
Why is the virtual world so hot, the Olympic Games have to be held in it

2021 may be called a virtual year, look at any list, metaverse, NFT must be on the list. To count how many major events there are this year, Facebook changed the company name to metaverse(metaverse) ATMOSPHERE, and the first meta-universe social application Horizon Worlds was also launched as scheduled. Ryuichi Sakamoto extracted 595 notes from his masterpiece "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence", cast them into NFTs, sold them separately, and sold out in an instant.

The chicken-eating game Fortnite invited Ariana Grande, Travis Scott, Marshmello and other popular musicians to hold virtual concerts. In the game space, tens of millions of players wear the coolest skins, as the singer's avatar travels through various visual wonders, from ocean to space, from psychedelic electronics to cyberpunk, from ancient times to modern space... Star-studded, climactic and a feast for the senses.

Why is the virtual world so hot, the Olympic Games have to be held in it

Fortnite Virtual Concert | Google

Virtual applications are also developing rapidly in China, Alibaba has set up a wholly-owned subsidiary to invest in the construction of meta-universe, Baidu has opened the first meta-universe application, and also held a press conference in it; McDonald's China celebrated the 31st anniversary of entering the Chinese mainland market with its first NFT creative work "Big Mac Cube"; and even the official media Xinhua News Agency also announced that it will release China's first set of news digital collections through blockchain NFT technology.

The future is coming

NFT, whose full name is "Non-Fungible Token" (non-homogeneous token), is a data unit based on blockchain technology. It can be seen as an electronic document of a digital object, which is immutable and permanently preserved. Images, videos, audio and even a piece of text can be cast as NFTs, and their NFT owners will hold the property rights to these works and become the owners of these digital assets.

The metacosm can be understood by going back to where the word comes from. Stevenson first mentioned the metacosm in his 1992 science fiction novel SnowFall: "... He's in a computer-generated universe... In the jargon, this fictional place is called Metaverse. ”

Why is the virtual world so hot, the Olympic Games have to be held in it

Metacosms allow people to enter the virtual world | Google

Simply put, the metacosm is a virtual world that reflects reality and is synthesized from stereoscopic images and images. It allows users to be immersed, communicate with other users, and even produce and live like they do in real life. However, the metaverse is still only a concept, and to truly achieve the effect of "parallel universe", it also needs the progress and cooperation of technology, equipment, applications and content.

In fact, whether it's the metaverse, the NFT, or web 3.0, which is on the way, these fiery concepts all point to another space – the virtual world. Under the epidemic, people's real contact is full of obstacles, and communication and living in virtual spaces as another option have become more and more popular in recent years. Of course, this is also inseparable from the progress of various underlying technologies and the listing of consumer-grade related devices, making it possible for people to live in another space.

Tech leaders believe that the new digital world will have a profound impact on everyday life, no less than the Internet or the iPhone. The metaverse brings about a change of times that will change the patterns of digital interaction and business operations. At present, art, commerce, media and other industries are exploring the meta-universe representation. An ecology around the virtual world is taking shape.

When the virtual world meets sports

Virtual worlds and sports are also being explored. In May, the International Olympic Committee announced the hosting of virtual sporting events, the first ever virtual sporting event to receive official Olympic licenses, including baseball, cycling, rowing, sailing and motorsport. Popular events also allow fans from around the world to participate at home.

IOC President Bach said the Olympic Virtual Series aims to enhance relations with fans and spectators in the virtual sports field, further encourage people, especially young people, to participate in sports, and promote Olympic values. He also revealed that FIFA, FIBA, the International Tennis Federation and others have also expressed interest in participating in the Olympic virtual series in the future.

Why is the virtual world so hot, the Olympic Games have to be held in it

Handball | Figureworm creative

There are also various virtual black technology applications at the upcoming Winter Olympics. At the venue of the speed skating competition, the organizer set up a 360-degree camera array in the center of the venue to provide free-view video and carry out VR viewing. The virtual anchor uses AI technology to provide sign language services for hearing-impaired friends throughout the Winter Olympic Games. In addition, there are a variety of virtual tour services such as the VR cloud experience platform for Winter Olympic venues and the VR tour service platform for arrival and departure.

The organizers said that the use of cutting-edge technology can enhance the viewing experience and promote more public participation in the Winter Olympic Games. "For example, in a speed skating competition, athletes glide around the field, and if they can stand in the middle of the field and watch, the visual effect is the best." Chen Baoquan, who is in charge of the VR viewing project of the Winter Olympics, said in an interview with the media.

The help of digital technology to the sports industry is also reflected in more aspects. As the transmission of the Olympic spirit, the Olympic collection is undergoing a process of digitization. Previous Olympic collections have appeared in physical form: stamps and stamps, Olympic badges, Olympic medals, Olympic torches... These collections either accompany athletes to the podium, or reflect the passionate support of the whole people for the Olympic Games, which is of great significance, but it also faces problems such as difficult transportation preservation and single function.

Why is the virtual world so hot, the Olympic Games have to be held in it

Silver medal | Figureworm creative

Now the numbers solve these problems. The Olympic Games have a tradition of exchanging badges, and small badges represent friendship and circulate among badge fans around the world. However, under the epidemic, face-to-face communication of badges is not only difficult, but also increases the risk of infection. So the Tokyo Olympics launched a "digital cloud badge" that allows owners to add friends to social media as long as they touch their badges. In addition, the digital business card function in the badge combines the owner's name with the graphics of the 33 sports of the East Olympic Games to generate the owner's exclusive badge.

From offline to online, from unified distribution to personalization, more and more environmental protection, more and more wisdom, the combination of sports and technology is the continuation of the continuous pursuit of excellence.

ANTA helps the Winter Olympics and points to the future

On the eve of the Beijing Winter Olympics, ANTA, which is based on the Chinese sports world and leading the industry's technological innovation, also launched the NFT collection, which is the first digital collection related to the Winter Olympics. This time, ANTA will launch 14 NFTs, representing ANTA to help the 12 team uniforms of the Chinese ice and snow national team in the Winter Olympics and 2 mysterious commemorative digital collections, so that the majority of sports fans can also gallop with The Olympic athletes and share the honor.

Why is the virtual world so hot, the Olympic Games have to be held in it

ANTA launches the NFT Collection

"ANTA Ice and Snow Spirit Realm" will also be launched together, and the naming inspiration is taken from Qian Xuesen's suggestion for the translation of the Chinese version of virtual reality. In 1990, when Qian Xuesen wrote a letter to Wang Cheng, who was then the head of the intelligent computer expert group of the "863 Project", he proposed to translate virtual Reality as "spirit realm". "I especially like the spirit realm, and the Chinese flavor is particularly strong," Qian Xuesen wrote in the letter.

Why is the virtual world so hot, the Olympic Games have to be held in it

Qian Xuesen's manuscript | Website of Shanghai Jiaotong University Qian Xuesen Library

And as early as that time, Qian Xuesen paid attention to the concepts such as Cyberspace (Cyberspace) and Information Space (information domain) that are still at the forefront today, and proposed that the spiritual technology that can "greatly expand the perception of the human brain" is another technological revolution after the revolution in computer technology, showing the foresight of famous chinese technology industries.

ANTA hopes to pay tribute to Qian Lao and Chinese science and technology with "ANTA Ice and Snow Spirit Realm", express its respect and follow-up to China's scientific and technological progress and development, and sincerely invite enthusiasts to experience the latest virtual world together. January 6 is ANTA Tmall Super Product Day, search for "ANTA Ice and Snow Spirit Realm" on Taobao/Tmall, consumers can enter the digital space created by ANTA from the activity page, and harvest multiple virtual space experiences such as "Super Hot Space", "ANTA Digital Museum" and "Spirit Ice and Snow Heavenly Palace" in the spirit world. Anta Beijing Winter Olympic Games theme digital collection will also be obtained through the "ANTA Ice and Snow Spirit Realm", just do the task in the "Super Blazing Space" and collect the "Blazing Fuel Value" to unlock the theme digital collection and have the opportunity to receive physical rewards.

Why is the virtual world so hot, the Olympic Games have to be held in it

Anta Tmall Super Product Day interactive page

In fact, ANTA has always hoped to lead the development of the industry with technology. Thanks to the breakthrough of ANTA clothing technology, 12 of the 15 Chinese ice and snow national teams participating in the Winter Olympics wore ANTA competition uniforms to participate in ice competitions. ANTA injects technology into every clothing detail, such as the Chinese short track speed skating team competition suit, with Dyneema anti-cutting technology, once again breaking through in the field of high strength and lightweight. 360-degree full-body anti-cutting technology, with a strength of 15 times that of a steel wire, escorts Olympic athletes. The single-layer structure is designed to reduce the weight of athletes and help athletes break the world record again in competitions with accurate results to the thousandthile. In addition, one-piece molding, moisture absorption and quick-drying, unidirectional wetting... The addition of various black technologies has allowed ANTA to accompany athletes on the front line of struggle.

In the case that the epidemic still hinders people from truly gathering, ANTA hopes to create an online digital space to let more people understand and participate in the Winter Olympics. This can not only feel the charm of the Winter Olympics and help athletes, but also obtain the first NFT art collection related to the Winter Olympics in China through game interaction. Anta's participation in the boom in virtual world construction also shows that the combination of sports, culture and digital space is moving towards a future worth looking forward to.






-Produced by Fruit Shell Commercial Technology Communication-

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