
True self GT2 Pro pricing benchmark Xiaomi Mi 12, young people's high-end flagship can become?

A week later, another Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 mobile phone was released. True Self GT2 Pro, realme's first high-end flagship, came to us with several first-time black technologies, at a first price of 3699 yuan. Intriguingly, the first price of the Real Me GT2 Pro is exactly the same as the listing price of the Xiaomi Mi 12.

True self GT2 Pro pricing benchmark Xiaomi Mi 12, young people's high-end flagship can become?

Compared with the main parameters, the True Self GT2 Pro has a larger, higher resolution screen, larger battery capacity, and ultra-wide angle is more fun; while the Xiaomi Mi 12 is better than the overall size is smaller, and there is also a 50W wireless fast charge.

After a rough comparison, it can be seen that the True Self GT2 Pro and The Xiaomi Mi 12 have advantages and disadvantages, and the True Self GT2 launched at the same time is the existence of the "quasi-flagship", which does not use the Snapdragon 8 mobile platform, but the flagship core Snapdragon 888 in the first half of last year. As for the Dragon Ball customized version of the mobile phone, some regrets and surprises are only the customized version of the real me GT Neo2 that was listed last year, and the IP is good but the hardware grade feels not matched enough.

True self GT2 Pro pricing benchmark Xiaomi Mi 12, young people's high-end flagship can become?

Realme officially emphasizes that the true self GT2 Pro is its first high-end flagship in the true sense, but in fact, this is the third consecutive year that it has launched a product using the new flagship platform of Qualcomm Snapdragon at the beginning of the year, and has also tested the price range of more than 3500 yuan before, so in the matter of doing high-end flagship, realme has long been ambitious, but the previous results have not reached the qualified line internally.

Therefore, the True Self GT2 Pro is actually realme trying the high-end flagship again, in view of the remarkable progress in the mid-to-high-end market in the past two years, netizens will also have higher expectations for it. However, in the end, the comprehensive strength of the Real Me GT2 Pro, including charging and imaging, did not give everyone enough surprises, and to be honest, people were still unsatisfied. It is not easy to make a flagship machine called Pro, but the market positioning is only equivalent to the non-Pro model of the Xiaomi digital series, and it has to be said that the realme once again challenges the high-end flagship is more conservative.

True self GT2 Pro pricing benchmark Xiaomi Mi 12, young people's high-end flagship can become?

As a member of the "green factory system", the optional "dishes" in front of realme are actually quite a lot, and it is not difficult to believe that the product really wants to be stacked, but how to play the three cards of the green factory to minimize the "inner volume", I am afraid that it is a more difficult choice, from this level to analyze and not rule out realme in some aspects will have to be unavoidable. For example, a faster flash charge may have to make way for OPPO, and a higher specification of camera hardware or imaging technology may have to be left to one plus debut.

According to the latest official data, realme sold more than 60 million mobile phones worldwide in 2021, and the goal of 2022 is to continue to maintain a rapid growth rate of 50%, that is, 90 million units shipped. The new increment must continue to dig deep into the global market, but also urgently need realme to have a significant breakthrough in the high-end market. After all kinds of trade-offs, the Real Self GT2 Pro chose to take it step by step rather than sprint, although there are small regrets, but it is reasonable and relatively more secure operation.

True self GT2 Pro pricing benchmark Xiaomi Mi 12, young people's high-end flagship can become?

Next, the new realme machine equipped with Tianji 9000 chip is also on the road, and it is expected that its positioning will be between the real me GT2 and the real me GT2 Pro, and the 3000 yuan price point will be the market that realme focuses on in China this year. In the face of a group of domestic friends who went earlier, can realme, which focuses on young people's flagship products, really break out of a place? We'll see.

Keke comments: As a high-end flagship, in addition to the pricing is more sincere, it seems that there are not many surprises, but the step-by-step strategy will be more suitable for the current stage of realme.

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