
This person is called the Emperor of the Ages, but his harem is extremely mysterious, and historians have not been able to explain it for thousands of years

This person is called the Emperor of the Ages, but his harem is extremely mysterious, and historians have not been able to explain it for thousands of years

Qin Shi Huang, who annexed the Six Kingdoms and swept the world, created the first great unified dynasty in feudal history, and he abolished the division of feudalism to establish a centralized power system, but the harem of such an emperor was extremely mysterious, not even a serious empress, why? Historians have been unable to explain it for thousands of years

This person is called the Emperor of the Ages, but his harem is extremely mysterious, and historians have not been able to explain it for thousands of years

From the number of his children, we can also know that the emperor's harem must have women, and it should not be in the minority. When he led the army to fight, many princes and grand nobles would sacrifice some treasures and beauties for self-preservation, so he was surrounded by many beautiful women. Moreover, there are historical records that after his son Hu Hai succeeded to the throne, there were still thousands of beauties in the palace, so when the emperor reigned, there should be thousands of fans in the harem.

This person is called the Emperor of the Ages, but his harem is extremely mysterious, and historians have not been able to explain it for thousands of years

Qin Shi Huang's biological mother Zhao Ji had a chaotic private life, in the early years she was Lü Buwei's concubine, and after she became pregnant, she was consecrated to The Qin State Zi Chu, and later Zi Chu succeeded to the throne, Zhao Ji then became an empress, and after Zi Chu's death, Zhao Ji often had an affair with the old friend Lü Buwei, so later generations also had more speculations about Yingzheng's origins. The official conclusion is that Qin Shi Huang's biological father is Zi Chu, but in the folk there is a completely different speculation, it is rumored that the child That Zhao Ji conceived before marrying Zi Chu is Qin Shi Huang, this rumor has always existed, making Qin Shi Huang extremely depressed, accumulating over time to form a vicious character.

This person is called the Emperor of the Ages, but his harem is extremely mysterious, and historians have not been able to explain it for thousands of years

And he threw his mother out. However, at the advice of the minister, for the sake of political stability, he still took his mother back. For the sake of the big picture, he can accept his mother, which shows that he is actually a person with a broad mind and a long-term vision. Logically, the establishment of the post-establishment is also a matter conducive to governing the country and security, but why did he refuse to establish the posthumously? It's always weird. However, he took his mother back in order to govern the country and stabilize the power, and the things he did not stand up to should have nothing to do with his mother.

This person is called the Emperor of the Ages, but his harem is extremely mysterious, and historians have not been able to explain it for thousands of years

There are still many speculations about the failure of Qin Shi Huang to stand, because the records of the harem of Qin Shi Huang are really pitiful, and there is only one record in the "History", which records the final outcome of these concubines of Qin Shi Huang, most of them were martyred and died, and there were still many people, although there were concubines who escaped this disaster, but the specific circumstances of these people are unknown, and the mystery about the harem of Qin Shi Huang, although there is a lot of speculation, but even experts have not reached a conclusion.

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