
No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

author:Green Sparrow vacation

Ginkgo biloba is yellow! Cailin is red!

It is a small secret town on the edge of Chengdu

The fastest 1.5h to arrive, the same day back and forth

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

It's all wild and pristine nature

No admission! No commercialization!

All you can see are the autumn leaves of the color forest

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

Don't be curious, I want Amway today

Several niche places, all in Chongzhou

Let's come to the cloud first to unlock the scenery here

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

Chongzhou Liuliba

The mountains are covered with colorful forests

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day
No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

Source of the above picture: @ Health Wenjingjiang

Liuliba, located in the Jiguan Mountain Anzihe Giant Panda Nature Reserve at the junction of Chongzhou, Dayi and Wenchuan, is more than 1600 meters above sea level, and the animal and plant resources are very rich.

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day
No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

As soon as you enter here, the distant mountains are like daisy, the clouds are swirling, just like a fairyland on earth; the trees on both sides are lush and lush, and in the late autumn and early winter, they change into a colorful dress.

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

From dark to shallow pine cypress, along the horizontal line, the color is sprinkled to the mountains, rivers, valleys, village fields, every step of the scenery, people are surprised.

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day
No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

Address: Liuliba, Wenjingjiang Town, Chongzhou City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province

Admission: Free (for reference)

By car: Chengdu - Chengming Expressway - Jin basin Avenue - Tomorrow Avenue - Jiguanshan Road - Liuliba (the whole journey is about 90km, estimated to take 2h)

By car: Take a bus from Chengdu Chadianzi Station/East Railway Station bus station to Chongzhou, then charter a car or take a taxi

Tips: At present, the construction of Lijiayan Reservoir is in full swing, although the Lijiayan Reservoir section of Huaiji Road has not yet begun traffic control, but there are more trucks, so please drive carefully when entering Wenjingjiang Town, it is best to call the local government before going up the mountain!

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

Chongzhou Daping Village

Ginkgo biloba and cailin coexist and are beautiful

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day
No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

Image source: @Chongzhou Today

Daping Village, located in the Longmen Mountains, is located in the north of Chongzhou, belongs to the pure mountainous area, with a forest coverage rate of 95%. It is an excellent and niche autumn viewing place, with colorful forests and golden ginkgo biloba.

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day
No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

In front of the house and behind the house, it is all autumn colors, cooking smoke, chickens and dogs smelling each other, the sunrise is light, the mist is swirling, this scenery makes people suddenly understand the origin of the name "Little Danba".

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day
No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

Undulating mountains, dark red, dark red, bright yellow, light yellow, earth yellow, dark green... The leaves of different colors are complemented by the blue-colored rocks.

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day
No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

Address: Daping Village, Wenjingjiang Town, Chongzhou City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province

By car: Chengdu - Chengming Expressway - Jinbin Avenue - Tomorrow Avenue - Jiguanshan Road - Daping Village (the whole journey is about 75km, the estimated time is 1.5h)

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

Chongzhou Jiufeng Road

A niche viewing place for ginkgo biloba

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day
No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

Source of the above image: @ Chongzhou Today

Standing at the top of Jiufeng Road, you can see a golden world, and there are a small number of green trees interspersed in the middle of the ginkgo trees, which are monotonous and layered.

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day
No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

As soon as the wind blows, a small amount of ginkgo biloba leaves fall down, and a natural carpet is laid in the middle of the road, and the "rustling" sound is stepped on, adding a wild taste.

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day
No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

The golden yellow eyes and the hilly terrain make the surrounding scenery more charming, and walking in this secret place is like coming to a fairy, which is intoxicating.

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day
No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

Address: Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, Chongzhou City, Huaiyuan Town, Qianfeng Village

By car: Take a bus from Chengdu Tea Shop Sub Station to Huaiyuan, Chongzhou, and then charter a car or take a taxi to go

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

Chongzhou local cuisine

Enjoy the scenery while unwinding The foodie tour mode is turned on

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

▲ Sheep and horse slag noodles Slag noodles can eat clear soup, red soup, buckle soup... Clear soup with cold chicken slices, red soup with stewed hoof flowers, and two slices of brine meat in the noodles, what a taste!

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

▲ Catholic Chicken Slices Are strictly selected, the knife work is fine, the seasoning is unique, and the color, aroma and taste are excellent. Drizzle with tahini and red oil, sprinkle with sugar and eat while mixing, chicken slices with large thin leaves, tender and flavorful!

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

▲ Huaiyuan Three Brilliant Fragrant Leaf Dumplings, Soft Sticky Parfaits, and Tofu Curtains That Can Only Be Lit with Local Water form the basis of Chongzhou's cuisine.

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

▲ Cold-water fish The cold-water fish of Liuliba is tender and tender, coupled with the unique "wild vegetable" of Jiguan Mountain - wasabi assisted, and the freshly ground wasabi is paired with freshly killed sashimi, which has achieved a unique local alpine cold-water fish feast.

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

▲ Shi Guanyin plate duck skin color golden, mellow and fragrant, dry but not hard, oil but not greasy, sand but not cotton, oily and tender, long and chewy, unique flavor, accompanied by wine to help meals are very suitable ~

No tickets! In this small city on the edge of Chengdu, the wild ginkgo biloba forest is super beautiful, and it is easy to play back and forth warm tips for 1 day

▲ Oxtail shoots Unique umami specialties in the mountain forests along the Wenjing River, and the best match with them must be a variety of mountain mushrooms and tightly fleshy under the forest chicken!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > a warm reminder</h1>


(1) From mid-November to early December, it is the best time to watch Chongzhou Cailin Ginkgo;

(2) Due to the high altitude and low temperature of Liuliba, Daping Village and other places, which is about 5 °C lower than the temperature in the urban area, the bean flour who go to the ginkgo biloba should pay attention to the cold and keep warm;

(3) Mountain roads, steep curves and slopes, pay attention to driving safety;

(4) Please consciously maintain public order when visiting, do not spit, do not litter, do not smoke in non-smoking places, civilized, healthy and green tourism!

Photo caption: Most of the pictures in this article are from @ Health Wenjingjiang, @ Today Chongzhou and the network, thank you here, if there is infringement, please contact to delete!

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