
How tragic was the suffering of a female officer in the Nanjing Massacre? The memoirs of the Japanese army are heartbreaking!

History has its own life, it is like a person, both easy-going and self-respecting. ——Yu Qiuyu

The Nanjing Massacre is a "national shame" that cannot be looked back upon for today's people, but we have to remember this humiliating history, otherwise the more than 300,000 compatriots martyred in this massacre will not be able to rest in peace for a long time, because this history is too heavy and too painful, and it must be remembered by all the sons and daughters of China!

On December 13, 1937, the Japanese invading China bombed the ancient Nanjing city wall with aircraft cannons, and tens of thousands of Japanese troops rushed into Nanjing, the capital of the Nationalist government at that time, like wild beasts.

How tragic was the suffering of a female officer in the Nanjing Massacre? The memoirs of the Japanese army are heartbreaking!

Because the Japanese army invaded China occupied the capital of China at that time, the entire Japanese army fell into an unprecedented madness, and many Japanese soldiers believed that the war of aggression against China could end, and they would return to China with this achievement that has been recorded in history.

After the Japanese army entered the city of Nanjing, after receiving the "order of the superior to take a three-day holiday," the entire unit became extremely disciplined, killing people and setting fires everywhere, and a beautiful ancient city became a hell on earth in the blink of an eye.

How tragic was the suffering of a female officer in the Nanjing Massacre? The memoirs of the Japanese army are heartbreaking!

After the Japanese army entered the city, a large number of officers and soldiers of the National Army were searched for, and many soldiers of the National Army surrendered and became prisoners of the Japanese Army, but what awaited them was a bloody massacre, and among the tens of thousands of officers and men of the Japanese Army captured, there were inevitably many female officers, and their encounters were recorded by the Japanese soldiers.

So, how tragic was the suffering of a female officer in the Nanjing Massacre?

After the end of World War II, a Veteran of the Japanese Army named Zeng Gen Yifu compiled his diary from the Nanjing Massacre into a book and published a memoir, "The Nanjing Massacre I Recorded", using many real experiences to expose the various atrocities committed by the Japanese army in the Nanjing Massacre.

How tragic was the suffering of a female officer in the Nanjing Massacre? The memoirs of the Japanese army are heartbreaking!

In his memoirs, Tsenge wrote of the deeds of a captured female officer: "The troops came to a village, and a unit that had never been seen or heard of had arrived first. Soldiers were interrogating a dozen or so prisoners in regular uniforms who had been taken from nowhere. Looking closer, I saw that one of them was a woman in terms of body shape. It looks like it's still a general. Although she wears a green military uniform on the top and breeches on the lower body, the ends of her short hair can be seen from under the military hat, and there is no doubt that she is feminine from her petite figure and delicate face. ”

Through this recollection of the Japanese veteran Kazuo Tsone, we can see that a female officer of the National Army unfortunately became a prisoner of the Japanese army, and the author believes that this female officer, as a soldier, has heard of the cruelty of the Japanese army, and she must know what fate she will face, so how miserable is her fate? Let's move on.

How tragic was the suffering of a female officer in the Nanjing Massacre? The memoirs of the Japanese army are heartbreaking!

Regarding the suffering of the female officer, Tsenge wrote in his memoirs: "When the soldiers saw that the officer in front of them was a woman, they asked the captives to strip naked under the pretext of examining their bodies, and the other captives stripped naked according to the order, and only this man in the general's uniform protested in a strong tone. But soon the soldiers suppressed her resistance with force, and as the clothes were stripped off one by one, they were obviously female. When things got to this point, the strength and self-esteem of the general school disappeared at once, and she cried and pleaded. But now the soldiers couldn't listen. The soldiers gathered together and toyed with her like a plaything, and then cut her off her head side by side with the other ten. ”

The above is the tragic experience of this female officer who was captured by the Japanese army, and the dehumanizing officers and men of the Japanese army not only violated the international conventions to slaughter the prisoners, but also violated the most basic ethics and morality of mankind, and cruelly raped and insulted this female officer.

How tragic was the suffering of a female officer in the Nanjing Massacre? The memoirs of the Japanese army are heartbreaking!

After the fall of Nanjing, both the defenders and innocent civilians in Nanjing became the target of massacres and humiliations by the Japanese army, using all kinds of despicable and shameless means to maim more than 300,000 of our compatriots.

This sacrificial female officer, who was originally a hero who defended her family and defended the country, fell into the hands of the Japanese army, which was inferior to the beasts, and was tragically attacked by the despicable and shameless beast behavior of the Japanese army.

The above is the most despicable and shameless beastly act of the Japanese army invading China in the Nanjing Massacre, and through the memoirs of the Veteran Zeng Gen Yifu of the Japanese Army, those unknown tragedies are exposed to the world, and these tragedies make us feel extremely sad in today's era of peace!

How tragic was the suffering of a female officer in the Nanjing Massacre? The memoirs of the Japanese army are heartbreaking!

In short, the Nanjing Massacre massacre was the Japanese army's rise of various inhuman atrocities to the pinnacle during the war of aggression against China, and looking back at the various massacres created by the Japanese army during the entire war of aggression against China, the various massacres created by the Japanese army were not limited to the Nanjing Massacre, but the Nanjing Massacre massacre forever nailed the Japanese army invading China to the column of shame of human civilization, which is the greatest shame of the Japanese army!

We must bear in mind this blood debt and the national tragedy, because China was poor and backward at that time that it was bullied by foreign invaders. Our new generation must strive for the rise of China, and we will never let the tragedy of history repeat itself!

The road of history is full of twists and turns, and there is a lesson: "Conscientious and strong, the wind is the death"; "the prosperity is not sluggish, and strive to be strong". Only by keeping history in mind, taking history as a mirror, and being brave after knowing shame can we make our motherland prosperous and forever stand tall in the east of the world!

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