
At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

The 2020 Yangling Agricultural High School meeting was successfully concluded

Qishan shines!

Signed a total investment of 500 million yuan project

It's so powerful~

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

On the afternoon of October 26, the 27th China Yangling Agricultural High-tech Achievements Expo came to an end for 5 days. At this exhibition, the Qishan County Pavilion achieved another good result, and 2 agricultural investment projects were signed in a concentrated manner, with a total investment of 500 million yuan! Signed a strategic agreement with the College of Agronomy, The College of Horticulture, and the College of Food Science and Engineering of Northwest A&F University to expand the "one bowl of noodles".

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

At this session of the Agricultural High Conference, Qishan County aims to display and enlarge the economic achievements of "one bowl of noodles", organizes Baoji Delin Pepper, Qin Yinong Food, Qishan Meiyang, Qishan Hollow Noodles, Qishan Tianyuan and many other enterprises to exhibit and sell, displaying more than 100 kinds of Qishan characteristics and famous agricultural products, vinegar powder, rolling dough skin, stirring dough and other Qishan famous snacks are particularly popular.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Qishan rolls out the dough

Qishan rolling dough skin, it can be said that three meals a day will not be tired! Not only breakfast, but also lunch and dinner are one of the proper main dishes!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Qishan is the hometown of rolling dough skin, each shop rolling dough skin has its own characteristics, run ten a day, the taste you eat will not be repeated, there is always one in your mind NO.1!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Whether it is shredded, sliced or sliced, although only the shape is different, but each has its own flavor, some people only eat filaments, some people love slices, the overall sentence: radish cabbage has its own love!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

More senior foodies understand that the most powerful part of rolling dough is the dough skin, and the essence that is rolled out to the end is the most powerful part, which is loved by many foodies.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Qishan vinegar powder

Qishan people are good at making vinegar, fermenting grain into sour vinegar, and it is a pity that the remaining vinegar is discarded, so the Qishan people use vinegar to create a unique dish of vinegar powder.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Unlike the strength of rolling dough, the taste of vinegar powder is relatively soft, it is effortless to chew, and both men, women and children are conquered by the taste of vinegar powder every minute!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Because vinegar is added in the process of production, vinegar powder naturally comes with vinegar aroma and is therefore particularly appetizing, when the appetite is not high, a mouthful of vinegar powder can make you instantly appetite.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Qishan churning

Pasta is the soul of Qishan, and churned dough is a specialty of Xifu cuisine.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Whether it is eaten hot or cold, the weather is getting colder, the most suitable for a bowl of water that has just come out of the pot to besiege the city, hot and spicy, soft and sticky texture is really warm and stomach-warming!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!
At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

In summer, it is preferential to eat cold, and the churn paste that has just come out of the pot is leaked into the cold boiled water with a colander, and the fish and fish are ready after cooling and shaping.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Whether you eat soup or cold mix, it is a different kind of smooth taste.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

After cooling, the churned dough can be cut into strips or cut into pieces, with a fragrant sauce, sour, spicy and fragrant into one, it is really too much!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

In addition to rolling out the dough, vinegar powder and churn dough

We also have a lot of characteristic and famous agricultural products in Qishan

Let's take a look!

Qishan noodles

As the golden signature of Qishan cuisine, Zhenzi noodles are really worthy of the titles of "Divine Food" and "The First Side in the World"! Anyone who doesn't like pasta, as long as they have tasted the taste of cheek noodles, will definitely be conquered by the five bodies thrown to the ground!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

The noodles have nine characteristics of "thin, tendon, light, fried, thin, wang, sour, spicy and fragrant", and each bite is endlessly evocative!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

The noodles made with Chishan hollow noodles have a smooth texture and a long aroma, and the hand-rolled noodles are even more powerful!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Qishan people also like to use spinach juice and noodles to make healthy and delicious spinach noodles.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Qishan hollow noodles

Qishan hollow noodles have a long history and are the most unique products made among the local traditional noodle foods in Qishan. At the same time, noodles are also a good gift for festivals.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

The production process of Qishan noodles is very exquisite. The best flour noodles have to be the raw material of the "purple wheat" (that is, durum wheat) grown in the previous stubble, and after grinding into flour, they must go through nine processes such as noodles, kneading, opening noodles, shelving, and cutting strips to become hollow noodles.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

The hollow noodles are snow white in color, slender and flexible, the taste is smooth and vigorous, salty and moderate, resistant to cooking and fast cooking, rich in nutrition, and are deeply loved by people.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Chisun vinegar

As a condiment, Qishan vinegar is juxtaposed with Qishan noodles and rolled dough skins, and is a provincial intangible cultural heritage project of Shaanxi Province!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

The history of Qishan vinegar can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty, using a variety of local grain crops in Qishan as raw materials, and going through 9 processes such as pulling, making vinegar, pouring vinegar, and putting vinegar!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Vinegar black and red, sour in the fragrance, slightly sweet in the incense, rich in nutrition, not bad for a long time, the older the more mellow, is the Qishan people's daily life must be the condiment.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Qishan puff pastry pot helmet

Qishan oil crispy pot helmet is crispy and delicious, full of energy, many people engaged in manual labor in the morning with a porridge side dish to eat a pot helmet, a whole morning will not be hungry!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

The puff pastry pan helmet looks bulky and a little hard, but in fact, because of its production process, it is crispy and delicious to eat, and it will not feel hard at all.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!
At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Cheeky ribs

Cheeky pork ribs is a very Qishan characteristics of a "hard dish", lean meat with a little fat, soft meat, meat aromatic, delicious to stop!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

The ribs are stewed out in the same way as the meat is made, so that the ribs not only have the rich flavor of the pork belly, but also the unique taste of this rib, and the rich taste is really suffocating when you bite the lean meat with a little meat tendon!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

There are many farms in Qishan, and each family's cheek ribs have their own secret recipe, and the tastes are different, you must try it!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Green apples

Qinghua apple is one of the famous crops in Qishan, fragrant, bright color, delicious and delicious, not only best-selling Baoji, but also exported to the province and beyond, sweet and sour taste attracted a large number of "loyal fans"!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Qinghua Town is a large apple industry town in Qishan County, with an apple planting area of 11,000 mu and an annual output of more than 5,000 tons, because of the prosperity of Qinghua apple industry, Qinghua Town Sunjia Village was selected into the national "one village, one product" demonstration village list in September 2019.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Qin pepper

Qin pepper is a good product in chili peppers, known as the king of "pepper", Qin pepper color bright, spicy flavor, at home and abroad are enjoying a high reputation.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!
At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

As the main producer of Qin pepper, Qishan exerts the delicious taste of Qin pepper to the extreme, grinding the sun-dried pepper into a powder of different thicknesses, each with its own use.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!
At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

The oil spicy seeds made of Qin pepper are the soul of qishan's most famous snack rolling dough skin, which is spicy and delicious, with a long aftertaste, and is the haunting taste of qishan people.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!


In Huxin Village, Anle Community, Caijiapo Town, Qishan County, the farmland on the side of the road is full of kiwifruit, and every year when the kiwifruit is ripe, the whole road is fruity!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Kiwifruit is known as the king of fruits, sweet and sour, taste good, nutrition is rich and comprehensive, has always been loved by people.

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Qishan has a large temperature difference between day and night, so the taste of kiwi fruit in Qishan is even sweeter, Qishan kiwifruit, you deserve it!

At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

Qishan has a long history and rich products

Countless agricultural products are produced

The future holds promise

Kudos to Chisun's tomorrow!

- End -

Article source: Qishan County Culture and Tourism Bureau

Edit: Volcano Shiner Review: Liu Yang

First image: Scout

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At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!

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At the Agricultural High School, Qishan shined and signed a total investment contract of 500 million!