
Home cooking: fish and shrimp, fish eggplant pot, soup four treasure vegetables, pineapple roasted ribs

author:Small grain delicacies

Fish and shrimp

Home cooking: fish and shrimp, fish eggplant pot, soup four treasure vegetables, pineapple roasted ribs

Method: 1. Pour in a teaspoon of cooking wine, a little salt, and then marinate for 10 minutes

2. Minced green onion, minced ginger and minced garlic

3. Take a small bowl, add 3 spoons of sugar, 4 spoons of vinegar, 2 spoons of cooking wine, appropriate amount of salt, 1 teaspoon of soy sauce, appropriate amount of water starch, and mix into fish juice to use

4. Beat the egg whites with chopsticks, add cornstarch to make them fluffy, add a little oil and mix well

5. Pour the oil into the hot pot. When 50% or 60% gets hot, dip the shrimp in oil, fry it over medium-low heat, and then fish it out to turn golden brown.

6. Restart the pan, add the base oil, stir the red oil under the pickled pepper, then sauté with ginger and garlic, then with fish sauce and a small amount of water, pour in the shrimp and chopped shallots.

Fish flavor eggplant pot

Home cooking: fish and shrimp, fish eggplant pot, soup four treasure vegetables, pineapple roasted ribs

Ingredients: two eggplant, 200 g minced meat, 1 teaspoon cooking wine (5 ml) green onion and ginger chili sauce chopped pepper sweet noodle sauce vinegar sugar salt chicken essence (a little each)


1. Wash and cut the eggplant into strips, soak in salt water, and control the moisture. Add the minced meat to the cooking wine and stir until ready to use.

2. Pour the oil into the pan. When 60% of the food is hot, add the eggplant strips, fry for a minute, then remove the oil controller.

3. Leave a little oil in the pan, heat and sauté the minced meat until oil-free, then shovel to the side with a shovel. Pour in the chopped shallots and ginger, sauté until fragrant, then add the spicy sauce.

4. Add the eggplant, chopped pepper, sweet noodle sauce, vinegar, sugar and salt, add a little water or chicken broth, cover the pot for 2 minutes, and then mix a little chicken essence.

Four soups and vegetables

Home cooking: fish and shrimp, fish eggplant pot, soup four treasure vegetables, pineapple roasted ribs

Ingredients: 200 g celery, 10 g cloud ear, 5 g bamboo sheng, 2 g carrot flower, 2 g ginger flower, 10 g jimba chicken juice, 5 g jinba soup emperor, 2 g salt


1. Zhu Sheng, Yun Er foam hair, Zhu Sheng washed, cut into 6 cm long. Yun Er cut off her head and washed, peeled the celery, shaved, and cut into a diamond shape with a diagonal knife.

2. Cook celery, cloud ear and bamboo sheng to use.

3. Add the above seasonings and an appropriate amount of water to prepare the soup from the pot and then pour into the main ingredients of the boil.

Pineapple grilled ribs

Home cooking: fish and shrimp, fish eggplant pot, soup four treasure vegetables, pineapple roasted ribs

Ingredients: Ribs, pineapple, sugar, cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, green onion, star anise

Practice: 1, peel the pineapple, cut into segments the same size as the ribs, soak it in salt water, and fish it out;

2. Wash the ribs, put them in a pot, bring to a boil over high heat, skim off the foam, cook until 7 cooked, and then fish out;

3. Set the wok on fire, add oil to 60% heat, add sugar and fry until it changes color.

4. Add the ribs, sauté until colored, add a little soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, green onion, star anise, stir-fry;

5. Add water and pineapple slices and cook for 10 minutes.

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