
The love of middle-aged people is more worth cherishing

Shakespeare once said, "Love is the spark of life, the sublimation of friendship, the match of the heart."

Love is an indispensable existence in life, without love, life is like a dry spring, it is difficult to have sweetness and nourishment.

However, as we get older, love becomes more and more dispensable. The love of middle-aged people is even more disgusted. Is this really the case?

The love of middle-aged people is more worth cherishing

1, the love of middle-aged people, lost purity, more responsibility

As we get older, how long have we not forgotten to love someone? There is no concern, no thinking about life, no thinking about tomorrow.

It is to love each other wholeheartedly, without any reason, and not to calculate gains and losses. It is not necessary to measure each other's conditions and whether the door is right. To love is to love.

Many people think that this is the purity that can only be found when you are young. At that time, the burden of life did not crush us, we could still play and make trouble, we could be unscrupulous and do whatever we wanted.

It is the hardships and helplessness of life that dilute and disintegrate our love little by little, and love slowly changes its taste in the years.

There will be countless examples from our predecessors who have taught us how stupid it would be to love purely.

It is not that love is not pure, but that there is really no time to be pure.

There is a job that requires us to bow down, a family that needs our company and help at all times, even if it is a trivial matter, it can shatter our heavy and tired emotions.

It is not that our love is not pure, but that we understand that love is not the whole of life. At the very least, when we take on the burden of life, love can only be placed after life.

Because we don't want to make ourselves miserable, we think more, because we have to think more about each other and the future.

This is not worldly and impure, but a kind of responsibility, understanding and responsibility.

The love of middle-aged people is more worth cherishing

2, the love of middle-aged people, lost passion, more deep

Love needs to be carefully maintained, and the charm of novelty is only a flash in the pan. ~~Moluwa

When people reach middle age, it seems that they always lose a piece of heart. Not only for love, but also for life there is less enthusiasm. Boiled frogs in warm water, life is not used to experience and feel, but will constantly flip through the mobile phone, watch other people's lives and frolic.

At present, the proportion of people living alone in China is increasing, and young people are slowly yearning for a life of unmarried and infertile life. Earn the lowest cost of living and start lying flat.

Some people want to do what they like, and some just want to eat and drink freely.

Have lost their passion for life, let alone love? This is no longer the status quo of middle-aged people, but more and more youthful.

The love of middle-aged people will no longer be me waiting for hours downstairs in you, or to express that I love you, rushing thousands of miles to give you a surprise.

Instead, face chai rice oil and salt in the kitchen for a few hours, just to give you a hearty dinner. It is also when each other is exhausted, still willing to carry the weight for you.

In the eyes of middle-aged people, there is less spark of passion, but more deep love. That restraint and forbearance is not not enough love, but the rationality and accommodation of love.

Passion can hurt people, a person to the extreme release of their feelings, will always invisibly give the other party unbearable pressure and suddenness.

Passion comes and goes quickly, and love is like a momentary impulse, blind and with a hint of hysteria. Like a gust of wind, suddenly, inexplicably and briefly as if it had never happened.

There is a kind of love that is deep and long, penetrating into your heart little by little, as if it had never been loved before. But it has been unconsciously ingrained and unforgettable.

The love of middle-aged people will not make you stunning, and it will not make you move, but it will always make you think inadvertently, let you want to forget, but always can't forget.

The love of middle-aged people is more worth cherishing

3, the love of middle-aged people, lost desperate, more hidden concerns

For the sake of love to go away, for the sake of love resolutely resigned, for the sake of love even do not want their own lives. How long has it been since we experienced such love?

In middle age, these will slowly disappear from life. Without a job, it means that there is no income, not even money, how to talk about love?

Is it really necessary to have the feelings to drink water and be full? The point is, I can't get enough

Men and women who marry far away will first of all be psychologically unbalanced. Coming to a strange city for love is different from coming to a strange city alone.

Because, in this city, you two. It's just you, no friends, no friends, no jobs, all the relationships have to start all over again. At this time, you can only look at your other half, with emotional connections and sustenance other than you.

This feeling will not only make you psychologically unbalanced, but also make you want to cling to each other, love at this time, will bear high pressure, once the contradiction occurs, it will suffer from gain and loss, it is difficult to sustain.

The love of middle-aged people has to have more worries. The days are long, so long that you may not be able to stand the little trivialities of life. Life is hard, so bitter that you regret the choices you made.

This concern comes from knowing and understanding that life is both beautiful and realistic, that there is still time day after day, that there is love that can withstand the long years and can be ruthlessly destroyed by the years.

Moreover, true love is to complete each other and support each other, not to be the recklessness of one party, and it will not be two people who let go of everything.

Love is forbearance, it is about making each other better people.

The love of middle-aged people is more worth cherishing

4, the love of middle-aged people, lost romance, more reality

In addition to being heartwarming, romance also represents waste.

Candlelit dinner was beautiful and expensive. Candle balloons are beautiful, but time-consuming. A beautiful journey, so that the body and mind are on the road, elsewhere, both costly and time-consuming.

What's wrong? Does middle age mean that you have neither money nor time? That's true, because life itself is expensive. With this money, it is better to use it to improve life. You can also enroll your child in a shift, and it is also good to buy a dress and add a small household appliance.

Such a life, no matter how you look at it, is gray. There is no romantic color, but there is a temperature. A moment of romance becomes a trickle that nourishes every aspect of life.

There are always people who lament that when people reach middle age, time is not their own. Every day is busy, but there is not much time to be busy for yourself. The elderly, children, working families, want to have 48 hours a day.

Romance takes more time, but the reality is that there is a little time that we use to rest, spend time with our families, improve ourselves, and get work done.

It's just that every careful companionship is not a kind of romance? Isn't it also a romance to cook a table of delicious food? The moment you finish the self-discipline punch, do you feel that you are full of strength and have become a better version of yourself?

In my opinion, living with the heart and loving every moment of the moment is the ultimate romance.

The love of middle-aged people is no longer the sea oath mountain alliance, the wind and flowers and snow moon, but more of a kind of inseparable, steady and deep companionship. In the river of years, in the baking of chai rice oil and salt, it is more fragrant and endless.

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