
Kung Fu Cars | Infiniti "change formation", and what I see is not "contraction", but "ZTE" potential energy

Infiniti's development ushered in a major turning point.

On January 5, Dongfeng Motor Co., Ltd. announced that Dongfeng Infiniti will be included in the Dongfeng Nissan system as an independent business unit.

Kung Fu Cars | Infiniti "change formation", and what I see is not "contraction", but "ZTE" potential energy

As soon as the news came out, it immediately triggered a hot discussion in the industry.

Some voices believe that due to the decline in Infiniti's sales in recent years, the industry is also facing strong transformation pressure. This inclusion in the Dongfeng Nissan system is a "contraction" behavior.

However, in the view of Kung Fu Automobile, Dongfeng Infiniti's change of formation is not a contraction, but a new beginning for the brand "ZTE".

Kung Fu Cars | Infiniti "change formation", and what I see is not "contraction", but "ZTE" potential energy

The reason is actually very easy to understand, we think there are three main aspects.

First of all, allowing Dongfeng Infiniti to enter the Dongfeng Nissan system will help to play the synergy advantage within the company.

After a new round of adjustments, Dongfeng Nissan will become a passenger car products car manufacturer operating for both high-end (Infiniti), mainstream (Nissan) and pioneer (Venucia) crowds.

As Dongfeng Limited said in the announcement: "After integration and synergy, Dongfeng Nissan, which has three major brands of Nissan, Venucia and Infiniti, will focus on the high-quality development of the passenger car business, optimize the organizational and cost structure, improve decision-making and operational efficiency, strengthen corporate governance, and provide Chinese consumers with diversified products and technologies." ”

In fact, reducing costs and increasing efficiency, optimizing organizational structure, and improving decision-making and operational efficiency are recognized as efficient solutions in the period of industry change. Especially for luxury brands with high operating costs, to maintain brand tonality, it is often necessary to invest in a daily amount.

By reducing the management level and adjusting the cost structure, it will be able to "loosen" the binding for Infiniti in the top-level design, and can also help Infiniti share many advantageous resources within the Dongfeng Nissan system.

As early as December 28, 2020, venucia brand bid farewell to 3 years of independent operation and became the second brand under Dongfeng Nissan.

According to the sales data in November 2021, venucia brand zero sales increased significantly year-on-year. This growth momentum is inseparable from the "empowerment" of Dongfeng Nissan's system.

Second, after Infiniti enters the Dongfeng Nissan system, it can also have stronger localization support in the field of electrification and intelligence. After entering the Dongfeng Nissan system, Infiniti can also achieve more efficient technology sharing and reduce repeated research and development.

In the face of the increasingly strong transformation pressure of the industry, Dongfeng Nissan's accumulated local research and development strength for many years can further help Infiniti meet the challenges of technological change.

Kung Fu Cars | Infiniti "change formation", and what I see is not "contraction", but "ZTE" potential energy

It can be expected that Infiniti's exploration in the fields of electrification, autonomous driving, mobile Internet and shared mobility services will be more strongly supported by localization in the future.

Finally, and crucially, Dongfeng Nissan's unique "wolf" culture and strong strategic execution will also bring blessings to Infiniti's development.

In the luxury car market, the Matthew effect intensified, and sales volume gathered in the head environment. At a glance, the step-by-step playing style is obviously unable to adapt to the increasingly fierce market competition environment.

Dongfeng Nissan's wolf spirit of daring to attack and dare to fight can undoubtedly make Infiniti more "bloody", thus making the brand glow stronger "internal drive".

As a result, Infiniti "changed the formation", and the kung fu car saw that it was not "contraction", but "ZTE" potential energy.

Kung Fu shoots

Some people say that life is not won at the starting line, but at the turning point.

The same applies to brands.

Admittedly, Infiniti has indeed missed the golden window of brand development over the past few years.

However, standing at a new turning point, being empowered by Dongfeng Nissan's strong system is not a good opportunity to usher in the brand "ZTE" and start again.

Clench your fists and charge for attack.

We look forward to entering the Dongfeng Nissan system of Infiniti to be able to play a new set of tiger and tiger combination punches.

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