
Premier Zhou introduced to foreign guests: This is the last emperor of our country, and Puyi's answer won the applause of the whole hall

In the Edict of abdication of the Qing Emperor, it is said: "Yu Yi He endured the honor of a surname, and whisked the likes and dislikes of the people." The meaning of the sentence is, how can I bear to use the glory and wealth of my family to act against the likes and hatreds of the common people.

Thousands of years of feudal dynasty rule, after all, ended in the hands of Puyi, throughout Puyi's life, in addition to lamenting his legendary life, but also lamenting his life experience. Since he was three years old, he was chosen by Cixi as the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and since then, he has been destined to be used as a line doll by others.

Premier Zhou introduced to foreign guests: This is the last emperor of our country, and Puyi's answer won the applause of the whole hall

Sometimes, the royal temperament is also a point that has to be admired, for example, when Premier Zhou introduced Puyi to foreign guests, his answer won the applause of the whole hall, what did he say?

A life of twists and turns

It can be said that Puyi is the most special emperor in Chinese history, without the domineering and ability of Qin Shi Huang to unify the world, let alone the mutiny of Zhao Kuangyin and Chen Qiao, the boldness of the yellow robe, and some are just cowardly and incompetent, the symbol of the puppet emperor.

When he was three years old, Empress Dowager Cixi, because she wanted to firmly grasp the power in her hands, chose the son of prince Shuo, a son of the royal family, a child without any thoughts, that is, Puyi, who was only three years old.

Before the age of three, it may be the happiest day in Puyi's life, there are ah niang, ah niang and brother who love him. However, after the age of three, because of Cixi's selfishness, he had to sit on the dragon chair to become the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and even more became a puppet to consolidate his political power in Cixi's hands. Looking at the courtiers who bowed to him, he was only three years old and still in his ignorance, unable to enjoy the benefits brought to him by the imperial power, but only enjoying the shackles brought to him by the imperial power.

Premier Zhou introduced to foreign guests: This is the last emperor of our country, and Puyi's answer won the applause of the whole hall

Undoubtedly, he was a victim of politics, and every day in the palace he felt like a year, but the good days were considered stable. Three years later, in 1911, the Xinhai Revolution broke out, Puyi was ousted from the dragon chair, the Qing Dynasty was declared extinct, and the qing dynasty's rule ended completely.

However, for this last emperor, perhaps to show the benevolence of the new regime and show the orthodoxy of his own revolution, he left the abdicated Puyi in the palace to continue his life, and his various expenses were issued by the National Government.

It was also during this period that Puyi began to receive education, however, such a day did not last long, with Zhang Xun's restoration, completely breaking the days that were still peaceful, Puyi was once again dragged into the political whirlpool, continuing the life of his puppet and the life of a political victim.

For the throne, no one wants to think, even if puyi is still young, it is still difficult to give up the imperial power. Under Zhang Xun's behind-the-scenes push, he once again ascended to the throne, and it was obvious that the emperor, who had no qualifications, no ability and power, was doomed to sit on the throne.

Premier Zhou introduced to foreign guests: This is the last emperor of our country, and Puyi's answer won the applause of the whole hall

Under the condemnation of the crowd, he was once again pulled down from the throne. In 1924, Puyi was forced to leave the imperial palace, and Japan, which had been keeping a close eye on the fat meat of China, smelled the wind and moved, and took Puyi's reason for leaving the Forbidden City and began to make a big fuss.

And this just paved the way for Japan's plan to establish a puppet state of Manchukuo, and returning to the throne for Puyi was both the last face of the Qing Dynasty and his last lust for imperial power. For this seemingly supreme, but in fact powerless throne, Puyi compromised and agreed to various conditions in Japan.

In exchange, Japan helped him establish the puppet state of Manchukuo. Sometimes, I think Puyi is very ridiculous, his own countrymen can not rely on, but chose to rely on other countries, the world knows Japan's wolf ambitions. Unfortunately, he saw through it but didn't want to pay attention to it. This is an exchange, an exchange of rights.

Puyi, who is destined to have ups and downs all his life, may not have expected in his life that he has finally become a pawn of others, and he cannot turn over in his lifetime.

Premier Zhou introduced to foreign guests: This is the last emperor of our country, and Puyi's answer won the applause of the whole hall

Wash your face

After the defeat of the Japanese army, it withdrew from China, and for such a puppet emperor, Japan naturally would not take much care of it, allowing it to fend for itself, and it was at this time that Puyi understood the cruelty and ugly face of the Japanese army.

He knew that because of his vain desire for glory and wealth, he had caused the people to suffer a lot, and it was he whose sins were deep. Then, soon he was captured as a prisoner of war in the Soviet Union, and in 1950, Puyi was extradited back to China, along with other war criminals. After returning to China, his life was not good, and his decade-long career as a war criminal management and reformer allowed him to spend countless years.

Maybe it was the discouragement of confessing his fate, or maybe it was the remorse of knowing that he was wrong, during the transformation, he performed extremely well, even if before that his transformation life still needed the help of others to complete, but later he was able to seriously participate in the transformation himself. However, behind all this is the reason that he hopes that his change will win the benefits of amnesty for himself.

Sure enough, in 1959 he received an amnesty, ending a decade-long life of transformation. After the transformation, when he got the identity certificate of the Chinese citizen, he was happy and had a feeling of change. He then returned to Beijing and found a stable life.

Premier Zhou introduced to foreign guests: This is the last emperor of our country, and Puyi's answer won the applause of the whole hall

The bland Puyi may not have thought that other countries would cause quite a stir because of his affairs, after all, no one thought that after the founding of New China, not only would the life of the last emperor be retained, but also the other side could be pardoned. So, what is it that makes Premier Zhou can't help but praise Puyi?

Puyi: I am a Chinese citizen

Foreign media showed great interest in Puyi's amnesty, and Puyi was interviewed in several diplomatic activities. In a diplomatic event, Puyi and the secretary general of the China-Britain Friendship Association were talking, and the other party expressed confusion about his experience from the last emperor to the war criminal, and wanted to learn more about the whole process.

When the question was raised, everyone was embarrassed, but at the same time, they also thought that Puyi would not answer this embarrassing question, but to the surprise of everyone, Puyi not only did not hide it, but also answered frankly, and in the whole answer, he never denied his behavior, did not justify, and calmly faced his own faults.

His answer shocked and admired everyone, and not everyone who had ever been in power had such a good temperament. After that, he was interviewed by foreign guests more than once, and even among them, he was invited by Premier Zhou to meet foreign guests from all over the world. Obviously, Premier Zhou's move made other countries more admirable, after all, prisoners of war had never had such a high treatment.

Premier Zhou introduced to foreign guests: This is the last emperor of our country, and Puyi's answer won the applause of the whole hall

At the meeting to receive foreign guests, premier Zhou introduced Puyi and said: "He is our last emperor, Puyi. ”

In the face of Premier Zhou's introduction, Puyi also gave a detailed reply to everyone present, saying that he was the last emperor of China's past and a glorious citizen of the republic.

Subsequently, in every diplomatic activity, he also replied with such enthusiasm and fullness, with humility and self-confidence in his words. Undoubtedly, such a high emotional intelligence answer caused a full house of applause, and it also caused praise from everyone.


China's thousands of years of feudal dynastic rule have finally come to an end. Throughout Puyi's life, it is full of sadness, but at the same time, people feel the helplessness and bitterness of the change of dynasties.

Premier Zhou introduced to foreign guests: This is the last emperor of our country, and Puyi's answer won the applause of the whole hall

As an emperor, he failed to take power in his lifetime, and he also became a war criminal from the last emperor, and the sadness and pity in it are by no means tolerable to ordinary people. As a husband, he could not be with his own empress Wan Rong Qinser and Ming, and he also had to tolerate the concubine's divorce and completely publicize the ugliness of the family affairs, which may be even more sad.

Since ancient times, the change of dynasties is just a game of becoming a king and losing a game, since losing is losing with dignity, perhaps this is the reason why Puyi can use high emotional intelligence words to answer the sharp questions of foreign guests. Life has ups and downs, it is difficult to smooth, Puyi is the most typical example.

However, in the whole process, we saw Puyi's positive optimism, and saw the composure and indifference after a little bit of a thousand sails. Imperial power, fame and fortune are like the clouds of the past, only a down-to-earth life is the luck of the plain, I think, the second half of Puyi's life is also with such an idea.

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