days in a row, and then cleaned and cleaned up. Don't have to wait, lean on, according to the convention, sooner or later is their own work.

Everything was almost ready, I was tired and sore, and I was exhausted, reminding myself to take a break, because the arduous task was still ahead! Some people will say that this is all self-seeking, and it is not the end to go to the restaurant? In fact, I have been there before, but every time I pay for it, I can't afford it.

When the children came back for the festival, the 64-year-old mother could not say that the home was a hotel, and the old man was a waiter


When it was almost dark, both families arrived. The children had to eat sugar gourds, the daughter-in-law and daughter went out on the street before they entered the door; the son and son-in-law lay on the couch, chatting and playing with their mobile phones; I was alone in the kitchen.

Meals were served and those who played outside came back. The daughter grinned widely, came back in too much of a hurry, didn't bring anything, and had just bought a carton of milk. The daughter-in-law was still polite, saying that I had worked hard, and I would definitely eat more.

But they drank, the children got together to play games, I couldn't mix anywhere, standing was not, sitting was not, simply ran to the kitchen to cook dumplings.

Tossing this afternoon, I was already sore legs and arm pain, casually took a bite, and quietly returned to my room. I woke up in the middle of the night to find that they were all rested, and the living room was a mess. As I cleaned up, I thought, this is like their hotel, and I am the waiter.

When the children came back for the festival, the 64-year-old mother could not say that the home was a hotel, and the old man was a waiter


The next morning, no one got up. I went out and bought an early breakfast. When he returned, his son said that he would go to a party and would not have to cook for their family at noon. At this time, the daughter also said that they took the child to the zoo and did not eat at home, but there were a few dirty clothes to wash.

I can understand them, usually busy at work, no time to play, hard to rest for two days, all want to relax. But who cares about my feelings? He said that he accompanied me for the holidays, but since they met, they didn't even have the opportunity to talk and chat. Thinking about it, what is the purpose of being busy before and after? They're happy.

At night, my daughter quietly ran to my room and asked her brother-in-law how much money she had given me. I said I didn't give, and told her that she was self-sufficient and didn't need help. And she pulled for half a day, taunting her son as a "strict wife", and the family could not do anything.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished saying this, his son pushed the door and came in. In front of me, the brothers and sisters did not give in to each other, and you quarreled with me sentence by sentence. My heart is sour, what is this for? Is this filial piety to me?

When the children came back for the festival, the 64-year-old mother could not say that the home was a hotel, and the old man was a waiter

Write at the end:

Aunt Hu sighed and said that she was very dazed, knowing that the ugliness of the family could not be publicized, but these things were really uncomfortable in her heart, and she nagged a few words with everyone before she felt comfortable.

Today's children, all grew up in good times, clothes to reach out, food to open their mouths, feel that being loved is taken for granted, thinking that filial piety to parents is to go home to see, do not have to do anything.

Many times, don't think that if you read a lot, with culture, you can understand things and know how to honor your parents. Without a healthy family environment and good tutoring, they will not be truly filial to the elderly if they are considerate of others.

In fact, loving children understand that filial piety is help, companionship, and a sense of security.

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