
Lü Buwei and Li Si, they are both masters of playing power, why can't they end well?

Lü Buwei made meritorious contributions to supporting the yiren as the king of Qin

Lü Buwei was a businessman who was best at investing. Because he invested in the Prince of Qin, He changed the fate of the Yiren and made the Yiren the prince of the Qin State.

As the waters of the inhumans rose, Lü Buwei's identity also changed greatly. At the very least, he is no longer a cheap businessman, he will not be looked down upon, and he has the possibility of entering politics.

When Yiren was made crown prince, his grandfather King Zhaoxiang of Qin was still alive, and his father was still An Guojun. However, they did not let the yiren wait too long, after all, after the death of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, An Guojun died the following year.

After their deaths, the Yiren ascended to the throne of the Qin state and became the king of Qin. Lü Buwei became the prime minister of the Qin State because of his meritorious support for the establishment of the Yiren, and was given the title of 100,000 households!

Lü Buwei and Li Si, they are both masters of playing power, why can't they end well?

However, this time was not the highest moment of Lü Buwei's career, and his highlight moment began after the death of the Qin King who had been a stranger for three years.

The yiren died, and the newly enthroned Qin Wang Yingzheng was only 13 years old and too young to manage the country's major affairs. Empress Dowager Zhao Ji was a woman and a Taoist family, and she herself lacked experience in politics.

In this way, the big and small things of the Qin state fell into the hands of Lü Buwei. It is really not an exaggeration to say that Lü Buwei is the king of the Qin State.

At his most brilliant time, there were three thousand doormen, and his "Lü's Spring and Autumn" became the most representative work of his time.

However, his disaster was also buried at this time.

Lü Buwei recommended Yan Yi to Zhao Ji

Lü Buwei and Li Si, they are both masters of playing power, why can't they end well?

Often when a person reaches the highest peak, the same disaster will accompany it, but this disaster will be delayed, so that the person concerned is unconsciously trapped.

So, what is Lü Buwei's trouble? He was originally a master of scheming, and there was a problem that he couldn't solve?

You don't have to say that there really is, this trouble is Zhao Ji, a woman who is inextricably linked to him.

After Zhao Ji died as empress dowager of qin, she became entangled with Lü Buwei. Originally, before Zhao Ji married Yiren, she was Lü Buwei's concubine.

Now that the Inhumans are dead, they are broken and reunited.

As a woman, Zhao Ji must be more reserved, especially when she first died her husband. If there is a need for some aspect of the person, she can only find Lü Buwei.

Lü Buwei and Li Si, they are both masters of playing power, why can't they end well?

Lü Buwei could not help but satisfy her, personally speaking, they were old friends, and in terms of superior-subordinate relations, one was the empress dowager and the other was the prime minister!

If Zhao Ji put forward a certain demand, he did not dare not follow it, after all, Zhao Ji was the empress dowager, and Lü Buwei was only a prime minister. However, then again, Zhao Ji could have no scruples in this regard, but Lü Buwei could not.

While Lü Buwei served Zhao Ji well, he had to consider his own fate, and if he was found to have an affair with the empress, the end would definitely be very tragic.

His purpose as prime minister was to realize his political ambitions, not to have an affair with Zhao Ji. Therefore, he could not stay by Zhao Ji's side for a long time.

However, he could not take the initiative to say what Zhao Ji said, if he wanted to leave Zhao Ji, he must find someone better than himself.

In this case, he went to Yan Yi.

However, it was this concubine who pushed Lü Buwei into the abyss of hell.

Lü Buwei and Li Si, they are both masters of playing power, why can't they end well?

Yin Zheng was the King of Qin, and he had the power of life and death, and Lü Buwei could not escape death

Because Yan Yi is a person with developed limbs and a simple mind, this person does things recklessly, there is nothing he does not dare to do. Just as he first bore Zhao Ji two children, and then interfered in the internal affairs of the Qin Dynasty for personal gain.

Finally, he also wanted his son to be the King of Qin.

Any crime can cure him and die. When he was struck by lightning, he would implicate Lü Buwei, after all, it was Lü Buwei who sent him to Zhao Ji's side.

Just as after Yin Zheng took power at the age of 22, he first divided the body of the five horses of Concubine Yi, and then demoted Lü Buwei home. In the end, after Lü Buwei saw the letter given to him by Yin Zheng again, Lü Buwei chose to commit suicide.

It can be said that it is precisely because of the incident between Yan Yi and Zhao Ji that he was implicated and let him get involved in it, even if he had a high level of power, it would not help.

This matter is not up to him, it is Yin Zheng who has the final say.

To put it bluntly, he was the initiator of this incident, and it is not difficult to understand that he ended up with a suicide.

Lü Buwei and Li Si, they are both masters of playing power, why can't they end well?

Li Sidou Zhao is tall, and age does not predominate

Li Si and Lü Buwei's fate is similar, but Li Si is not involved in the woman's incident, he is involved in the villain's incident.

This villain is Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao was the teacher of Hu Hai of Qin II, and Hu Hai's throne was won by Zhao Gao for him. Of course, Li Si's merit was also great, but Zhao Gao could not tolerate the existence of the two tigers on a mountain.

Two tigers fighting each other will hurt!

Li Si is in a high position of authority, or the prime minister. If Zhao Gao wanted to get ahead, he had to get rid of Li Si. When Qin Shi Huang died, Li Si was seventy years old.

Zhao Gao was the same age as Liu Bang, and he was about fifty years old, which belonged to the year of dangdang.

Zhao Gao, a master strategist in his fifties, dealt with another seventy-year-old master of strategist Li Si, and it was obvious that such a duel would be detrimental to Li Si.

After all, people in their seventies can't keep up with intellectually, physically, and so on. If you can't keep up with some things, you will be easily caught by others and will be knocked down.

This is how Li Si was defeated by Zhao Gao.

Lü Buwei and Li Si, they are both masters of playing power, why can't they end well?

Zhao Gao framed Li Si

Saying that Zhao Gao gave Li Si a bad plot, the second Hu Hai hated that when he was playing with beautiful women, there were ministers who came to him to discuss state affairs.

Zhao Gao and Hu Hai walked closer, and in order to make Hu Hai hate Li Si, he told Li Si to let Li Si report things to Hu Hai when he was having fun with the beautiful woman.

Once, twice...

Hu Hai has a lot of opinions about Li Si, isn't this a show that Hu Hai can't get by? He didn't come to play a lot of time, and when he was happy to pick Hu Hai to play, he came.

Li Si was calculated by Zhao Gao, but he did not know.

Another thing is that Zhao Gao said that Li Si was plotting rebellion and arrested Li Si in prison, and in order to make Li Si admit to the rebellion, he first sent his own people to try Li Si and beat Li Si into a confession.

Originally, LiSi did not admit it at first.

However, Zhao Gao sent his own cronies to try the case, and if he did not admit it, he would fight to the death until he admitted it. Lisi was afraid of being killed and could only admit it.

When it came to the emissaries sent by Hu Hai to judge this matter, Li Si still thought that it was the previous group. So he confessed that he had rebelled.

In the end, Hu Hai felt that Li Si was really plotting against him, Li Si was beheaded at the waist, and the whole family was killed. It can be said that Li Si was calculated by the villain.

In one is that his age is really old, if he is the same age as Zhao Gao, ten Zhao Gao are not his opponents.

References To the Chronicle of History

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