
Tour the Lotus Buddha Country and taste Jiuhua Buddha Tea

author:Chronicles of the Times
Tour the Lotus Buddha Country and taste Jiuhua Buddha Tea

The fame of Jiuhuashan and Jiuhua camellia is related to 2 men. One is a prince from abroad and the other is a Chinese poet.

According to the Tang Dynasty's Records of Huacheng Monastery in Jiuhuashan, the founder of Jiuhuashan Buddhism was the Silla monk Kim Jo Kyaw (696-794). He was a prince of the Silla Kingdom (present-day southeastern Korea) and later became a monk, and in the seventh year of Emperor Xuanzong's reign (719), he went to Mount Jiuhua in Chiju to devote himself to practicing the Fa. In 794, he died on the 30th day of the seventh lunar month, and his flesh was not decayed in the stone letter for three years, and his face was like life. According to the Buddhist scriptures, Rui Xiang identified him as the reincarnation of Jizo Bodhisattva, known as "Jindizang". Since then, Jiuhua Mountain has become the Jizo Bodhisattva Dojo, and the incense and fire are all over the world, along with Putuo Mountain, Wutai Mountain, and Emei Mountain, and are known as the four famous mountains of Chinese Buddhism.

Jin Dizang led the monks of the monastery to live a life of combining agriculture and Zen, planting tea for Buddha, self-use and hospitality, and "three teas and two points" every day. Jin Di has a poem "Sending the Boy Down the Mountain" that writes about cooking tea in Jiuhua Mountain: "Add a bottle to the bottom of the stream to rest the moon, cook the tea in the Middle of the Ou to get rid of the flowers." The "Chronicle of Jiuhua Mountain" records that "Gemdale Tea" is transmitted by Jindizang, "the heart is like a small heart" and "the tea taste is exceptional".

Jiuhua Mountain was originally named Jiuzi Mountain, because "the peaks are different, and the number of them is nine". The Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai famously wrote the poem "Magic divides two qi, and the Spirit Mountain opens Jiuhua", which has since been renamed "Jiuhua Mountain". Li Bai loved Jiuhua Mountain, went up the mountain 3 times, wrote dozens of hymns, and Jiuhua Mountain became more famous in the world.

Tour the Lotus Buddha Country and taste Jiuhua Buddha Tea

Jiuhua camellia is famous in the Song Dynasty. During the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhou Bida, the zuo chancellor, wrote the "Record of Jiuhua Mountain", and he toured the Jiuhua Gurudwara Golden Dizang Pagoda, and the monks offered local tea "Taste enemy North Garden". Zhou Bida commented that its taste is comparable to that of Gongcha Beiyuan Tea. Southern Song Dynasty Chen Ya, a native of Qingyang, lived in Jiuhua Mountain and wrote the "Jiuhua Poetry Collection". He has a poem "Ming Diyuan": "The warm wind blows long purple bud stems, and people cook in water to the top of the mountain", self-noted: "Yansheng Rock North Creek produces tea, and the taste is particularly good." In the poem "Sencha Peak", he noted himself: "Xijin Dizang beckons Daoists to cook tea in front of the peak." Another verse is: "Spring mountain fine plucking purple shoots, jasper urn loose milk flowers." "Slow fire to dry live water frying, mountain top Zhuo Xi to take the clear spring." It can be seen that at that time, Jiuhua Mountain Tea was flourishing.

In the Ming and Qing dynasties, Jiuhua Camellia also had historical teas such as Tiantai Cloud Mist, Longchi Cloud Mist, Dongyan Bird Tongue, Jiuhua Dragon Bud, Nan Moss Hollow, flesh immortal tea and so on. According to research, the rooftop cloud mist is the current Huangshixi Mao Peak, and the Longchi Cloud Mist is the current Minyuan Mao Peak. In 1915, Huangshixi Maofeng and Minyuan Maofeng won the gold medal at the Panama International Exposition.

In order to restore the production of historical tea, in 1983, the Science and Technology Commission of Anhui Province approved a project, and the Anhui Agricultural College and the Jiuhuashan Management Office began to develop the Jiuhuashan Tea Factory, so that Jiuhua Maofeng regained its historical glory.

Tour the Lotus Buddha Country and taste Jiuhua Buddha Tea

Jiuhua Buddha tea is based on the local tea plant fine varieties of high-quality fresh leaves as raw materials, generally picked in mid-to-late April, with one bud and one or two leaves as the standard. The production process is to kill, knead and bake, dry the hair and foot fire. Jiuhua Buddha tea has a slightly curved shape, uniform and even, the color is green and slightly yellow, the aroma is high and long, the fire is full, the soup color is green and yellow, the taste is fresh and mellow, and the leaf bottom is soft and evenly bright. After brewing, it is like an orchid stretching out, which is very interesting.

In order to strengthen the development of the local tea economy and expand the popularity of Chizhou tea, Chizhou City established the Chizhou Tea Industry Association, integrated the brand, registered the "Jiuhua Buddha Tea" certification trademark, and formulated the "Jiuhua Buddha Tea" series of standards.

Tour the Lotus Buddha Country and taste Jiuhua Buddha Tea

Tiantai Scenic Area is the traditional essence scenic spot of Jiuhua Mountain

Jiuhua Mountain was selected as one of the "Top Ten Internet Celebrity Punching Places in Anhui Cultural Tourism in 2020", which is the first batch of national 5A-level tourist attractions and the first batch of natural and cultural dual heritage sites in the country, and is known as "Lotus Buddha Country". Jiuhua Mountain strange peaks and rocks, step by step, everywhere Qingxi pond, flying waterfalls and springs, standing on Jiuhua Mountain can also see the sea of clouds, sunrise, rime and other natural wonders, the weather is endless, beautiful.

Tour the Lotus Buddha Country and taste Jiuhua Buddha Tea

Jiuhua Mountain 3-day tour

Day 1: Visit the Buddha at Jiuhua No. 1 Temple - Wanghua Temple, visit Zhuangyuan Cultural Park, and see the 99 m Large Bronze Statue of Jizo. Day 3: Worship the most important thing in Jiuhua Mountain - the Treasure Hall of the Flesh (Jindizang Bodhisattva Flesh Pagoda), worship jiuhua mountain dripping water Guanyin, Jizo Zen Temple, Midas Hall, Tonghui Zen Forest to pay homage to the golden body of RenyiShitai.

Tour the Lotus Buddha Country and taste Jiuhua Buddha Tea

Jiuhua Mountain Under the Old Tian Wu Family is an ancient village that must be passed through to worship the Buddha in the mountains, and is a "thousand-year-old village" and "historical and cultural village" in Anhui Province. Li Bai's poem "Old Tian Wu": "Since the flood famine has been judged, Jiang Tian is now in the picture, there is no Jiuhua map, there is lao Tian Wu first." ”

(Source: "Chinese Tea Classic", Jiuhua Mountain Scenic Area website, the history and origin of Jiuhua Buddha tea, Ding Yishou's "Tea Industry Bulletin", No. 1, 2005)