
If your eyes feel "tired", they are actually reminding...

Read popular science and understand life

Dry eyes, astringent eyes, swollen eyes,

Looking at the book is serial,

Barely read the words into pairs,

The doctor said that my eyes were fine,

But I can't say how uncomfortable it is...

If your eyes feel "tired", they are actually reminding...

For modern people who "feel abandoned by the whole world when the mobile phone is not on the body", the most hurt is not the wallet, but the eyes. And when there are problems with the eyes, soreness or swelling pain or even blurred vision, they are eager to use all kinds of tricks to alleviate: eye drops, eye masks, eye lamps, but the palm of the hand still can't put a variety of large screens and small screens...

Eye strain is a symptom, not an independent eye disease, but a group of symptoms that occur after excessive use of the eye, visual impairment, eye discomfort or accompanied by systemic symptoms, so that the normal use of the eyes can not be used normally. When your eyes feel "tired", it is actually a reminder: the eyes have been overused, find the reasons in life, remember to take good care of it!

If your eyes feel "tired", they are actually reminding...

The eyes are "tired"

To put it bluntly, eye strain is actually a visual "sub-health" state, and it also has a name called video terminal syndrome. Its production is closely related to the external environment, personal physique and personal lifestyle. In most people without eye disease and psychological abnormalities, eye strain is an environmental factor, including:

Work close in close proximity in dim light.

The work goals are too fine, and the background contrast is not enough.

The printed font is too small or blurry, and the paper quality of the book is gray and dark.

The surroundings are too dark, and the gaze is bright and dazzling.

Of course, hyperopia, astigmatism, presbyopia, hidden strabismus, imbalance of the eye muscles, etc., may make your eyes over-adjust in order to see things clearly, causing improper use or excessive tension in the internal and external muscles of the eyes. These can also be intrinsic causes of eye strain.

If you use electronic products for more than 3 hours a day on average, 10% of you may have various symptoms of eye strain. Young students, white-collar workers in the workplace, drivers, scientific researchers, middle-aged and elderly people, and people with fine eye use who need to use their careers are all "high-risk groups" of eye fatigue.

If your eyes feel "tired", they are actually reminding...

The eyes are "sick"

Many people tend to confuse eye strain with dry eye. Dry eye syndrome is a general term for eye discomfort caused by the decline in the stability of the tear film, common symptoms are eye fatigue, foreign body feeling, dryness, some patients can also appear burning sensation, eye swelling, eye pain, photophobia, eye redness and so on.

Long-term use of computers, mobile phones, long-term driving, reading, etc., so that the eye attention is highly concentrated, the number of blinks is reduced, and the tear film cannot be formed in time, which will induce dry eye disease.

The climate is dry, and it is still in the air-conditioned or heated room for a long time, and the tears evaporate too quickly, which is also easy to cause dry eye.

Just as the so-called "ten old and nine dry", aging is a major factor in dry eye disease. Certain systemic diseases, such as eye diseases, may also be the main culprits of dry eye disease.

Dry eye is not just caused by temporary fatigue, it should be taken seriously and intervened as soon as possible. Otherwise, delaying the condition can lead to filamentitis, corneal epithelial keratosis, and in severe cases, inflammation of the ocular surface, leading to corneal ulceration, and even blindness.

If your eyes feel "tired", they are actually reminding...

Eye protection "magic trick"

It is recommended that you start from life, work, diet, exercise, sleep and other aspects to reduce the burden on the eyes, and pay special attention not to be "kidnapped" by the large screen and the small screen!

In daily life, we should pay attention to eye hygiene, do a good job in daily care and self-care of the eyes. The use of computers or mobile phones should not be excessive, especially the "late night mobile phone party", people who like to hide in the bed and brush their mobile phones, their eyes have long sounded the alarm. It is recommended to look at your phone or computer for about 30 minutes, and then relax for a while.

The daily life of the "workaholic" eyes is dark circles, red blood, eye pain, the simplest and most direct way to alleviate it is to stop using the eyes and rest well. In daily work, please keep the working environment with good humidity, use a humidifier, and turn on the air conditioner less. Put a glass of water or a pot of aquatic plants in the house. You can insist on doing eye exercises 1 to 2 times a day to help relieve eye fatigue.

A reasonable diet can play a role in maintaining the eyes to a certain extent. The process of vision requires the participation of vitamin A, and the conduction of the optic nerve needs the help of B vitamins, you can eat more leafy green vegetables, milk, egg yolks, mushrooms, carrots, sweet potatoes, animal liver, shrimp and crabs, etc., and try to eat less sugar.

Studies have shown that outdoor exercise can be effective in preventing eye fatigue. You can take the opportunity of exercise to let your eyes rest and relax your mood. Children who maintain more than 2 hours of sunshine outdoor activities every day, or accumulate more than 10 hours per week, can be a good way to prevent myopia. If it is not convenient to go out, you can relax your eyes on the balcony. You can do a set of eye exercises, follow the four directions of up, down, left and right, slowly rotate the eyeballs, or often do eye massage.

If staying up late is a common thing for you, and the holidays are even more of a series of nights, then the eyes will collapse before the body collapses. Long-term dry and uncomfortable eyes will aggravate eye fatigue and even lead to the occurrence of dry eye. If adults can maintain 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day, they will be more focused, more efficient, have better memory, and even burn fat faster. So, non-essential, don't stay up late.

The author | Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Ophthalmology Wang Yixin Lin Yuzhi

Audit | expert of the National Health Science Popularization Expert Database

Chief Physician of Shanxi Provincial Eye Hospital Zhang Hong

Planner | Tan Jia Yu Yunxi

Editor| Yu Yunxi

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