
She was the emperor's favorite princess, and committed suicide three days after marriage, and the maid untied her dress to find out the cause of her death

Ancient women's marriages were all decided by their parents, especially the girls of rich families, marriage is not by themselves, their marriages in most cases, with a certain color of marriage, such as the official eunuch family, the use of daughters' marriages to strengthen their own power in the dynasty, such stories are not uncommon. And the emperor would also use his daughter to stabilize the situation on the frontier or the chancellor, and the daughter seemed to be a pawn in their hands.

She was the emperor's favorite princess, and committed suicide three days after marriage, and the maid untied her dress to find out the cause of her death

The princess we are talking about today was born in the Southern Yan Kingdom, the father's harem beauty is innumerable, these concubines are very able to give birth, but also very good at giving birth, each is a son, so the King of the Southern Yan Kingdom is not a rare son at all, 20 sons are enough to strengthen the future of the royal family, and the King of the Southern Yan Kingdom has only one daughter under his knees, this daughter is the Princess of the Plain, the princess of the natural plain is extremely precious in the eyes of the King of the Southern Yan Kingdom, just like buying things, the same thing is seen more and more, it is not surprising, And an item is only one thing that has a chance to be extremely precious.

She was the emperor's favorite princess, and committed suicide three days after marriage, and the maid untied her dress to find out the cause of her death

Princess Pingyuan has been favored by her father since childhood, no matter what delicious and fun, the king of the Southern Yan Kingdom will be the first to think of this little daughter, Princess Pingyuan has received the best education since childhood, reading and writing, playing the piano and painting everything proficient, Xu is full of poetry and books, Princess Pingyuan knows dali, and did not become a little princess loved by everyone in the palace because of the favor of her father.

She was the emperor's favorite princess, and committed suicide three days after marriage, and the maid untied her dress to find out the cause of her death

After the little princess grew up, she obeyed her father's arrangement and married the queen's little nephew, although it was also a marriage with a political nature, but fortunately, the princess of the plains and her husband got along very well after marriage, and the little couple lived happily and happily. It has become a fairy companion that everyone envies. However, not long after the new marriage, the king of the Southern Yan Kingdom was confused by the villain and actually beheaded his daughter's husband.

She was the emperor's favorite princess, and committed suicide three days after marriage, and the maid untied her dress to find out the cause of her death

Princess Plain was very sad, but she couldn't hate her father, and given her identity, Princess Plain failed to keep her widowed husband according to her wishes. Not long after, Princess Pingyuan was arranged by the King of southern Yan to marry Yu Zhao, the Duke of Shouguang, who was then a heavy minister in the imperial court. Although Princess Pingyuan was well-behaved and sensible, she was also a flesh-and-blood person, and she was deeply influenced by the idea of loyalty from childhood, and she would definitely not let herself fall into the matter of serving two men all her life.

She was the emperor's favorite princess, and committed suicide three days after marriage, and the maid untied her dress to find out the cause of her death

Princess Plain ostensibly cooperated with her father to complete her second wedding, but for three days after the wedding, she refused to go to the house with her new husband on the grounds that she was unwell. On the third day of Guining Day, princess Pingyuan finally found the opportunity, she told the maid to let them prepare hot water, she wanted to bathe and then enter the palace, the palace maid did so, but that night The princess of Pingyuan was found committing suicide in the bathroom.

Just when everyone was confused and did not understand why the princess suddenly chose to commit suicide, when the maid was sorting out the placket for the princess, she unbuttoned her skirt and found a suicide note, which expressed her grief for her deceased husband, and asked future generations to bury the bones with the deceased husband after their deaths, so that their souls could meet. Everyone knew that the reason why the princess chose to commit suicide was to follow her deceased husband and not allow herself to serve the second man.

The king of the Southern Yan Kingdom was very sad after knowing it, and he did not expect that his daughter, who had grown from childhood to adulthood, and his daughter, who looked gentle and lovely, had such a strong nature, even if he regretted it again, he could not save this tragedy.