
Great Qin Fu: In order to get rid of Zhao Ji, Lü Buwei "dug a pit" for Yan Yi, why did he still have to escape death

Is Lü Buwei a smart man?

The answer is yes, because no matter what he does, he can achieve things that others can't achieve, just like he did business and made himself the richest man in the country.

It is not easy for anyone to be the richest man at any time. However, Lü Buwei did it. He's not just into business, he's also well-versed in packaging and marketing.

Although packaging and marketing are the current terms, he began to "play" this in the era of Lü Buwei.

If you put it in the present, Lü Buwei is definitely a marketing master, even if it is a marketing genius like Shi Yuzhu, compared with Lü Buwei, there may be a big gap.

Great Qin Fu: In order to get rid of Zhao Ji, Lü Buwei "dug a pit" for Yan Yi, why did he still have to escape death

Shi Yuzhu has built the marketing of products to the extreme. Lü Buwei has built the marketing of people to the extreme. As we are familiar with, he packaged the fallen prince of the Qin State as the prince of the Qin State.

To accomplish such a thing, the difficulty is like ascending to the sky. You must know that during the period of Lü Buwei's life, the status of merchants was very underground, and even the peasants looked down on them. The politicians at that time were even more reluctant to look at them more. Just like the people in the film and television drama, they call them "cheap merchants".

Such a person without status wants to help the fallen prince and become a prince, and the difficulty can be imagined. However, in the end, Lü Buwei did it by relying on his own ingenuity.

The process is arduous and the risks are high. He almost scattered his family wealth to achieve such a difficult thing. In fact, the fundamental reason why Lü Buwei was able to do such a thing was that he found Lady Huayang's weakness and, through Lady Huayang, helped the stranger to the position of prince.

Great Qin Fu: In order to get rid of Zhao Ji, Lü Buwei "dug a pit" for Yan Yi, why did he still have to escape death

Yiren became the crown prince, and he was not far from the throne of the King of Qin. The same yiren became the crown prince, and Lü Buwei was the biggest hero. If there was no Lü Buwei, the lives of the inhumans would be difficult to protect, so let alone be the King of Qin.

Therefore, yiren became the king of Qin, and Lü Buwei was also the biggest winner. It was precisely because he was optimistic about the inhumans that he was determined to invest in the Inhumans.

However, what he never expected was that the king of Yiren did not live long, and after only three years as the king of Qin, he died.

Inhumans die, leaving a whole bunch of puzzles behind!

His son Yingzheng was only 13 years old, and at such an old age, he could not take charge of the major affairs of the Qin State, and Lü Buwei would have to worry more about the major affairs of the Qin State.

Great Qin Fu: In order to get rid of Zhao Ji, Lü Buwei "dug a pit" for Yan Yi, why did he still have to escape death

Yiren died, leaving behind a widowed empress, Yiren's wife Zhao Ji, who was once Lü Buwei's concubine. Now that the inhuman is dead, Zhao Ji is acting as an agent of state affairs. Lü Buwei was the prime minister, and on the surface, Lü Buwei became the winner. However, in fact, he also has a bitterness that cannot be said.

He took charge of the household affairs of the strangers.

In fact, Lü Buwei was very keen to deal with the political affairs of the Qin Dynasty, but he was unwilling to deal with the family affairs of the yiren. For example, Zhao Ji told him to walk around more when he was fine.

The empress dowager has issued orders, can he, the prime minister, not listen? Beware of the head on the item. In fact, it is not without benefits to move around with the empress, but there are still risks.

Great Qin Fu: In order to get rid of Zhao Ji, Lü Buwei "dug a pit" for Yan Yi, why did he still have to escape death

Lü Buwei came from a businessman background, he liked to minimize risks, there were risky things, he did not sleep steadily, and he had to solve them. As Yingzheng grew older, he had to find a substitute to replace himself and serve Zhao Ji.

As we know, Yan Yi was chosen, which is equivalent to Lü Buwei digging a "pit" for Yan Yi. As a disciple of Lü Buwei, Yan Yi did not know whether this pit was good or bad?

Anyway, Lü Buwei, as a eunuch, sent Concubine Yi to Zhao Ji's side.

To say that Lü Buwei was smart enough, he used a golden cicada to get out of the shell of the strategy, and dumped Zhao Ji. I thought that Lü Buwei would be safe in this way, and if Zhao Ji had something improper, she would not be able to implicate herself. However, in the end, he still could not escape death.

Why is this so?

Great Qin Fu: In order to get rid of Zhao Ji, Lü Buwei "dug a pit" for Yan Yi, why did he still have to escape death

How could such a clever person as Lü Buwei finally die?

It can only be said that he met Yingzheng and met Yingzheng, which is the biggest tragedy in his life!

You must know that Lü Buwei has three thousand guests, which is too crazy. In addition, he ruled the Qin state for more than ten years, and his prestige in the Qin state was very high, and his international influence at that time was also very large.

With such a Lü Buwei, Yingzheng is not at ease. Yingzheng is also keen on power, he is not allowed to be divided by others, it is obvious that Lü Buwei's existence will have an impact on Yingzheng's rule.

He had to suppress Lü Buwei, plus Lü Buwei and Zhao Ji had an unclear relationship before, and also recommended Concubine Yi to give birth to a child for Zhao Ji, so that Yan Yi had the opportunity to chaos the government.

The combination of these things caused Yingzheng to be dissatisfied with Lü Buwei, and in the end, Lü Buwei also knew that his sins were so deep that he could not escape death, so he committed suicide!

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