
The Mystery of the Hmong Witches

author:Blue Sky LT

In the Culture of the Miao Family in Western Hunan Province, the most evil and mysterious is the three major evil arts of exorcism, deception and falling flower cave women, but the corpse and the falling flower cave woman have long been explained by the media from a scientific point of view, believing that the exorcism of corpses is just a trick of the corpse transporter to deceive and deceive money, and the falling flower cave woman is the mental paranoia caused by the woman's unhappy marriage, which is a mental disease. Miao witchcraft, because it is more magical and more widespread, has always been half-believed.

According to insiders, trickery, a kind of black witchcraft in Western Hunan Province, refers to the magic art of using worms or mysterious forces to control people or things and achieve the purpose of revenge.

Speaking of gods, then does Xiangxi Miao Witchcraft really exist, and what is it all about?

1. Where did the witches come from?

Historical excavations have found that as early as the Oracle bone period more than 3,000 years ago, it has existed, and during the Warring States period, the Central Plains trickery was prevalent. Because it has long existed in the image of yin and damage people, it is easy to threaten the stability of the region and the imperial court, so it is identified as superstition and evil magic, and has become the target of attacks by successive dynasties. It can only gradually spread from the hinterland of the Central Plains to the ethnic minority areas in the south. And the wind of the witches blowing the most vigorously and most famously is none other than the Xiangxi Miao.

According to legend, the method of making clams is generally to put a variety of highly poisonous insects, such as snakes, centipedes, scorpions, spiders, etc., into the same utensil, do not feed food, let them kill each other and eat, and finally the most poisonous clams are left.

According to the different types of poisonous insects released, the clams are divided into snake clams, cat ghosts, clams, worms, flying clams and so on. Although the clam is only a tangible creature, in the legend, the clam is a mysterious thing that can fly, change and glow, and change like a ghost. Through spells, the tricksters remotely control the worms, bring various diseases to the target of the spell, or die violently.

It can be seen that the clam is a mysterious object carefully cultivated over the years by artificial special methods, which can be large or small, mostly insects or animals. In Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" worms four parts, it is also introduced in the way of making clams, putting some poisonous things, such as spiders, snakes, scorpions and the like, hundreds of them in a tank, so that they can fight and eat each other, and after a year or more, the last one to survive is the king of hundreds of poisons, and it will become a clam.

Second, how the Miao women deceive.

According to legend, among the Miao women in western Hunan Province, most of them will deceive, and this kind of magic also has the tradition of passing on women and not men. This is because in the early days, after some Han men entered Miaojiang, they saw that Miao nu was beautiful and affectionate, so they stayed, but after a few months, after the man was fresh, he excused himself to leave and not come back, leaving Miao Nu alone. So Ang became a means of self-protection and revenge for women.

Of course, these negative people did not know that the Miao women had left a hand on him, and they had planted a love trick on them long before they promised each other. This kind of deception is usually a pair, one on the woman, one on the man, when the man empathizes with the love, the Miao women will release the deception on their own body, luring the man's body out of the body. In this way, the man will be sick for a long time, and only by changing his mind and reconciling with the Miao woman can he let the clams go to sleep again, otherwise he will eventually be able to break or vomit blood and die.

Later, the deception slowly expanded its scope of use, as long as there is a festival or contradiction, it may be privately or ask the witch to harm others on behalf of the deception, so that everyone talks about the discoloration.

In the remote mountain village of western Hunan Province, if someone sticks out their tongue at you and presses it with their index finger, they are reminding you: Be careful, there are clams here. Then you should be careful when eating or drinking water, because the trickster is most likely sitting next to you. In between the hands and feet, bounce the powder from your fingernails into your rice bowl, tea or wine, so that you can unconsciously deceive.

Third, the reaction and truth.

In movies, we often see such a plot, after the worm enters the human body, it scurries under the skin or internal organs, hollowing out your body little by little, and the skin will swell and burst. And these so-called deceitful reactions are just deliberate exaggerations in the movie.

The middle deception in the eyes of the Xiangxi people is more or less the same as that of patients in other places. Or a long-term cough, blackened face; or abdominal pain is unbearable, vomiting up and down diarrhea.

A Western doctor who had worked in the Xiangxi Yujiao area had been in contact with a large number of patients with cheating diseases, and it turned out that these patients who had been threatened with poisoning were invariably suffering from chronic internal diseases such as tuberculosis, wind-temperature heart disease, advanced stomach cancer, cirrhosis, duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis and so on.

Due to the humid and hot local climate, poisonous insects are overgrown, and it is easy to breed diseases such as chronic hepatitis, tuberculosis and chronic enteritis. Coupled with the backwardness of traditional medicine, only herbs will be used to clear the heat and warm, and when the treatment is ineffective, people will attribute this disease reaction to being deceived.

That is to say, the so-called middle deception is actually a normal illness, but it makes the feudal and ignorant ancestors or quacks take it for granted that they have been deceived. Thinking of someone who once had a contradiction, the culprit of deception came into being.

As a result, the deceivers suffered from both psychological and physical torture, and those who were identified as cheaters were ostracized by the whole village, lonely or far away from home all their lives, and even proved their innocence with death.

Perhaps, one day at the village banquet, you were suddenly deceived, and you went home unwell; perhaps, after you and your neighbors argued, you were falsely accused of being a cheater by the other party and were rejected by the villagers. Therefore, the witch is not terrible, what is really terrible is the human heart, it is invincible, but it represents the ignorance and darkness of human nature.