
The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

For a while, I like to make dissolved beans the most, egg white is easy to use, there are many egg yolks left, I tried several methods, and finally tried out a satisfactory state, giving many children to try to eat, very popular! Beauty can also eat with confidence, the recipe is simple and healthy, the taste is sweet and crunchy, and it does not gain weight!

By a piece of cake at home


Egg yolks 103g (forgot a few)

Caster sugar 60 g

Milk powder 40 g

Low gluten flour 100 g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

1, weigh the low gluten powder and milk powder, with a large empty bottle set well mounted flower bag, mounting bag to set a larger mounting mouth.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

2: Add caster sugar to the egg yolk at one time.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

3. Beat the egg yolks.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

4, gradually will become thicker, wait patiently.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

5, lift the egg head, slowly dripping egg liquid painting 8 characters, can stay on the liquid surface and not disappear immediately.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

6. Sift in low-gluten powder.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

7. Pour in the milk powder.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

8, quick cutting and mixing, do not stir, will defoam.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

9, mixed into such a state without dry powder, it will be very sticky.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

10, pour into the set of mounting bags, because it is very sticky, it is best to use a scraper to push down.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

11, can squeeze, my favorite step.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

12, when squeezing, it will be harder than squeezing the cream, because the batter is sticky, squeezed left and right to turn around and out, the shape is not good, uneven does not matter, after baking will expand and become smooth, the look is good.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

13: Heat on and off at 150 degrees Celsius and bake for 25-30 minutes. This is what the fine teeth look like after they have been baked.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

14, the bottom is also very beautiful.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

15, just baked when a little soft, and after cooling, the taste is crispy and slightly sweet, especially fragrant.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

16, this is six teeth, baking pan pad silicone oil paper.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

17, baked well, silicone paper a shake on the down, the bottom color is also very good.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

18, this is multi-toothed, there will be a shell-like pattern.

The yolk left over from the dissolved beans is not wasted – oil-free, low-sugar and unsatisfactory egg yolk biscuits

19. Baked egg yolk biscuits, sealed and stored after cooling, can be stored for more than a month.


1. Oven temperature as a reference, avoid excessive coloring, pay attention to when baking well. 2. Just baked is a little soft, cool is hard and crispy.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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