
Journey to the West: Sun Wukong was blessed by misfortune to learn a skill that could chant mantras to the gods.

In Journey to the West, sometimes Sun Wukong is in trouble, and as long as he chants the incantation, some immortals will soon rush to help. This is the capital worthy of Sun Wukong to show off, because this skill pig eight precepts and sand monks will not be at all.

Of course, this Sun Wukong can only invite ordinary immortals such as the Dragon King and the Mountain God Land, and if he wants to invite high-level immortals, he must personally go to the door to ask for them.

The reason why Sun Wukong can summon some immortals at any time is not because of how fierce he is, but mainly because he has mastered the special method of asking immortals, that is, chanting special incantations.

This incantation is very interesting, such as the time when the Great War Red Child, Sun Wukong said "Oh Blue Pure Dharma Realm" in his mouth, so the mountain god land farted out.

When Xiao Lei Yin Temple was killed, Sun Wukong read "Oh Blue Pure Dharma Realm, Qianyuan Henry Zhen", and as a result, he invited a group of immortals such as Wufang Jiezhen and Liuding Liujia.

That time, in order to protect Tang Monk, Sun Wukong also read "Oh Blue Pure Law Realm, Qianyuan Henry Zhen", and this time came to the North Sea Dragon King.

There are many similar examples in Journey to the West.

Journey to the West: Sun Wukong was blessed by misfortune to learn a skill that could chant mantras to the gods.

Sun Wukong recites the same mantra every time, and this mantra has a special name:

He twisted the trick, recited the mantra of "Yo", and held the garden land to him, and saluted the walkers: "Great sage, call on the little god, what command?" 」

At Wuzhuang Temple, because he could not find the ginseng fruit that landed on the ground, Sun Wukong chanted a mantra to call the land. It is explained here that the mantra that Sun Wukong often recites is called "O-Word Mantra".

By the way:

"唵" is pronounced "an" in the dictionary, but the actual pronunciation in Buddhism is close to "ong". When Sun Wukong was originally pressed, the seals posted on it were written with the six characters of 唵, 嘛, 叭, 咪, 吽, pronounced close to ong (唵), ma (嘛), ni (呀), bei (叭), mei (咪), hong (吽).

Reading it together, is there a feeling of déjà vu?

It is precisely because Sun Wukong has mastered the "Oh Character Mantra", so he is responsible for inviting the immortals every time, and the Eight Precepts of the Pig and the Sand Monk only have the share of envy (because the Eight Precepts of the Pig and the Sand Monk have not been used, let's think that he will not do it).

Journey to the West: Sun Wukong was blessed by misfortune to learn a skill that could chant mantras to the gods.

They were also all immortals, so why did Sun Wukong master this special method of contact alone, but the Eight Precepts of the Pig and the Sand Monk would not?

It's a matter of luck.

Sun Wukong is considered to be a blessing in disguise, so he has mastered this method of contact.

At the beginning, after suppressing Sun Wukong, let's see how Rulai arranged it:

"If you come and go out of the Heavenly Gate with the Two Noble Ones, you will send out a compassionate heart, recite the mantra of mantra, summon a land god from the Five Elements Mountain, and together with the Five Directions, will reveal the truth, and live in this mountain and imprison." But when he was hungry, he ate iron balls; when he was thirsty, drank with his melted copper juice. When he is full of sorrow, someone will save him."

Rulai did not want Sun Wukong's life, so he specially arranged the land and the five gods and immortals to guard the side of the Five Elements Mountain... What to do? Take care of Sun Wukong and feed him iron pill copper juice in time.

In this way, the land and the five parties revealed that they spent 500 years with Sun Wukong as neighbors... After five hundred years together, this enemy can become a friend.

For example, sometimes Sun Wukong is suddenly hungry, and it happens that the guards are deserting, what to do? If you accidentally starve the demon monkeys, these gods and immortals will be beaten to smithereens and will never recover.

In order to solve this problem, the Land Gong and the Five Parties simply taught Sun Wukong a way to call them at any time, which is the "O-Word Mantra".

This "mantra" must have been learned by Sun Wukong after he was crushed on the Five Elements Mountain, and if it was taught by Bodhi Grandmaster, he had used it as early as the time of Huaguo Mountain.

Therefore, because of the different experiences, Sun Wukong has mastered one more skill than the Eight Precepts of the Pig and the Sand Monk. If it weren't for the mercy of Rulai's men, if it weren't for the 500 years spent with the caretakers, it is estimated that Sun Wukong would not have had the opportunity to learn this skill.

Journey to the West: Sun Wukong was blessed by misfortune to learn a skill that could chant mantras to the gods.

Judging from the "Journey to the West", this "owl spell" should be able to call on any immortal, but not every immortal will buy his account. Therefore, the small-level immortals of the Mountain God Land did not dare not come, the Dragon Kings who were bullied and feared by Sun Wukong did not dare not come, and the Five Parties Revelation and the Six Dings and Six Jia who were responsible for protecting Tang Monk had to come...

For the higher-ranking immortals, Sun Wukong did not dare to ask for such a request, and could only personally come to the door to ask.

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