
Have you ever heard of these other names for lotus flowers? Every name is full of Chinese romance

Lotus flowers are also known as lotus, water zhi, hibiscus, lotus flower, hibiscus, water yun, water eye, Zezhi, Fendoli flower, Chu Lian, Han Feng, water dan grass, jade ring, red clothes, XiKe, yuzhi, junzi flower, Chinese lotus, water palace fairy, Lingbo fairy and other other nicknames, lotus flower has come from local colloquialisms, more is some of the elegant names handed down from China's ancient literary works.

Have you ever heard of these other names for lotus flowers? Every name is full of Chinese romance

Regarding the nickname of the lotus, I believe that many friends in life have heard a lot, in Ah Ye's view, each of its names is full of Chinese romance, every elegant poem, all say that this plant is not bad, this is a flower in the Chinese heart, with an incomparably beautiful impression, from Su Shi's "a hibiscus, blooming Shang Yingying" to Yang Wanli's "receiving the lotus leaves infinitely blue, the lotus flowers are different from the sun", we can see that the poets love it.

Have you ever heard of these other names for lotus flowers? Every name is full of Chinese romance

In the ancient Chinese poems, there are many beautiful works describing lotus flowers, they have different colors, different shapes, different regions, have different aliases, Bai Juyi's "red durian white lotus, Luo sheng chiche" refers to the white lotus, Wang Anshi's "green lotus flower wind into the sleeve incense" refers to the green lotus, Li Bai's "bihe sheng youquan, asahi and fresh" is the bihe, in fact, it is also the green lotus and the green lotus, and the common lotus alias, in the poem we also often see a variety of river lotus, white fern, red fern and other nicknames.

Have you ever heard of these other names for lotus flowers? Every name is full of Chinese romance

The lotus flower is not only very popular in the hearts of the literati and ordinary people in our country, but also has a great status in religion, so the lotus flower is also nicknamed Baolian, and in the poems of shen yue in the Southern Dynasty, it is written that "Biao Shen Miao, Teng Hua Baolian." "It is said that the lotus flower has the status in the hearts of the Buddhist disciples, it is Yu Miaofa, it is the lotus of the Buddha's family, so the lotus flower also has the alias of the Fendori flower, which is also related to the Buddhist family."

Have you ever heard of these other names for lotus flowers? Every name is full of Chinese romance

Lotus also has another name for Chu Lian, that is, it is related to regional culture, in Luo Bin Wang's "Autumn Rao Yin Da Xiang Jing" it is written: "The sword color sinks into the waves, breaking Chu Lian in autumn water; Jin Hui shines on the shore, Xiu Tao Ju in the cold causeway." Among them, Chu Lian is said to be another name for the lotus in the ancient Chu state, so the lotus flower also had the saying of the southern flower in the past.

Have you ever heard of these other names for lotus flowers? Every name is full of Chinese romance

Speaking of the nickname of Chu Lian here, I have to think of the sentence "Furong Country in the Chaohui", the other name of the lotus flower, furong, is also widely circulated, as early as "Chu Ci • Departure", it has been written: "The production of the lotus is thought to be clothed, and the collection of furongs is thought to be clothed." "Hibiscus is the blooming lotus, and the lotus that does not bloom is called the lotus, the leaves are lotus, and it has been issued as a hibiscus, "a pool of ripples of hibiscus".

Have you ever heard of these other names for lotus flowers? Every name is full of Chinese romance

In the hearts of those romantic literati inkers, the lotus is not only an incomparably beautiful plant, they have been able to shadow three people under the moon, then the lotus flower, which is a gentleman flower that comes out of the mud and is not stained, is also the representative of Gao Jiezhishi, so the other names of the lotus are also Jingke, Jingyou, etc., as well as Lingbo Fairy, Water Palace Fairy, June Flower God and other anthropomorphic nicknames.

Have you ever heard of these other names for lotus flowers? Every name is full of Chinese romance

The above lotus flower nickname, Aye simply said here, is not every name, give you an incomparably romantic feeling? I don't know which lotus aliases you have heard of in your life? If you know more about the alias of the lotus, welcome to leave a message below to share, and let's discuss and learn from everyone!

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