
Baby cabbage on the soup (no need for fresh stock)

author:under the kitchen

I like to eat green vegetables and like to drink soup, this dish is definitely my favorite!

Chicken bone soup is not often stewed at home, and with this recipe, you can also make a very delicious soup doll dish. The golden soup poured on the golden baby cabbage is really beautiful.

Tips and detailed steps must be read before doing it!

Baby cabbage on the soup (no need for fresh stock)


2 baby cabbage

Green and red pepper to taste

Ham 2-3 tablets

1 peeled egg

1 salted duck egg yolk

Green onion white 1 small piece

2 cloves of garlic

Salt to taste

Water starch to taste


1. Wash 2 baby cabbage and cut each into six cloves.

Baby cabbage on the soup (no need for fresh stock)

2. Dice the green and red peppers, cut the peeled eggs into small pieces, and dice the ham. Green and red peppers and ham don't need a lot, just a little.

Baby cabbage on the soup (no need for fresh stock)

3. Finely chop the green onion and ginger and finely chop the salted egg yolks.

Baby cabbage on the soup (no need for fresh stock)

4. Add water to the pot, put in the baby cabbage after the water is boiled, do not over-mix, it is not easy to put on the plate if it is messed up. Put a little salt and two drops of cooking oil in the water so that the color of the cooked vegetables is beautiful. Don't heat the dish for too long, just soften it slightly, fish it out and set it neatly on the plate. Do not pour out the water after blanching, and use it later.

Baby cabbage on the soup (no need for fresh stock)

5. Pour a small amount of cooking oil into a hot pot, turn the oil to low heat, add green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant.

Baby cabbage on the soup (no need for fresh stock)

6. Add green and red pepper and ham and sauté until fragrant.

Baby cabbage on the soup (no need for fresh stock)

7. Add the salted egg yolk first, sauté the salted egg yolk slightly, then add the skin egg, slightly reprinted.

Baby cabbage on the soup (no need for fresh stock)

8. Pour the water of the hot baby cabbage into the pot, bring to a boil on high heat, reduce the heat, and pour in the water starch. Water starch should be thinner, do not add too much starch, too thick will affect the taste of the soup, there is a little concentration on the line. Season with salt. The baby cabbage itself is sweet, and the salt flavor is adjusted according to its own taste.

Baby cabbage on the soup (no need for fresh stock)

9. After the taste is adjusted, you can pour the soup on the hot baby cabbage, so that a plate of delicious soup baby cabbage is ready, and the taste is really delicious.

Baby cabbage on the soup (no need for fresh stock)


1. When cutting baby cabbage, do not cut off too much root, otherwise the baby cabbage will fall apart.

2. The bought egg yolk may be a little thin, you can steam the peeled egg and then cut it, if you don't care, you can cut it directly.

3. Salted egg yolks are chopped up a little, and when noisy, try to fry them loosely.

4. Water starch must be less starch, too much starch, the soup is too thick, it is not pleasant to eat, slightly increase the concentration can be.

5. There is no soup treasure in this recipe, and I have never bought a soup treasure at home, I always feel that there are many additives, this dish is already very fresh, and there is no longer a need for soup treasure to freshen up.

6. Each kind of accessory does not need a lot, too many accessories will cover the umami taste of baby cabbage, and everything is enough as long as a little.

-Lemon Xiaoxia-

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Baby cabbage on the soup (no need for fresh stock)

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