
Full of spring ~~

author:A parallel line


"I haven't seen it for many years, but I don't know if it's good in the clan." Zhang Shoutang looked at the brothers Zhang Shouyue and Zhang Shouxiang on the other side and let out an exclamation.

"Everything is fine in the clan, and the cousin doesn't have to worry about it." Zhang Shouyue replied, and after saying that, he glanced at his younger brother Zhang Shouxiang next to him.

Zhang Shouxiang, who got the look in his eldest brother's eyes, smacked his lips and said, "This time I went to Beijing, I came in a hurry, I am afraid that I will disturb it for a while." After saying this, he paused for a moment and then continued, "Yu Jia, they have also passed the time, this time they are looking for their cousins to help find a mother-in-law." ”

Zhang Shoutang did not see the eye contact between the brothers, when he received the letter, the letter did not say clearly, he did not think much about it, now look at the brothers' looks, there should be something inside.

"Second cousin, this is not a matter of brother and sister looking for an in-laws, how to rush to Beijing to find me, how can an uncle of mine cross the line of duty?" Zhang Shoutang didn't understand what the brothers were doing.

The more Zhang Shou looked at his brother like that, he didn't hide it. "Don't hide from your cousin, Yujia, she's not very famous." Zhang Shouyue's voice trembled and said, "Yujia, she was lively when she was a child, she liked to run around, before we were only when she was young and lively, let alone nothing with the girls in the clan." ”

It turned out that since Zhang Shouwang's family went to Beijing, Zhang Yujia thought that Zhang Yuman had grown up to go to the rivers and lakes, so he had been making trouble, and he also had to leave home and go for a while. Less than seven days after Zhang Shouwang's family went to Beijing, Zhang Yujia said that she was going to her grandfather's house, and then went out with her uncle to do business. But less than half a month, her uncle sent a letter back saying that Zhang Yujia had a crush on a water bandit and wanted to set a private lifelong decision, which frightened Zhang Shouxiang's family, and then Zhang Yujia was sent back, but she always wanted to run, Zhang Shouxiang's family and her brother were together, and decided to go to Beijing to find Zhang Shoutang to find her a mother-in-law, and there was no way to go to Jiangnan.

After listening to Zhang Shouyue's words, Zhang Shoutang felt that this cousin was not here to pit himself, otherwise how could he find a hot potato for himself, no wonder he said that Yujia was sick when he came, and he didn't see anyone for the time being, he should be watched over. But I also thought that when my father passed away, it was the second uncle who had already taken care of his own family, who was an official in Beijing, and his mother and brother's family were all taken care of by the second uncle's family.

After speaking, after sending the two brothers Zhang Shouyue out of the main hall, Zhang Shouwang's servants came.

"Big brother, are you done, what's the matter?" Zhang Shouwang had not yet taken off his official clothes before he asked his brother. Originally, Zhang Shouwang was going to receive the Zhang Shouyue brothers with his eldest brother, but the people from the household department said that there was an urgent matter to find him, and he only returned until now.

Zhang Shoutang told what had just happened, and after Zhang Shouwang listened, he felt that this niece was really strange, but he couldn't say anything.

"This method of keeping yue is not reliable, and people cannot be locked up all the time." Next month, Princess Roushu will hold a flower party, and let your sister-in-law and younger sister take them with them to see where it is, and whether it is necessary to be that person. Zhang Shoutang made a decision.

On the day of the flower party of Princess Roushuchang, Zhuang And Yao Jingniang took Zhang Yuman, Zhang Yuyuan and Zhang Yujia to go, and Zhang Yuchun did not take her because of her poor health.

When they arrived at princess Rou Shuchang's mansion and let people take their seats until the end of the banquet, Zhang Yujia did not say anything to Zhang Yuman, and kept obediently following, so the Zhuang family did not feel anything. When the flower party was over, when Zhuang Shi took a group of people to bid farewell, he did not know where a group of people ran out of there and pounced on Zhuang Shi.

Suddenly someone came over, and the guards were a little caught off guard, but there were all the ladies around them, and seeing this, the other families asked the guards to come and help. Gradually, the guards took the initiative, and those people began to fall behind. One of those people watched his men fall, nimbly dodging the guards and rushing towards the Zhuang clan.

At this time, Zhang Yujia, who had been obediently following, pushed down Zhang Yuman and Zhang Yuyuan beside him and ran out.

Zhuang Shi saw this and said to the guards around him, "Don't let people run." ”

The guard ran toward Zhang Yujia and pulled her back to prevent the man from catching Zhang Yujia. Some of the guards surrounded the man.

Seeing such a situation, the man injured a guard, dodged left and right, and rushed towards Zhang Yuman on the ground. Just as he was about to be caught, a man rushed out of the crowd and blocked the man who rushed over. Then, after the guards grabbed him, he turned around, held out his hand to Zhang Yuman, and said, "You're all right!" ”