
After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, where did the remnants of the Qing army go? One of them was not discovered until 1987

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, where did the remnants of the Qing army go? One of them was not discovered until 1987

Looking at the five thousand years of history, we often question some details hidden by the torrent of history. Many things in history are endlessly interesting, and to this day they still exude transcendent charm and curiosity.

The rise and fall of historical dynasties, the change of the sun and the moon, and every mighty change are accompanied by the disintegration of many aspects. As the last feudal dynasty in history, the Qing Dynasty also lasted for nearly three hundred years, and the achievements of the heyday were unprecedented.

However, the tide of the times is moving forward bravely, but it still maintains a closed policy in the later period, so in the end it has not escaped the fate of extinction.

However, after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, there is a problem that deserves the public's deep consideration. It should be known that in the last years of the Qing Dynasty to resist foreign enemies, the imperial court had a total of many troops, even reaching nearly a million. So where did the remnants of these armies go after the war and the fall of the Qing Dynasty?

There is a strange news that a remnant of the Qing Dynasty army was found in Shanghai in 1987. Is there really such a thing?

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, where did the remnants of the Qing army go? One of them was not discovered until 1987

The rise and fall of glorious dynasties

The beginning of the Qing Dynasty began in 1636 when the Emperor Taiji changed the name of the country to Qing, and Manchukuo was established. After that, the Qing Dynasty continued to quell wars and regain lost land, until around 1684, the national mainland was basically occupied.

After that, the Qing Dynasty entered the prosperous era of Kangqian. During his reign, Kangxi quelled the rebellion and introduced many strategies that were conducive to the national economy and people's livelihood, and also won many rights and interests for the peasants. During this period, the Qing Dynasty also quelled the rebellion in northern Tsarist Russia. In addition, handicrafts and populations have developed by leaps and bounds.

During the Yongzheng period, this grand scene continued to be maintained, and the northwest was calm. During this period, there was a steady upward and thriving trend both inside and outside. The development of the Qianlong period was also remarkable. However, with him as a turning point, the subsequent Qing Dynasty has a great tendency to turn from prosperity to decline.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, where did the remnants of the Qing army go? One of them was not discovered until 1987

In the last years of Qianlong, the people were hurting their wealth, the behavior of officials gradually got out of control, and the peasants' land was also facing a great impact. Later, many emperors failed to effectively solve this problem, resulting in chaos in the official field, laxity in the army, and the suffering of the people.

After that, the opium trade gradually entered the historical stage, and various treaties also deeply touched the hearts of the people. Although a series of subsequent movements were committed to changing this dilemma, and these movements also played a certain role, they did not change the general trend in the end.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the minions of the countries were sharper, pointing to the many aspects of domestic interest to them. All kinds of chaos arose, and in the end, the Qing Dynasty failed to avoid extinction.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, where did the remnants of the Qing army go? One of them was not discovered until 1987

A huge army

In 1912, the Qing Dynasty officially collapsed, but the remnants did not disappear when they ascended, and the soldiers of the late Qing Dynasty still exist. The disposal of this army has also become a difficult problem that everyone needs to pay attention to.

The army of the Qing Dynasty, on the whole, was numerous, even reaching nearly one million. But in fact, a closer look will show that the number of people who are really powerful among these people is not too large. There are many people who are in vain and have no real name. Some even sit in high positions but do not have the real strength to support them.

However, in addition to some weaker strength, Qing Dynasty soldiers naturally have those who can truly be invincible. For example, the Beiyang Army. They are not only strong, but also quite prepared in terms of equipment.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Yuan Shikai took back many armies, and these people also changed their original identities, from Qing Dynasty soldiers to Republic of China troops. This is part of it.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, where did the remnants of the Qing army go? One of them was not discovered until 1987

But after all, regrouping the army is not an easy task. Those close to the capital are easy to recover, while those who are remote are difficult to gather. After all, the news at that time was not as rapid as it is now, and the information they learned was very limited, just to understand the demise of the Qing Dynasty, but it was difficult to know the news that Yuan Shikai had returned to the army. So how will they continue to develop? Most likely, it will just be "going back to each house".

But they are still lucky, to know that in addition to them there are some soldiers, most of them stationed on the border, and at this moment they have no idea how the national fortunes are, and even become the object of neglect. There was such an army, and they stayed in the Hong Kong area, and most people no longer remember their existence.

The army first arrived in Hong Kong during the Opium War. At that time, Hong Kong was cut off, and there was a lot of import and export trade there. Their troops are stationed there to defend part of the land, and they have always stuck to their posts, and with their own efforts, they have stubbornly defended the only bit of land that belongs to Hong Kong.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, where did the remnants of the Qing army go? One of them was not discovered until 1987

However, they did not expect that this garrison would be such a long time. Because they did not know the news of the Qing Dynasty, coupled with the special location of the place, they actually did not know anything about "this night and what year". It was particularly chaotic and there was no stable force to manage it, so they ran their own business there and each lived a plain and stable life.

Firm guardianship

In 1987, Hong Kong conducted a land survey, and it was only then that the army finally appeared in the eyes of the public, and they were finally discovered by the world. The Hong Kong government was surprised to find that there was still a former Dynasty army here. After careful investigation, they found that the driving force that sustained the army was only a six-acre land.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, where did the remnants of the Qing army go? One of them was not discovered until 1987

However, despite this, their momentum is not small, and they also live a stable and stable life in this land, as if they are unified. But the British at the time hoped that they would be able to break up and return to where they belonged, after all, the land was still under their jurisdiction. However, this army refused, because it was missing and hoped to continue to stay here.

When contradictions and disputes occur, it is inevitable that the two sides will attack each other. As a result, this army was victorious, and the British had no choice but to give up. However, after the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, this army did not escape the fate of being forced to disband. The persistence they cling to is, in the end, they still choose to give up for the sake of national righteousness, and the persistence of more than half a century may also be a kind of persistence.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, where did the remnants of the Qing army go? One of them was not discovered until 1987


The demise of the Qing Dynasty represents more than just the end of a dynasty, there are still many problems waiting to be solved behind this. Some of the hundreds of thousands of remnants of the Qing army were retaken and continued to make their own contributions to the new era, and some returned to their homeland to lament the rise and fall of a dynasty. There is also this army, which was only discovered in 1987, and they are content with life and are not willing to change easily.

Perhaps for the public, this army did not make much contribution to the Qing Dynasty, but they still had a sense of resilience in them, and in the end they still defended a piece of land, even if it was less, it was also a kind of insistence on not giving up, which is worthy of praise by future generations.

Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia: Qing Dynasty

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