
The site of the Zunyi Conference turned out to be the residence of this famous general of the National Army, who was sentenced to be shot after the founding of the People's Republic of China

In the history of our army, the Zunyi Conference can be described as of extraordinary significance, and it can be called a turning point of life and death for the Red Army.

However, to mention a "cold knowledge" about the Zunyi conference, I am afraid that many people can't say it, that is, where is the site of the Zunyi conference?

It may seem unbelievable to many people to say it, that is, in the mansion of Bai Huizhang, a general under the Guizhou warlord Wang Jialie. This "Bai Mansion" was specially commissioned by his brother to build after the founding of Bai Huizhang, and it is said that it cost a total of more than 30,000 silver dollars, which can be described as luxurious.

The site of the Zunyi Conference turned out to be the residence of this famous general of the National Army, who was sentenced to be shot after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Speaking of this Bai Huizhang, it can also be regarded as an old opponent of the Red Army, and before that, the Red Army in Dianqian was no less surrounded and suppressed by him. However, at this moment, Bai Huizhang couldn't take care of his mansion, because he had more important things to do--forcing Wang Jialie.

Although Bai Huizhang followed Wang Jialie for many years, he was quite dissatisfied with his style of supporting the army and defending himself on the side of the division, so he took advantage of the opportunity of the Red Army to fight back Zunyi, joined hands with He Zhizhong and others to force Wang Jialie to go to the wilderness, and then accepted the reorganization of the Nationalist government, and the situation of Guizhou's years of division and chaos ended.

Although Bai Huizhang once fought in the Red Army, he was also his own master, and when he came to the battlefield of the Anti-Japanese War, he was also a respectable tiger general.

After the outbreak of the Battle of Songhu, Hu Zongnan ordered Bai Huizhang to lead the 102nd Division to rush to the aid of the 17th Army, however, at that time, Bai Huizhang could mobilize only two regiments of troops, and with the strength of two regiments, it was tantamount to sending him to death, so rumors spread among the troops, and many people felt that this was Lao Jiang's intention to deliberately suppress the 102nd Division and use the Japanese to eliminate the original Guizhou troops.

The site of the Zunyi Conference turned out to be the residence of this famous general of the National Army, who was sentenced to be shot after the founding of the People's Republic of China

On the one hand, he strictly ordered all armies to obey orders or engage in military law; on the other hand, he personally led the 102nd Division to forcibly cross the Suzhou River, and after a fierce battle, he tried to ensure that the flanks of the 17th Army were worry-free.

Even Hu Zongnan did not expect such a performance of the 102nd Division, and in addition to being amazed, he also specially sent a telegram to praise his "bravery in defeating the enemy and showing his battle achievements."

In the following month or so, the 102nd Division fell into a tug-of-war with the Japanese army, considering that the Japanese mechanized troops were difficult to resist, Bai Huizhang resolutely adopted the night combat mode, and several times used the night cover to retake the positions lost during the day.

Until the beginning of November, the situation on the Songhu battlefield took a sharp turn for the worse, the Third Theater began to retreat in an all-round way, and the 102nd Division, which had just arrived in Wuxi, took over the task of covering the retreat of the main force.

In this way, Bai Huizhang led his troops to fight and retreat, and by the time they retreated to the Pukou area, the troops had already suffered more than half of the casualties, leaving less than 3,000 men and horses.

However, thanks to the outstanding performance on the Songhu battlefield, Bai Huizhang's 102nd Division was included in the 8th Army by Chiang Kai-shek, not only recovering more than 7,000 soldiers, but also realizing the upgrading of weapons and equipment.

The site of the Zunyi Conference turned out to be the residence of this famous general of the National Army, who was sentenced to be shot after the founding of the People's Republic of China

At the end of the Battle of Xuzhou, the 102nd Division was ordered to assist the eastern Henan Battlefield, but halfway through it was told that Xuzhou had been abandoned and had to be stationed on the spot, as a result, the 102nd Division was besieged by the Japanese army, and even Bai Huizhang's brother Bai Charter was killed.

In the Second Battle of Changsha, due to the mistakes of the overall military deployment, the Xinqianghe position garrisoned by the 102nd Division became the main attack point of the Japanese army, and the 102nd Division suffered more than 90% casualties, leaving only about 500 people. Bai Huizhang sighed with tears: "Officers are not afraid of death, soldiers do not hesitate to die, they fight with blood in the heart of serving the country, they kill themselves to become benevolent, and the brothers who are martyred are the models of soldiers!" ”

Despite his outstanding performance during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, during the Liberation War, Bai Huizhang resigned from the post of deputy commander due to unintentional civil war, and only served as a few idle jobs, and declared an uprising in November 1949.

Unfortunately, on September 14, 1952, Bai Huizhang was sentenced to be shot on suspicion of organizing the "Kuomintang Salvation Congress".

However, there have always been people who have complained about it, believing that Bai Huizhang was not involved, but that his brother Bai Minzhang was involved, and betrayed his brother after being arrested. But what the truth is, it is difficult for future generations to say clearly.

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