
The Chinese Super League officially ended! It was rumored that many people in guangzhou team wanted to leave, and the fans suggested: Shandong Taishan took these three people away

This season's Chinese Super League is finally over, in addition to the relegation play-offs, the team in the championship group can basically be disbanded on the spot. Next, it is time to enter the national football team, but whether it is an international footballer or an ordinary player, it seems that they cannot sit idle. Because the international team also has to participate in Li Xiaopeng's first training camp, prepare for the top 12 matches, and strive to get out with dignity. Other players need to seek better platforms and treatment to solve livelihood problems.

The Chinese Super League officially ended! It was rumored that many people in guangzhou team wanted to leave, and the fans suggested: Shandong Taishan took these three people away

Guangzhou unexpectedly only finished third, the worst Chinese Super League result in the past decade, but a more difficult situation is coming, because many players in the team should not wait for the team's stock reform to be completed, and will choose to leave the team and look for a higher-paid and more stable Chinese Super League team to play. Just after the Guangzhou team lost to the Shanghai Harbor game, some players did not follow the bus back to the Oriental Hotel, and chose to leave on their own, leaving veterans such as Zheng Zhi, Mei Fang and Huang Bowen with the coach and logistics team.

The Chinese Super League officially ended! It was rumored that many people in guangzhou team wanted to leave, and the fans suggested: Shandong Taishan took these three people away

Obviously, whether it is a player who leaves the team on his own or a player who stays for the last group photo, it is possible to say goodbye to the Guangzhou team. Of course, the rumor that most of the players of the Guangzhou team have left has always been there, and the performance of the Guangzhou team in winning the third place also reflects that the players want to win the appreciation of the new owners with their outstanding performances. Nowadays, some self-media and fans are more direct, and have suggested that the champion team Shandong Taishan take away three powerful players from Guangzhou, they are Zhang Linpeng, Zhang Xiuwei and Mei Fang.

The Chinese Super League officially ended! It was rumored that many people in guangzhou team wanted to leave, and the fans suggested: Shandong Taishan took these three people away

The fans are indeed well-intentioned, these three people are just the right players that Shandong Taishan needs to strengthen, in addition to Zhang Linpeng, Zhang Xiuwei and Mei Fang are good substitute reserves. Shandong Taishan's goal next season may be to become a treble champion, to win the Chinese Super League and the FA Cup, and further to win the AFC Champions League for the first time. From this point of view, I am very much in agreement with the fans' suggestions. If you want to carefully examine whether these three people are suitable for the Tarzan team, there are the following views.

The first is Zhang Linpeng, as the main defender of the national football team, can be competent as a right wing-back and a center-back, and will definitely lock in a main position in the Taishan team. Although the Taishan team has two top full-backs, Ji Xiang and Wang Tong, there is a big gap between the strength and Zhang Linpeng, of course, Hao Wei may fix Zhang Linpeng in the center-back position, because the Taishan team has always lacked a local defender core. Having just conceded a key penalty, resulting in Guangzhou's lack of runner-up, Zhang Linpeng has already been questioned.

The Chinese Super League officially ended! It was rumored that many people in guangzhou team wanted to leave, and the fans suggested: Shandong Taishan took these three people away

Fans have accused him of being an internal ghost, just to help The Harbour team get the second place in the Chinese Super League. But Zhang Linpeng is definitely not such a person, let him take the penalty is actually undisputed, on the one hand, he is the captain of the team, but also the most senior player on the field, on the other hand, his psychological quality is the best, naturally more suitable for playing penalties than other young players. So, losing a penalty can't be a conspiracy theory. The most crucial thing is that he has said that he is not very clear about the future of Guangzhou, but in fact it is a hint that he may be leaving the team.

The Chinese Super League officially ended! It was rumored that many people in guangzhou team wanted to leave, and the fans suggested: Shandong Taishan took these three people away

Returning to his hometown to play football is one of the dreams of any professional player, Zhang Linpeng finally has a chance this time, and he leaves Guangzhou to make room for young players. There is no national football main force on the back line of Shandong Taishan, if you do not consider the introduction of Jiang Guangtai, you should consider the introduction of Zhang Linpeng, considering that Zhang Linpeng is a Shandong native, this transfer should not have any obstacles.

This was followed by Zhang Xiuwei, who was the biggest surprise of the Guangzhou team in the championship group competition. He not only shows the ability to cover the undead, but also often sends imaginative passes, and his sense of existence is very strong, the biggest reason is that Zheng Zhi put him in the most suitable position. Zhang Xiuwei has always been positioned as a back-back player, responsible for intercepting and sweeping, but in fact, he is running blindly, passing the ball is often wrong, and the defense is more likely to lose position, so he performs generally in the back position.

The Chinese Super League officially ended! It was rumored that many people in guangzhou team wanted to leave, and the fans suggested: Shandong Taishan took these three people away

However, Zheng Zhi is a good use of people, fixing Zhang Xiuwei in the front waist position, and when implementing high-level pressing tactics, he can make full use of Zhang Xiuwei's running ability. His ubiquity has become the first point of the frontcourt, and teammates can always find Zhang Xiuwei to pass the ball. This type of player is undoubtedly very suitable for Shandong Taishan, because Xu Xin has also been transformed into a forward player, which is Zhang Xiuwei's playing style, and the two can form a complementary and competitive relationship in the Taishan team.

Xu Xin must be very good in the Taishan team, and I believe that he has sat firmly in the core position of the national football rotation lineup. Zhang Xiuwei still has potential to tap, and Shandong Taishan should pay attention to this all-round midfielder who has made obvious progress. Hao Wei is also a good use of people, Zhang Xiuwei in the Guangzhou team development space will not be too big, if you can join the Taishan team, Zhang Xiuwei may have a greater surprise contribution under a stronger system, it is easier to return to the national football team.

Finally, there is Mei Fang, the veteran center-back who is often injured, and it is time to leave guangzhou. He is more suitable to join the Taishan team than Zhang Linpeng and Zhang Xiuwei, because he is like a spiritual core, willing to serve as a central defender substitute, but can take on the role of off-field leadership. It should be known that the Shandong team is currently captained by foreign aid Fellaini and Wang Dalei, Who is 35 years old and Wang Dalei is 33 years old, the same age as Mei Fang.

But fellaini will have to leave the Taishan team sooner or later, and Wang Dalei may not be able to guarantee the main position, but if Mei Fang can maintain his health, he can still play the residual heat in the taishan team's defense, and has a better chance to serve as the captain. Mei Fang is actually somewhat like Yu Dabao's role in Guoan and national football, and does not need to play often, but it can always bring cohesion to the team. If there is an old family, if there is a treasure, Mei Fang may wish to join the platform of Taishan team and continue to help the strongest team in the Chinese Super League to compete for all championships.

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