
Health Recipe for Steamed Pork with Lotus Leaf (with Tutorial and Recipe)

author:The kitchen of the old Lin family
Health Recipe for Steamed Pork with Lotus Leaf (with Tutorial and Recipe)

Steamed pork with lotus leaves

Health Recipe for Steamed Pork with Lotus Leaf (with Tutorial and Recipe)

raw material:

Pork ribs 400 g, japonica rice 150 g, fresh lotus leaves 2 large sheets, green onion 25 g, soy sauce 75 g,

40 g of sweet noodle sauce, 3 g of monosodium glutamate, 2 g each of cloves, fennel and cinnamon. 25 g shredded ginger, 20% sugar

g, rice wine 15 g, sesame oil 25 g.


1. Drain the japonica rice, put it in the pot with cloves, fennel and hanging skin, fry until golden brown, and pour

Out, grind into semolina while hot.

2. Scrape off the fine hairs inside the pork ribs, remove the bones and wash them, and cut them into 6 cm long. 1.5 cm thick pieces,

Then put a knife to the skin in the middle of the thick slice, put it into the container, add green onion, ginger, soy sauce, sugar, sweet noodle sauce,

Mix well with MSG and marinate for 1 hour to allow to taste. Add japonica rice flour and sesame oil to make the meat stick evenly

rice flour. Wash the fresh lotus leaves and cut each leaf into 4 pieces and set aside.

3. Take an enamel pot, spread the bottom of the pot with fresh lotus leaves, and drain the meat into the pot piece by piece, and then cover it

Top the lotus leaves, basket and steam over high heat for 3 hours until the meat is crispy.


The fragrance is not greasy, and the sticky is delicious.


Clear the lungs and nourish the lungs.

Health Recipe for Steamed Pork with Lotus Leaf (with Tutorial and Recipe)

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