
Half-empty or half-full?

Half-empty or half-full?

Beijing Shougang 105:76 Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank

With a 29-point win, the Shougang team swept away the haze of the previous two consecutive defeats.

Half-empty or half-full?

How many percent of Jones is that?

After a narrow victory over Shenzhen, Jilin ace foreign player Dominique Jones sent a Tweet about The Versailles.

After watching, the fans took out their calculators. 50% Jones = 49 + 10 + 5,70%, 80% Jones = ??

Maybe it was the last game, or last night did not rest well, under the "care" of Shuhao, Raymond, and Xiaohui, Jones shot only 2 of 11 shots, handed over a 9+4+4 "eye-catching" report card, and scored more than "20% off".

Wang Han's guidance was bitter in his heart, and he could only do it in a hurry. So during the pause in the second quarter, we saw the "Fat Tiger Hits Ang Lee" scene, and the latter was sad for three seconds.

The "Siberian Tigers" played at home as an away team, chose to retreat in spite of difficulties, and achieved a big victory for the Shougang team.

Half-empty or half-full?

The positive side of the big win

After losing guangsha and Shanxi in a row, the Shougang team urgently needed a victory to dispel the haze. And winning by big scores is always a pleasure.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, the gold content of this victory is not high, but we still have to look for "positive aspects".

For example, Zhai Xiaochuan shot 5 of 7 and efficiently cut 13 points and 7 rebounds. You know, this is the first time that Sichuan team has scored in double figures in the second stage.

For example, Jeremy Lin's state is developing in a good direction. At least the "housekeeping skills" hit and threw, and slowly came back.

For example, the "Mu Ming Combination", which was previously talked about, once again sparked a spark. Once the Shougang Twin Towers form a joint force, the picture is too beautiful to imagine.

For example, Tarek successfully "grabbed the scene" and held up a piece of the sky alone on the inside line. After the game, the old tower was brought to the press conference by Lao Ya, which was the first experience and an encouragement.

Half-empty or half-full?

Lao Ya's "half a glass of water"

Haven't you heard Ya's "wise quote" in a few days: the glass half-empty or half-full? (Half a glass of water, is it half empty or half full?) )

Let's give an analysis, what exactly do the Greeks want to express?

At least not "a bottle of dissatisfaction, half a bottle dangling" ...

By the way, the next game is to play Liaoning again.

This time...

Edit: balance

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