
Every day the fishing port suddenly shut down, more than 100 employees are confused!

author:West China Metropolis Daily
Every day the fishing port suddenly shut down, more than 100 employees are confused!

On the 21st, the fishing port was still open until more than 10 p.m. as usual, and suddenly closed on the 22nd.

Every day the fishing port suddenly shut down, more than 100 employees are confused!

Notice of suspension of business posted at the door.

Every day the fishing port suddenly shut down, more than 100 employees are confused!

Most of the seafood has been removed.

In the past two days, about 150 employees of the daily fishing port have encountered an unexpected thing: they came home from work the night before, and when they went to work the next day, they found that the company was closed. Why did this seafood restaurant, which has been open in Chengdu for 20 years, go from being once a boom to being closed and closed now? On the afternoon of the 23rd, a reporter from West China Metropolis Daily went to the scene to find out.

The fishing port is closed every day

More than 100 employees did not know in advance

On the afternoon of the 23rd, the reporter saw in the Tiantian Fishing Port General Store located on the West Road of Chengdu South Railway Station that hundreds of people were standing in front of the hotel and in the lobby, and some even played poker on the side. "We are all employees of the fishing port every day, the company has closed its doors without a sound, and we have nowhere to go, so we have to wait here." An employee told reporters.

On the morning of June 22, they came to work as usual, only to find that the fishing port was empty every day, and the place was still open until 10 o'clock the night before. "I came to work at nine o'clock in the morning and found that the seafood had moved away and the car had left." Chef Xiong, who works as a chef at the Fishing Port every day, said.

At the gate of the fishing port and the entrance of the main building, there is a notice posted on it, which reads: Due to the company's business problems, the store will be temporarily closed... From the scene point of view, it is obviously not as simple as just "suspending business". Inside the fishing port, the lobby is a mess, most of the seafood has been removed, a box of oysters and sea urchins in a glass box has stinked, and only a few tenacious wild bullfrogs in the pool are still staring wide-eyed.

"On the evening of the 21st, it was still open as usual, and the next day it suddenly closed, and our employees had not heard anything about it before, and now the management does not show up, which is the most unacceptable to us." Master Xiong said. Employees at the scene speculated that after the employees left work on the evening of the 21st, the company's management secretly removed the valuables in the store, and the security guard on the night shift at the door that night also confirmed this.

Supplier: Say the customs on the customs The payment for the goods has not been settled

When the reporter was interviewed at the scene, a middle-aged man who claimed to be a wine supplier was preparing to remove the two freezers. "Our company supplies drinks to the fishing port every day, which is our own freezer, which has been here for a few years." The man said that now another restaurant was using a freezer, and the owner asked him to come and remove the freezer.

But the staff stopped the man and prevented him from removing the freezer. "This is really what we put here, and another store is still waiting to use it." The man said with some frustration. "Every day the fishing port says it is closed, and the payment has not yet been settled." The man said that he is not the boss, and he does not know how much of the balance has not been settled, "but it is definitely not over." The staff of the fishing port also confirmed that many suppliers also came to ask for payment on the morning of the 22nd.

Veteran employee: After 14 years of work, I hope to be compensated

The most worrying issue for the port's employees is the issue of compensation. "I've been working here since 2002 and have been working here for 14 years." Master Xiong told reporters that he is a native of Dazhou and has been working in the Tiantian Fishing Port in Chengdu for all these years.

"Even if we are dismissed, there should be corresponding compensation." Master Xiong said that the company has about 150 employees, only some of whom bought insurance, and employee representatives went to the Social Security Bureau on the 23rd to apply for labor arbitration. A large number of employees, including Master Xiong, did not buy insurance, "at that time, I felt that I was old, I had been working here, and I had this income, so I didn't buy it." Master Xiong said helplessly, "After working here for more than ten years, there is no insurance, the company does not give compensation, and there is still a family to support."

Insiders: The monthly rent is as high as more than 300,000 yuan, and the fake wine storm has reduced the flow of passengers

It is understood that since the opening of the Tiantian Fishing Port, it has a history of 20 years and was once a high-end place for Chengdu people to eat seafood. A catering company that has been operating for 20 years suddenly closed down, which made many former diners sigh.

The notice posted by the fishing port every day reads that customers who apply for recharge cards can go to the company within 7 days to handle the return business. The reporter dialed the above phone, the other party claimed to be a daily fishing port staff, the company will be concentrated on the 26th to return the card to customers, and for the reason for the closure of the fishing port, the other party only said that it was because the lease expired, and the main owner of the house recovered the restaurant property. According to an employee, the monthly rent of the daily fishing port is as high as more than 300,000 yuan, and the high rent makes it difficult to continue the operation may be one of the reasons for the closure. Intriguingly, the fourth floor of the Tiantian Fishing Port is a tea house, "the tea house is contracted to other companies". The reporter came to the tea house, and there was not a single customer inside, only two waiters. "Downstairs these two days have been making trouble, which also has an impact on us." A waiter told reporters that the lease period of the tea house at the end of the month has also arrived, and it will not be renewed after expiration.

According to a person familiar with the matter, another reason for the closure of the tiantian fishing port is the damage to the brand caused by the fake liquor storm. In 2014, the court sentenced Chen Guangrong, the actual controller of Tiantian Fishing Port, to four years in prison and fined him 900,000 yuan for selling counterfeit registered goods. "Boss Chen is in prison, there are many people in charge here, and the situation is very complicated." One employee told reporters somewhat mysteriously.

The person familiar with the matter believes that from the perspective of the catering industry environment, the unit price of storefront customers has generally been reduced, which has reduced the income of the fishing port every day. "Coupled with the impact of the fake wine storm, the passenger flow is reduced, and a vicious circle is formed."

Although it can be seen from a storage slip on the evening of the 21st that the turnover of the daily fishing port reached 60,000 yuan on the same day, it seems that the business is still good, but with the development of various types of catering services, the types of choices available to the public have increased, and the closure of the daily fishing port also has a certain inevitability. "Originally, Chengdu people's acceptance of seafood was not high, and now they can't eat a meal of seafood, and the average consumption of 200 to 300 per capita is not cheap." A citizen told reporters.

West China Metropolis Daily reporter Dong Xingsheng photographed Lu Jia