
The last hope of the Duke of Jin was in the hands of the Three Families of Han Zhao and Wei

The last hope of the Duke of Jin was in the hands of the Three Families of Han Zhao and Wei

"Bamboo Book Chronicle": Five years after the Jin Dynasty, Huan Yu Liang... Danshui will never flow for three days... For twelve years, the river was extinct. During the reign of The Duke of Jin, things were unfavorable, and the rarely recorded vision of the river flowing off also appeared several times. In the rules of the history books, monarchs who often have frequent natural visions during their reign are mostly not good monarchs, nor will they be good monarchs. During the reign of Duke Jin, the power of Qing Dafu was divided into four major families of Han Zhao Wei and Zhi Clan, and the helmsman of the Zhi clan was Xun Yao, who was also a figure with considerable ambitions, who attacked the Zhongxing clan and the Fan clan rebellion that year, and this person was extremely meritorious, so in the era of Jin Chu Gong, Xun Yao was already the actual ruler of military and political power.

At this time, the land territory directly controlled by the monarch of the Jin state had also been reduced to near the capital, and the system of "not worshiping the son of heaven but worshiping the Jin emperor" that the Jin state itself had developed had also become the belief of the factions in power of the Jin state. The so-called "self-inflicted sins, not to live", the courtiers of the Six Qing Dynasties who were promoted out of the gong also began to become less attentive to the tributary monarchs, and the Jin Dynasty dukes and the Tianzi Zhou Yuanwang could be said to be rotten brothers and brothers, and they were extremely poor.

The last hope of the Duke of Jin was in the hands of the Three Families of Han Zhao and Wei

Outside the wind and rain, the house is hungry and cold, even if jin is a puppet, he must have something to rely on. Han Zhao Wei's three families were used to being wild outside, and they had long since stopped listening to the call. Although Xun Yao also had ambitions, he could still control the three families, and Xun Yao did not want the three to become bigger. The Duke of Jin took this opportunity to form a nominally friendly relationship with Xun Yao, and when Xun Yao had something important to do, he would often write to the Duke of Jin. Xun Yao's troops to attack Zheng Guo were also carried out under the promise of Jin Chugong, and Xun Yao's victory also won prestige for Jin Guo, and Jin Chugong's face was still passable.

The "Zuo Biao" says that Zhi Bo is "greedy and greedy", which means that Xun Yao is arrogant and extravagant, and he is self-conscious and arbitrary. Therefore, the relationship between Xun Yao and Jin Chugong was essentially mutual use. In fact, the Jin Dynasty became a tool for Xun Yao to give orders, and in the power struggle against the Three Families of Han Zhao and Wei, the Duke of Jin was a very convincing reason, at least in the traditional institutional system, the decision of the Jin Dynasty, the helmsman of the Three Families of Han Zhao and Wei would be somewhat in awe.

The last hope of the Duke of Jin was in the hands of the Three Families of Han Zhao and Wei

Xun Yao once took the initiative to donate a million households, hoping to increase the tax income of the Jin dynasty and alleviate the economic difficulties of the Jin royal family. The purpose of Xun Yao's move was, on the one hand, to solve the difficulties of the royal family, and on the other hand, to weaken the strength of the three families of Han Zhao and Wei. Xun Yao took this reason to issue orders to the three families of Han Zhao and Wei, asking each family to take out a hundred miles of land and household registration to be centrally managed by the Jin Dynasty. What is this behavior? Tooth extraction. The three families of Han Zhao and Wei were very unhappy in their hearts, but because of Xun Yao's power, the Han and Wei families took out land and household registration, but the Zhao family felt that Xun Yao's order was unreasonable and refused to carry it out.

In the history books, it is said that the Duke of Jin ordered Xun Yao to unite with the Han and Wei families and send troops to attack the Zhao family. As a result, the Zhao family was really not a good bully, the three families attacked for two years and did not conquer, and when they finally wanted to attack Jinyang City, the Han and Wei families actually rebelled against the water, allied with the Zhao family, and turned their heads to attack Xun Yao. This was something that Xun Yao did not expect, and as a result, the Zhi family was wiped out in this battle, and Xun Yao was also killed. So, what about the Jin Dynasty Gong behind Xun Yao?

Jin Chugong estimated that he had not seriously considered the balance of forces, when Xun Yao charged in the front, and there was the metaphysical support of the Han and Wei families, the Jin royal family must have the upper hand, but after Xun Yao exterminated the clan, Han Zhao Wei also divided the land of the Xun Yao family, and the balance of strength was completely subverted, and jin Chugong had actually become the commander of the light pole. When the Duke of Jin learned that the three families had destroyed Xun Yao, he was furious and attacked his heart, and borrowed troops from the two countries of Qilu, so he wanted to break the net with the three families, where did he know that these three families had just shared the booty and gained profits, and the strategic alliance was quite stable, and the Jin Dynasty Duke could not resist it at all, and the soldiers were defeated like mountains and forced to flee to other countries. Since then, the prelude to the three branches of the promotion has officially begun.

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