
Words are not rough text

Words are not rough text

First, freedom is not to do whatever you want, but to do what you don't want to do, and you have the ability not to do anything.

Second, if there is a chance, if you miss it, you will come back; if you have no chance, you will leave when you meet. There are reasons for gathering, excuses for separation, there are no ifs in life, only consequences and results.

Before a certain age, you can rely on the overdraft of the body, and the little cleverness and the luck given to you by God have been living by chance. However, at a certain age, what can really make you go far is self-discipline, positivity and hard work.

Fourth, you must understand that you must earn enough money to reassure yourself in order to live a simple, comfortable, and free life, and in order to make yourself live more confidently. So, spend more time and effort, less effort.

The reason why you blame yourself while being content with the status quo is because you have not yet reached the point where there is no way out. The real choice is that there is no other choice.

People will never be satisfied. When there is nothing, you want to get something; after having something, you want to get more; after having everything, you want to be as happy as when you have nothing.

Seventh, in the human world, not all right and wrong can be discerned, not all entanglements can be sorted out, and many times, doing your own things well is the best answer and interpretation.

Some people say that a person's life is a book. In fact, don't worry about your books not being famous enough to be popular, because everyone has a unique story.

Nine, there are two major misunderstandings in life: one is to live for people to see, and the other is to look at other people's lives. As long as you feel happy, you don't need to prove anything to others. Don't patronize and look at others and take the wrong path under your own feet.

God will not take care of you, life will not sympathize with you, do not expect miracles, and do not expect anyone. You are alone, you have to be self-reliant.

Sometimes we walk too tired, not because we have gone too far, we may be carrying too much; sometimes we live too tired, not necessarily because we lack too much, but because we want too much.

People will never cherish three kinds of people, one is easy to get, the other is never left, and the third is the one who has always been good to you. However, often these three kinds of people will never come back once they leave. ——NetEase Cloud Music "You Listen to Me Well"

Thirteen, do not joke about anyone's shortcomings, because it is really not funny at all, only if both sides find it funny, it is called a joke, otherwise it is your stupid self-congratulation.

Fourteen, many people always worry that their path is different from others, but as long as there is a choice, it is inevitable that they will be different from others. Life is a lifetime, hurried decades, many things, try right, is the harvest; try wrong, is the scenery.

You have to try to love some people more, you have to try to wait for more years, you have to learn to get along with your loneliness, your screwing, your stubbornness, and your cowardice and imperfection. Only when a person gets along well with himself can he better embrace the world.

Don't look down on the people on the mountain, because one day they will go up the mountain to replace you. The person who goes up the mountain should not look down on the person who goes down the mountain, because you are still under the mountain when he is beautiful.

Seventeen, never show off yourself, you think the highlights, get it right is just the starting point of others. Blindly boasting about yourself is often only humiliating; instead of spending time putting gold on your face, it is better to sink your heart to accumulate confidence.

When you're eighteen or fifteen, you can run to a field a kilometer away just to catch a butterfly. At the age of ten, you can just run through the streets of the shops just for an ice cream. At the age of seventeen, you can go to an unfamiliar city for someone you like and alone. At the age of twenty-seven, you can just find someone for the sake of life and live your whole life.

Nineteen, life is really tired, but I can't die, those difficult things have to grit their teeth to survive, no matter how difficult the process, the effort is better than doing nothing.

If you really don't know what to do in the future, just do what you have in front of you. As long as today is better than yesterday, it is progress. In the long run, time will naturally return you to an unexpected future.

You don't have to pretend to be doing well, in fact, not many people care whether you are good or not. Most of the people who live well in this world should eat, drink, dress up, read, pursue certain basic materials, and then spend money to make themselves spiritually happy, grounded, not fresh and not vulgar ordinary people.

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