
Similar to the outer packaging? "Shuanghui Meat Grain King" compensated Jin Gong for "meat grains" of 1.5 million yuan

author:Bright Net

Due to the similarity of product packaging bags

Golden gong "meat grains" will

Shuanghui "Meat Grain King" sued the court


The Heilongjiang Provincial High People's Court disclosed it

Jin Luowenrui sued Luohe Huamao Shuanghui case

It is easily caused by being found by the court

Confusion and misidentification by consumers

Constitutes an act of unfair competition

The court ordered the infringing enterprise to pay 1.5 million yuan in damages

The overall structure of the outer packaging is similar

Chinachem Shuanghui was sued for unfair competition

"Meat grains" products are ham sausage products produced and sold by Daqing Jinluo Wenrui Food Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Daqing Jinluo Company) and other Jinluo affiliated enterprises. Since 2010, Daqing Jinluo Company has continued to carry out publicity and promotion, and the "meat grains" product name, packaging, decoration and Daqing Jinluo Company and other Jinluo-related enterprises have established stable links in the market, with high market visibility and great influence.

In 2017, Daqing Jinluo Company found that the "Shuanghui Meat King" commodity produced and sold by Chinachem Shuanghui Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Chinachem Shuanghui Company) is similar to the name of daqing Jinluo Company's "Meat Grain" commodity, both of which are plastic packaging in rectangular plastic bags, and the overall structure of the packaging bags is similar after the composition, color and combination of various elements.

Daqing Jinluo Company believed that Chinachem Shuanghui's behavior constituted unfair competition, and sued the Harbin Intermediate People's Court, requesting the court to order Chinachem Shuanghui Company to immediately stop producing and selling infringing goods, compensate Daqing Jinluo Company for economic losses and reasonable expenses of 3 million yuan, and publish a statement in relevant newspapers to eliminate adverse effects.

Similar packaging and decoration

It is easy to lead to confusion and misidentification of the relevant public

Source: China Consumer Daily