
Phoenix Single Bush's Marigold Silver Terrace "Daffodil Tea"

author:Phoenix Little Tea Guest

Speaking of daffodils, it will evoke its pavilion jade standing on top of Qingbo, elegant and fragrant, just like the impression of Lingbo fairy stepping on the water. Yuan Cheng Tang called it the beauty of "Yake" in "Sanliuxuan Miscellaneous Knowledge"! In the Phoenix single bush tea, the "Daffodil Tea", which enjoys a high reputation with "Marigold Yintai", comforts the hearts of new and old tea customers with a wonderful and endless mountain rhyme.

Phoenix Single Bush's Marigold Silver Terrace "Daffodil Tea"

Phoenix daffodils are native to the Fenghuang Mountains in Chao'an County, Guangdong Province. Legend has it that at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Song Emperor Zhao Fu went south to Chaoshan and passed through the Fenghuang Mountains of Wushan Mountain, and his mouth was very thirsty, and the attendants picked a leaf with a leaf tip like a bird's beak and cooked it, and drank it to stop coughing and produce miraculous results. Since then, it has been widely cultivated, called "Song Seed", and has a history of more than 900 years.

Phoenix Single Bush's Marigold Silver Terrace "Daffodil Tea"

People who are confined to the battle room in the city, although it is not easy to have a leisurely "qing tour", concentrate on sitting down - drinking a cup of phoenix daffodil tea, you can also steal half a day of leisure.

Phoenix Single Bush's Marigold Silver Terrace "Daffodil Tea"

The daffodil tea selected by Phoenix Small Tea Farmers has undergone the process of picking, drying, making green, stir-frying, etc., and the tea leaves have a unique natural floral fragrance, and their leaves are tightly knotted, straight and fat.

Phoenix Single Bush's Marigold Silver Terrace "Daffodil Tea"

As usual, the first brew of tea, the beginning of the second brew, the color of the tea soup is orange and yellow, clear and bright, the inner wall of the teacup is exposed to the golden circle; smell the tea aroma, only feel the aroma is rich and strong; the tea soup, fresh and smooth, the weak bitterness has not yet stopped at the tip of the tongue, the sweetness at the bottom of the throat quietly arrives, and the return to ganli is excellent.

Phoenix Single Bush's Marigold Silver Terrace "Daffodil Tea"

I am a phoenix tea farmer, please have time to eat tea. For more phoenix single bush tea knowledge, welcome to pay attention to the message to discuss together. 【Please explain】

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