
Okamura Ninji suffered the biggest defeat, losing 180 officers, who is so cattle?

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, he was one of the important core aggressors, serving as the commander-in-chief of North China, holding the strength of more than a dozen divisions and regiments, and among the army's invasion of China, there was no larger contingent than Okamura Ningji. The reason why he has such a high status is mainly because in the early stage, Okamura Ningji repeatedly built a miracle and won countless victories, and Hideki Tojo also praised him.

Okamura Ninji suffered the biggest defeat, losing 180 officers, who is so cattle?

During his tenure, Okamura Ningji insisted on carrying out the "purge task" deployed by the emperor and implemented the famous "iron roll sweep" plan, and around 1943, the sweeping effect for two consecutive years was obvious, and Okamura Ningji wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue and empty all the troops in the Taihang Mountains, and his ambitions could not be described as small. He gathered more than 40,000 Japanese puppet troops and began to operate from the Baijin Line Railway, covering an area of up to several hundred kilometers, and our army was quite passive in the face of the menacing Japanese army.

Okamura Ninji suffered the biggest defeat, losing 180 officers, who is so cattle?

In the middle of the sweep, in order to let more Japanese troops see the efficiency of the "sweep", many high-level people were also transferred from various places to observe the scene, a total of up to 108 people, who were basically the core elements of the Japanese army and had great influence. What I did not expect was that this sweep did not achieve the expected effect, but fell into the trap of our army, and none of these people who came to study died on the spot.

Okamura Ninji suffered the biggest defeat, losing 180 officers, who is so cattle?

The Japanese high-level was furious when they heard this news, and Hideki Tojo and Emperor Hirohito called Okamura Ninji one after another, scolding him fiercely, and asking him to immediately clean up the mess, while doing a good job of calming the mood of the army, and if he could not do so, he took the initiative to kill himself by caesarean section. Fortunately, the follow-up performance of Okamura Ningji was in place to minimize the loss, otherwise he might have died, which can be said to be the biggest defeat he suffered.

Okamura Ninji suffered the biggest defeat, losing 180 officers, who is so cattle?

Curiously, which cruel man made him suffer such a big loss? The answer is simple, he is known as the "King Near Mountain" known as the Madman of the King. It is reported that the news that the Japanese observation group went to the front line at that time was secretly transmitted to Wang Jinshan's ears, and then he began to deploy the plan to fight an ambush, giving the devils a surprise blow, and the Japanese army did not even arrive in the middle of the way, and all 108 people died.

Okamura Ninji suffered the biggest defeat, losing 180 officers, who is so cattle?

The success of this battle was fiercely vicious, because for several consecutive years, it was in an extremely passive state, and Wang Jinshan broke this situation with a near-perfect victory, and at the same time, the morale of the various armies soared, and the Japanese army was defeated continuously in subsequent battles. It can be seen that during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the person Okamura Ningji hated the most was probably Wang Jinshan, who ruthlessly smashed all the achievements he had accumulated so hard, but for us, it was simply very gratifying.

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