
Do you have a relationship with the Emperor? Were your ancestors nobles or commoners? The three surnames tell you the answer

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Do you have a relationship with the Emperor? Were your ancestors nobles or commoners? The three surnames tell you the answer.

Do you have a relationship with the Emperor? Were your ancestors nobles or commoners? The three surnames tell you the answer

From a historical point of view, the origins of the surnames Wang and Li are more complicated.

Let's start with wang's surname. Ancient rulers were known as kings and emperors, and kings were a symbol of noble status and were quite popular. In addition, the character Wang is easy to write, which is more convenient for ethnic minorities, so when ethnic minorities are Sinicized, most of them choose the surname Wang, so they use more.

Do you have a relationship with the Emperor? Were your ancestors nobles or commoners? The three surnames tell you the answer

Surname Lee. Speaking of the surname Li, in connection with history, it is not difficult to think of Li Yuan and Li Shimin, etc. The Tang Dynasty was a heyday of the Li clan, and the rulers of the Tang Dynasty liked to give surnames to military generals, especially during the Anshi Rebellion, the meritorious wu Jiang was given the surname of Li.

Do you have a relationship with the Emperor? Were your ancestors nobles or commoners? The three surnames tell you the answer

Compared with the Li and Wang clans, the zhang family has a relatively simple source, the purest bloodline, and the Zhang surname is based on early seniority, and has steadily developed step by step to the scale of the top three surnames in China.

Some netizens said: After the Zhang surname is Emperor Yan, the blood is the purest, and few people change the Zhang surname.

The reason why no one changed the surname of Zhang is mainly that Zhang did not have the noble meaning of Wang, and did not establish a dynasty like Li. As one of the three surnames, the Surname Zhang has repeatedly lost touch with the emperor's throne, which is also an interesting coincidence in history.

Do you have a relationship with the Emperor? Were your ancestors nobles or commoners? The three surnames tell you the answer

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the three brothers Zhang Jiao, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang revolted, followed by Zhang Bu, Zhang Ju, and Zhang Chun, but it was Cao, Liu, and Sun who eventually established the Three Kingdoms. In the last year of the Sui Dynasty, Zhang Jin claimed to follow Wang Bo's rebellion, defeating Duan Da and killing the famous general Feng Xiaoci, but was eventually suppressed. At the time of the Song dynasty, the Jin Dynasty had set up a puppet in the north, The Great Chu Emperor Zhang Bangchang, but this emperor did not sit long before he was killed by the true emperor Zhao Shuo. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Zhang Shicheng, a salt smuggler, established the Great Zhou, but was ultimately defeated by Zhu Yuanzhang. In the last years of the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Xianzhong was once the leader of the rebel army with the same name as Li Zicheng. But Li Zicheng developed faster, attacked Beijing, forced the Chongzhen Emperor to hang himself, and he also justifiably claimed the title of emperor. Zhang Xianzhong, on the other hand, could only retain Sichuan, barely claiming the title of Emperor of the Great West, and was soon defeated by the Qing army.

Do you have a relationship with the Emperor? Were your ancestors nobles or commoners? The three surnames tell you the answer

It seems that Zhang Shi has no connection with the Dragon Chair, but Zhang Shi has a hard life and can rise on his own.

Do you agree with this statement about surnames?

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