
Folk tale: The Yellow Dog Repays favor

author:Xiaobo reads

During the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a family in Nanjing who raised a big yellow dog, this dog was raised for 10 years, and the whole family had deep feelings for him, but the big yellow dog was particularly kind to the hostess and always liked to be with him.

As the saying goes, chickens are not more than six, dogs are not more than eight, and it is said that the lifespan of dogs is at most 8 years. A dog that has lived for 10 years is the equivalent of a centenarian. The big yellow dog of this family is now an old dragon clock, and when there is nothing to do tomorrow, it will lie under the wall and bask in the sun, eat less, drink less, and live like this, as if there is something unfinished and hesitant to leave.

Later, the hostess became pregnant, and the big yellow dog appeared a strange behavior, he no longer lazily basked in the sun, and followed the hostess all day long, which can be said to be inseparable. Whether the hostess was eating or sleeping or going to the toilet, it was always not far away from him, vigilantly observing her every move, and the big yellow dog did not allow others to go near the hostess, and if anyone approached him, it would bark wildly. Sometimes even the male owner did not dare, and the family thought that the spirit of this big yellow dog was wrong, and it should not be far from death, so it was gone by it.

After 10 months, the spirit of the big yellow dog, although it was not as good as a day, but persevered to repeat this thing, followed the hostess all day long, until noon on this day, the hostess suddenly felt that there was an abnormality in the body, like a child was about to be born, the husband hurriedly invited the midwife to deliver the baby, in order not to affect the wife's birth, he tied the big yellow dog to the yard with a rope. As soon as the big yellow dog was leashed, he began to be restless, and kept barking at the delivery room, and the man had to come out to comfort him and ask him not to affect the hostess's birth. The midwife has been in the room for more than an hour, but the child has refused to be born, the man stood outside the door anxiously moving back and forth, I don't know when, the big yellow dog used his mouth to bite the rope open, he actually ran directly into the delivery room.

When the man was about to drive him away, the hostess said that he would let him stay by my side. I've been used to it for so long, who knows that this dog has been circling the hostess's bed since he came in, occasionally making a dog bark or two, and his expression was more nervous than just now, and the hostess didn't know why he was like this. After a while, a sharp pain came from the hostess's abdomen, and it seemed that the child was about to arrive, and the midwife hurried to prepare for the delivery.

As the hostess shouted, instead of hearing the baby's cry, they heard the midwife scream. It turned out that at this moment, the big yellow dog suddenly pounced on the midwife, the midwife was thrown to the ground, the man did not know what happened inside, but heard the midwife shouting for help, and the fierce bark of the big yellow dog, he rushed in with an arrow, after rushing into the room, the man was shocked by the scene in front of him, only to see that there was a big snake under the hostess, the tongue had been bitten by the big yellow dog, the snake body was dead wrapped around the belly of the big yellow dog, and the hostess had already fainted.

The man was frightened and looked helpless, and hurriedly lifted up the midwife on the ground and asked, the child's big snake and yellow dog are dead at this moment, the midwife finally eased from the panic, he pointed to the big snake and said, where are the children? It was clearly a snake, and the man sat on the ground, but fortunately, the hostess woke up shortly after and saved his life, and the news quickly spread in the village.

Later, an old Taoist priest passed by here, and after hearing about this matter, he analyzed it for everyone, and the hostess must have formed a bloody deep vendetta with the snake in her previous life, and the snake came to take revenge in this life. Fortunately, in his previous life, he had kindness to the yellow dog, and the big yellow dog refused to die for a long time, waiting for this day to repay him.

The family was very grateful to the big yellow dog after knowing it, and finally understood that his strange behavior was to protect the hostess, and the man found a good place outside, reburied the dead big yellow dog, and built a tomb for him, which read the tomb of the righteous dog.

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