
Russia is completely enraged, the "drums of war" are about to be beaten? NATO's greatest fear will happen

author:Flame video

  The smell of gunpowder between the United States and its allies and Russia is getting stronger, and at a time when the outside world is worried that the situation is out of control, the words of Russian Defense Minister Fomin have made the outside world even more worried. According to media reports, Fomin said that NATO is very dangerous, and NATO is preparing for a conflict with Russia. Fomin did not hide the warning in his tone, he said that not only this year, but in the NATO military strategy in previous years, NATO regarded Russia as the biggest threat, not only that, in order to warn Russia, NATO frequently increased its military presence in the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea, and a large number of fighters and warships often operated around Russia.

Russia is completely enraged, the "drums of war" are about to be beaten? NATO's greatest fear will happen

  According to the data given by Fomin, in 2021 alone, the number of reconnaissance aircraft operating in the Black Sea reached 710, compared with 436 in 2020. In the Baltic region, this figure has nearly doubled, which fully demonstrates that NATO is becoming more and more jealous of Russia. In this regard, Fomin said that if NATO continues to provoke Russia, I am afraid that an armed conflict will break out. It is worth mentioning that the timing of Fomin's warning is very wonderful, and now it is at a time when NATO is attacking Russia on the grounds of Ukraine, so the outside world believes that Fomin's words are not only a warning to NATO, but also a warning to the United States and Ukraine.

Russia is completely enraged, the "drums of war" are about to be beaten? NATO's greatest fear will happen

  With the conjecture that "Russia will invade Ukraine", the United States and NATO have frequently attacked Russia since November, although the Russian side has clarified many times, the small actions of the United States and NATO have become more and more, and finally the attitude of the Russian side has changed, from the initial clarification to the warning. According to media reports, on December 26, Russian presidential spokesman Peskov said that perhaps a recent move by Russia can make Russia's words more convincing. Peskov called the action of the "zircon" hypersonic missile launch. From this point of view, Russia's response is full of gunpowder, you know, in the field of hypersonic weapons, Russia has always suppressed the United States, once Russia uses hypersonic weapons, the United States can only avoid its sharp edge.

Russia is completely enraged, the "drums of war" are about to be beaten? NATO's greatest fear will happen

  Peskov also stressed Russia's bottom line, saying NATO would touch a red line by allowing Ukraine to join. Previously, Putin had also warned NATO on this issue, but NATO's attitude was ambiguous, neither willing to make guarantees to Russia, nor wanting to easily allow Ukraine to join, and even when Russia's attitude became more and more tough, it said that it would not send troops to help Ukraine. Now that Ukraine has thoroughly offended Russia and abandoned it, I wonder if it will regret following the United States and NATO. It is worth mentioning that for the Russian warning, the outside world is not surprised.

Russia is completely enraged, the "drums of war" are about to be beaten? NATO's greatest fear will happen

  According to media reports, just a few days ago, when Putin talked publicly about this issue, he once again warned that Russia has no way to retreat. Putin said the U.S. and its allies are about to cross the red line, and they have pushed Russia to that point. The implication is that once the United States and NATO go further, Russia will launch a counterattack. Putin also said that if NATO tries to deploy weapons in Ukraine, it will also be countered by Russia.

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