
What was the ultimate goal of Japan's invasion of China during World War II? It turned out that we were all wrong

The Second World War was the largest war of mankind to date, and all this was because of the fascist countries that initiated the war, mainly Germany, Japan, and Italy. Hitler's crimes as the initiator of the war were unforgivable, his hands were stained with blood, and more than 6 million Jews died at the hands of the German Nazis, becoming a Holocaust that shocked the world.

What was the ultimate goal of Japan's invasion of China during World War II? It turned out that we were all wrong

In addition to Germany, Japan is no exception, although Japan is an island country, but the ambition is extremely large, in World War II, Japan took a fancy to our vast land, the spearhead of aggression pointed at China. And what is Japan's ultimate goal? It turned out that we were all wrong, japan not only wanted to plunder resources, but also wanted to occupy this place for a long time, and ultimately so that the Japanese could immigrate to China. Japan has also carried out many experiments for this purpose, in the very beginning, Japan selected eighteen families to go to the territory of China, let them live in a small county in the northeast, after a period of observation, found that they can not get along with the local residents at all, can not adapt to life here, not to mention the climate conditions here, living customs and so on are somewhat different from Japan, the eighteen families were eventually withdrawn back.

What was the ultimate goal of Japan's invasion of China during World War II? It turned out that we were all wrong

Japan did not abandon this plan, and later had no scruples and did whatever it took to achieve its own ends. They are ready to carry out large-scale migration to the northeast region, because it is not only a vast area, but also rich in mineral resources, not only able to live a large number of Japanese people, but also to provide themselves with certain strategic resources. So soon, the Japanese had their own second emigration plan, but in a very aggressive way, they equipped these people with weapons, and even distributed them in every village according to the formation of the army.

What was the ultimate goal of Japan's invasion of China during World War II? It turned out that we were all wrong

After a period of time, they found that the proportion of men and women who went here was unbalanced, so they immigrated some women here to ensure the implementation of the immigration plan, and the more children born here, their plan will slowly be realized. However, it is clear that their approach did not materialize in the end, and the immigration plan failed.

What was the ultimate goal of Japan's invasion of China during World War II? It turned out that we were all wrong

Japan's acts of aggression were contrary to international morality, and in the end, with the joint efforts of the peoples of all countries and the anti-fascist alliance, it defeated the fascist aggressors and won the victory in World War II, and Japan finally got the punishment it deserved.

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