
When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a mysterious telegram, do not disembark the ship halfway, and the identity of the other party was revealed 50 years later

Qian Xuesen is a well-known name Chinese, and his image has been presented in many film and television dramas. He contributed to China's missile cause, let people have the courage to stand up and speak, and he became the backbone of new China and influenced generations of Chinese. Qian Xuesen's life is full of legends and full of hardships and hardships. He used his practical actions to make the Chinese people admire and let the Chinese people remember it. In fact, when Qian Xuesen had not yet returned to China to serve the country, he had experienced many setbacks and tribulations in the United States due to the obstruction of the US authorities and government. Let's look into history.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a mysterious telegram, do not disembark the ship halfway, and the identity of the other party was revealed 50 years later

Picture | Qian Xuesen

In 1911, Qian Xuesen was born in Shanghai. Qian Xuesen has been very clever and clever since childhood, and he is particularly interested in science and engineering, so his parents have also taught him carefully. Later, at the age of 22, he was admitted to the Mechanical Department of The National Jiaotong University, and his grades were so good that he was able to find mistakes that many teachers had not noticed. At that time, the teachers all praised Qian Xuesen, praising him for being rigorous and serious in his work, and was very good at thinking.

We can also see from the examination papers of Mr. Qian Xuesen, who have recently circulated, that his earnest attitude of answering is admirable, whether in English or Mandarin, he answers in an orderly and serious manner.

It can be seen that Qian Xuesen treats everything seriously and down-to-earth. This conscientious and responsible attitude and modest and prudent habits have enabled Qian Xuesen to reap great academic success.

In the end, the studious Qian Xuesen was given the opportunity to study in the United States, which was also an important turning point in his life and laid the foundation for his future life development.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a mysterious telegram, do not disembark the ship halfway, and the identity of the other party was revealed 50 years later

Picture | qian Xuesen middle-aged photo

In 1935, Qian Xuesen went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States to study, and soon became famous for his ability and talent. He was well-established in the field of missile manufacturing in the United States at that time, and his teacher was the famous American aerospace engineer von Carmen. Under the guidance of his teacher, Qian Xuesen achieved outstanding achievements and became a world-class aerodynamicist.

At that time, Qian Xuesen was a tenured professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, and he was well-known in the field of military weapons in the United States, and because of his expertise, the US military research and development department had to ask Qian Xuesen to cooperate with the research.

In 1949, when New China was founded, a new dawn and dawn came, and Qian Xuesen was very happy to hear this news in the United States. As a result, Qian Xuesen left the seeds of wanting to return to China in his heart. However, at this time, he was afraid of a long way, and he faced too many unknown conditions when he returned to China, and had to delay for a while.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a mysterious telegram, do not disembark the ship halfway, and the identity of the other party was revealed 50 years later

At that time, the United States was vigorously investigating Communist Party members, especially Chinese Communists, and Qian Xuesen was considered a member of the Communist Party of China, so much so that the United States did not allow him to participate in military research and did not allow him to contact the research in the core technology field of the United States. But

Qian Xuesen just wanted to go back to China and return to the place that belonged to him, so he was waiting for the right moment, waiting for a time when he could go home.

When the Korean War broke out in 1950, the United States was obstinate and rushed to intervene in the war, posing a threat to China's northeast border. In the end, Sino-US relations deteriorated instantaneously, and in order to defend its homeland, China had to send troops to Korea to carry out a just war to resist the United States and aid Korea.

Seeing this situation, Qian Xuesen at this time also wanted to contribute wisdom and wisdom to the construction of the motherland, so that the people of the motherland could live a good life, so that China could become richer and stronger, and never be humiliated and oppressed by other countries again.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a mysterious telegram, do not disembark the ship halfway, and the identity of the other party was revealed 50 years later

Qian Xuesen wanted to go back to the motherland to visit his relatives, and at this time, the US side jumped out to oppose Qian Xuesen's return to China, in fact, because it was afraid that Qian Xuesen would bring advanced missile technology to China. Therefore, he tried every means to stop Qian Xuesen, who was very angry, but he was very helpless, so he thought of using other methods to return to China.

Later, after several twists and turns, after many efforts, I finally got a few tickets.

However, Qian Xuesen was not happy for long, and the Us side sent people to negotiate with them to prevent them from leaving the United States, and also to them, they were very rude and blatantly interfered with the freedoms of others

They directly withheld the luggage of Qian Xuesen's family, and privately inspected Qian Xuesen's luggage, without any privacy at all! However, that's not even much later

The United States sent the FBI to take turns monitoring the activities of the Qian Xuesen family, and all of their family's privacy was clearly controlled by the United States.

This made Qian Xuesen very angry, because he had already lost his freedom.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a mysterious telegram, do not disembark the ship halfway, and the identity of the other party was revealed 50 years later

In September 1950, the US side arrested Qian Xuesen for interrogation without any basis and tortured Qian Xuesen in an inhuman way, and Qian Xuesen struggled to survive under the rude treatment of the US side. Later, after Qian Xuesen's classmates and friends learned that he had been detained by the US authorities without any basis, they all rescued Qian Xuesen through various channels and methods. Some of them used the news media to create public opinion and attack the actions of the USCIS. Others protested directly to the U.S. Immigration Service and sought a lawyer to complain for Qian Xuesen.

Eventually, they gathered funds to release Qian Xuesen on bail from the dimly lit detention center.

However, this is not over, the US authorities control Qian Xuesen, they still send people to monitor Qian Xuesen's every move. At every turn, he sent people to Qian Xuesen's home to communicate and inquire about Qian Xuesen's ideological status, which made Qian Xuesen very bored and disgusted.

These various behaviors of the US side made him very helpless, but there was no way to solve the current situation.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a mysterious telegram, do not disembark the ship halfway, and the identity of the other party was revealed 50 years later

Picture | Qian Xuesen is teaching

Qian Xuesen spent five years of difficult times in such a situation, and in the past five years, Qian Xuesen has been thinking about returning to the motherland all the time.

After the CPC Central Committee and the central government learned that Qian Xuesen was being monitored by the US side day and night, they thought of various ways to rescue Qian Xuesen, but due to the domestic and foreign environment at that time, many measures failed to play a role. Our country has no reasonable evidence to let people like Qian return to the motherland, and we have no choice but to put it on hold.

Obviously, the US side does not want Qian Xuesen's ability to serve China. The US side treats Qian Xuesen with the attitude of "preferring to kill rather than let go," and China needs people like Qian Xuesen to return to the motherland and devote themselves to modernization.

The Chinese government itself has not forgotten the dream of returning to China for those who studied in the United States, and is still learning about their dynamics and news through various channels, trying to wait for the time to bring them back to China.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a mysterious telegram, do not disembark the ship halfway, and the identity of the other party was revealed 50 years later

In 1955, Qian Xuesen finally had a clue about his return to China. At that time, Qian Xuesen was reading a newspaper at home, and in the newspaper, The country was celebrating May Day, and there was a list with a name that Qian Xuesen knew, that is, the name of his father's good friend, Chen Shutong, which made Qian Xuesen excited and quickly stood up happily.

Thinking about it, Qian Xuesen felt that he should do something. Therefore, Qian Xuesen immediately wrote a letter to his sister who was far away in Belgium, and then hoped to transfer to China through his sister to fulfill his wish to return to China. After Qian Xuesen's letter, his wife Jiang Ying put it into the mailbox after many twists and turns.

Qian Xuesen anxiously awaited the results, not knowing whether the letter he had written would reach China or be taken seriously by the Chinese government.

Later, Jiang Ying's sister sent the letter back to the motherland.

After many days of twists and turns, the letter finally reached the hands of the leaders of the Party Central Committee.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a mysterious telegram, do not disembark the ship halfway, and the identity of the other party was revealed 50 years later

When the Chinese government saw that Qian Xuesen was treated so unfairly, it diplomatically condemned the US side. The Chinese government did not expect that the US side would treat Qian Xuesen in this way, which is unbelievable. A country that has always advocated freedom is now forgetting its personal freedom, arbitrarily imprisoning others and trampling on its feet!

After receiving Qian's letter, the Chinese government actively negotiated with the Americans and showed evidence, leaving the Americans at this time speechless and no reason to prevaricate the Chinese side. Therefore, the US side promised to release Chinese students in the United States.

The Americans are very cunning, they can get everyone to return to China, but they can't let Money Xuesen return to China, after all, he is an expert in missiles!

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a mysterious telegram, do not disembark the ship halfway, and the identity of the other party was revealed 50 years later

In the end, in desperation, China is willing to release the captured American pilots and release all American personnel in China. When the United States saw this condition, it agreed to Qian Xuesen's request to return to China. Because China has a letter to prove it, the Americans have no words to stop it, and the Chinese side's conditions are satisfactory to the United States, so they still choose to compromise.

Qian Xuesen's dream of returning to China finally came true, and after that, Qian Xuesen's family returned to China by steamship, but the safety of this cruise ship was very unsecured.

Qian Xuesen had received a telegram from his father telling him that he would never get off the ship, so Qian Xuesen had not disembarked before returning to China.

In the end, Qian Xuesen's family successfully arrived in China in October 1956 and returned to the embrace of the motherland. Since then, Qian Xuesen has devoted himself to China's missile cause, contributed to China's national defense construction, and also trained a large number of outstanding talents, sowing seeds for our country's missile and aviation undertakings.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a mysterious telegram, do not disembark the ship halfway, and the identity of the other party was revealed 50 years later


After a thrilling test of life and death, Qian Xuesen finally returned to his beloved motherland and returned to his homeland. And was that telegram really sent by Qian Xuesen's father? This answer was answered 50 years later in Qian Xuesen's archives,

Originally, the central authorities were worried that Qian Xuesen would be secretly calculated by the US side on the way, and in order to ensure Qian Xuesen's safe arrival, they specially sent a telegram to Qian Xuesen in the name of his father, hoping that he could take more precautions.

At that time, if the central authorities directly sent it in the name of the state, it would inevitably arouse the suspicion of the US side. Therefore, it has to be explained that the central authorities attach importance to and care for scientific research personnel, and also reflect the outstanding diplomatic wisdom and rich combat experience of the central leaders.

Scientific researchers are great, they have created a peaceful and stable environment for our development through ingenuity, and opened up a new world with the knowledge in their brains!

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