
Autism rehabilitation 5 steps, children's progress is more significant (parents must see)

Autism is also known as autism.

Children mostly show strong avoidance of people and society, extremely rigid emotional responses, extensive visual avoidance of people and things, like to use "afterglow", and some children lack of response to pain or accidental injury.

Autism rehabilitation 5 steps, children's progress is more significant (parents must see)

Many parents lack understanding of children's autism, can not understand the child's behavior and some of the performance, but blame and scold the child, causing great harm to the child's young mind.

So how can parents judge whether their children are autistic? And how to treat it?

part 1

Early detection of clues

Autism usually has no significant abnormal features before the onset of the disease, which is easy to be ignored by parents, but parents can detect autism early as they carefully observe the clues.

Autism rehabilitation 5 steps, children's progress is more significant (parents must see)

If your child develops the following conditions before the age of two, you should consider further evaluation and close observation by a professional:

(1) Lack of response to language laughter, but especially sensitive to music, like to watch spinning things;

(2) Lack of interest in ordinary toys, but very fascinated by some unconventional toy items;

(3) Like to run back and forth or rotate, will not play interactive games with people;

(4) Lack of visual contact with people, no response to call;

(5) Will not take the initiative to use fingers, when necessary, grab other people's hands and drag to the items needed;

(6) Until 18 months, I will not call Mom and Dad.

part 2

Take the initiative without waiting

Many parents have found that their children have problems, but they have not attracted attention, believing that it is only a temporary problem.

Some parents even believe that the later they open their mouths, the smarter they are, and they use the passive waiting method.

Autism rehabilitation 5 steps, children's progress is more significant (parents must see)

Some parents take their children to major hospitals to seek a diagnosis by a famous doctor, and often miss the early best treatment period.

In fact, for children with autism, early intervention from two to three years of age has a significant impact on prognosis.

Therefore, if a child suspects of having autism or other developmental problems, taking the initiative is an important magic weapon to win, and actively seek early therapeutic intervention.

part 3

Multi-pronged combination therapy

Autism is difficult to work with a single treatment and requires the help of a multi-pronged combination of treatments.

Behavioral intervention is the preferred approach.

Some parents think that the child's problem is that the language is backward, as long as the language training can be carried out, in fact, the development of language is closely related to the development of other functions such as movement and cognition, and the training method should also be comprehensive.

Autism rehabilitation 5 steps, children's progress is more significant (parents must see)

Second, the stereotypical characteristics of autistic children make it difficult to generalize their acquired skills, and they need to be trained and educated in different situations to adapt them to different requirements.

Symptoms such as self-injury, aggression, agitation, and sleep disturbances can be treated with a specialist's prescription medication.

However, some methods that have not been scientifically verified should not be blindly adopted, so as not to bring adverse effects to children.

part 4

The comprehensive assessment varies depending on the "energy"

The symptoms of autism vary in children, so different treatment training methods are needed according to the child's specific situation.

The same child, at different stages of development, should adopt different strategies, so special emphasis is placed on individualized training.

A comprehensive assessment is often the basis for understanding the characteristics of children and choosing effective treatment.

If the development level is less than three years old, the main training should be individual;

Children who have reached the level of development at the age of four or five should be combined with group education and individual training.

Regular re-evaluations are necessary to adjust treatment training methods.

part 5

Cleverly arranged to stick to winning

The treatment of autism is a long process, and some training is required during the treatment process to gradually show the effect.

And as children grow, the requirements for function will gradually increase, and different stages have different goals, which is a long process.

Autism rehabilitation 5 steps, children's progress is more significant (parents must see)

Some parents give up all their lives, devote themselves wholeheartedly, and hope to achieve immediate results, but as a result, they are often physically and mentally exhausted, and the training is difficult to persist, and the effect is difficult to achieve satisfactory results.

Therefore, we recommend that parents first learn to accept reality, and under the premise of long-term combat preparation, together with professionals, plan treatment plans and family arrangements in stages.

Strive for support with more resources, leave a little freedom for yourself and your family, so that the family can still be a base of happiness, so that life and treatment can continue.

Autism is incurable for life, so is the child with autism really not saved?

The answer is definitely no.

Although there is no panacea for healing, most of the symptoms can be alleviated through scientific training and auxiliary methods.

Although different children recover to varying degrees in behavioral interventions, there are now a large number of studies that prove that behavioural therapy is indeed effective.

Autism rehabilitation 5 steps, children's progress is more significant (parents must see)

The American Mental Illness Association divides autism into three levels: "need help", "need a lot of help" and "very much need help", because people with autism at two levels can still have a certain ability to act and can engage in more repetitive work.

A long-term study in the United States also shows that children with autism also have the hope of integrating into society when they grow up.

The data shows that up to 50% of children with autism can get a college-level education, 50% can live independently, and 55% can participate in paid work.

Don't easily give a child a definition of "to raise a lifetime for free", this is the most important starting point for facing autism.

Autism rehabilitation 5 steps, children's progress is more significant (parents must see)

0-6 years old is the most golden expectation for autistic children, and the attitude of parents towards autism and whether they take measures are positive or not determine the possibility of children's future integration into society.

If the innate physical defects cannot be changed, parents should also do their best to reverse the predicament the day after tomorrow.

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