
@ Huaibei people burst three kinds of practices

author:Map of Huaibei cuisine


<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the main ingredient</h3>

1 pork loin

Pork liver 150 g

Pork tenderloin 150 g

< h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > excipient</h3>

50 grams of winter shoots

1 egg

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > seasoning</h3>

Table salt 9 g

10 g soy sauce

Chicken essence 5 g

5 g shallots

3 slices of ginger

3 cloves of garlic

20 grams of cooking wine

Starch 21 g

Vegetable oil 30 g

Pepper 1 g

50 g of water

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > three things</h2>

1. Prepare the materials first

@ Huaibei people burst three kinds of practices

2. The pig loin first goes to the waist; After slicing the flower knife into the container, pour in a little white wine and scratch it well repeatedly, then rinse it with water to remove the taste of the waist, and the pork loin is sizing with only 5 grams of starch and a little egg white, without any seasoning, otherwise the waist is easy to get old. Grasp well and add a little raw oil to set aside

3. Pork liver should be cut into thicker slices, put into the container, dripped into the white vinegar and repeatedly grasped well, rinsed clean, the pork liver is soft and tender and puffed, the pork liver is sizing first add 2 grams of salt, 5 grams of cooking wine, a little egg white, 5 grams of starch, after repeated grasping, drop into the raw oil for later

4. Pork tenderloin sliced, put into a container, rinsed with water, pig tenderloin sizing added salt 2 grams, cooking wine 5 grams, dry starch 5 grams, egg white a little grasp well and then add raw oil for later

@ Huaibei people burst three kinds of practices

5. Boil a pot of boiling water, first blanch the waist flower, the tip of the liver, remove the taste of the waist and organs, after the water is boiled, first into the waist flower, as long as the color changes, it will be fished out immediately, wait for the water to open again, go down into the pork liver, as long as the color changes, it will be fished out immediately

@ Huaibei people burst three kinds of practices

6. Pork liver, pork loin with a paper towel to dry the water after the reserve, relax the vegetable oil in the pot, with 40% hot oil temperature, down into the waist flower into the pot oil for 10 seconds to fish out

@ Huaibei people burst three kinds of practices

7. When the oil temperature returns to 40%, add the pork liver oil for 10 seconds to fish out, and then wait for the oil temperature to return to 40% heat, go down into the tenderloin and wait for the meat slices to change color, and fish out in about half a minute

@ Huaibei people burst three kinds of practices

8. Finally, when the oil temperature is 50% hot, add the winter shoots for half a minute and fish out, prepare the bowl juice in advance: 5 grams of salt, 10 grams of soy sauce, 10 grams of cooking wine, 5 grams of chicken essence, 50 grams of water, 1 gram of pepper, 6 grams of dry starch, stir well and set aside

@ Huaibei people burst three kinds of practices

9. Put vegetable oil in the pot, sauté chives, ginger and garlic slices, pour in all the ingredients, pour in the bowl of juice to collect the juice, you can get out of the pot

@ Huaibei people burst three kinds of practices
@ Huaibei people burst three kinds of practices

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