
What is it like to marry a divorced man with children? "It is difficult for the stepmother to do it, or it is better to get married"

Wen | a good pregnant sister

"Second marriage is nothing, but having children is not OK!"

Just arrived home after work, I watched a family ethics drama on the spot, the protagonists are my dear aunt and the cousin who is young and does not know the taste of sorrow, as the only daughter in the family, the cousin has not suffered from childhood to adulthood, probably the life is too comfortable, do not find some trouble for herself is not happy, she decisively chose a man with a second marriage with a baby on the emotional road, eight years older than her, angry aunt's blood pressure is rising, and my mother and I are also called back to preside over the overall situation from time to time.

What is it like to marry a divorced man with children? "It is difficult for the stepmother to do it, or it is better to get married"

What is it like to marry a divorced man with children? Young girls who have not experienced it may feel that it is not a big deal, and there are often "little mothers" in TV dramas, who seem to get along well with their stepchildren, not to mention that men in the second marriage are more considerate and cherish the marriage, which is enough to cover the trouble caused by the second marriage. But is this really the case? TV drama is not life, when the stepmother is more troublesome than you think, let's take a look at the real experience of people who have come.

What is it like to marry a divorced man with children? "It is difficult for the stepmother to do it, or it is better to get married"

His ex-wife and children were constantly bound by him throughout his life

"No matter how good the second marriage is, it is not as good as marrying the first marriage, and the trouble of the ex-wife alone is enough for you to bear."

Colleague Wenwen is a lesson from the past, when she was young, only 25 years old, partial to the second marriage with a baby, the then 36-year-old Dawei, when Wenwen's father was angry, felt that he had spoiled his daughter from childhood to adulthood, how did the other party like an old man? Is it a lack of love? Ke Wenwen was young and vigorous, did not listen to her father's admonition at all, insisted on being a stepmother for an 11-year-old child, and now ten years later, she regretted that she almost grabbed the ground.

The biggest difference between first and second marriages is not the man himself, but the man's social relationships, such as children and ex-wives.

In Wenwen's married life, it was misunderstood as her fate, when getting along with her stepson, the ex-wife's interference and vigilance against her made her very hurt, and her husband let her understand, after all, it is normal for her mother to guard against her stepmother, who wants her children to be intimate with her stepmother? This precaution was not stopped until Wenwen had his own children, but a new round of war began.

What is it like to marry a divorced man with children? "It is difficult for the stepmother to do it, or it is better to get married"

It is difficult to grasp the balance between parent and non-parent treatment

"I want to treat everyone equally, but I'm not a saint."

Wen Wen knew that the stepson had always treated her as a mother, which was understandable, after all, people had their own mothers, and it was good to call themselves "aunts". However, since you don't think of yourself as a mother, why should you treat the other person as a son? On the issue of treatment, Wenwen has always been uneven, she feels that she is right, but her husband does not feel it.

Whenever she encounters similar problems, her husband always thinks that she should be more partial to her stepson as a stepmother, so that she can look good in the eyes of outsiders. Wen Wen was very speechless about this, preferring to quarrel rather than agree.

After listening to what I said, my cousin fell into deep thought, as far as I know, her boyfriend's ex-wife is very unpleasant, with a man, and there is really no light in front of this road. What do you think about that? Speak your mind!

Senior nursery teacher, psychological counselor, author of original parenting comic articles, welcome to pay attention to [good pregnancy], you want to know about scientific parenting, maternity care, baby health, child growth and development, you can find the answer here!

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