
The whole staff called "Zi Han" has passed, and the next "rotten street" name is coming, and the baby is still to be called

If you don't see him, listen to his name first. The name is to accompany our life title, this title has the inheritance of family blood culture, but also gives parents high hopes and expectations for their children, contains different connotations and meanings, and has a subtle effect on our lives.

Names are like walking business cards, in the life of interacting with people, good names can often leave a deep impact on people, others think of this name will think of people, is a person's symbol and symbol.

The whole staff called "Zi Han" has passed, and the next "rotten street" name is coming, and the baby is still to be called

Many parents want to give their children a unique name, and even consult the information before the child is born, which can be regarded as racking their brains. Every era has trendy words, which are both simple and easy to understand and poetic, and they are both good to listen to and good to look at.

Newborn name surveys show that "Zi Han" is the favorite name used by parents. Indeed, these two words are very elegant, both boys and girls can use, but the helpless country population is too large, the probability of duplicate names is too great. As the saying goes: "Things are scarce and expensive", even if the name is more literary and artistic, the more people will become tacky, and naturally it will be "rotten street".

People seem to realize that this name is too popular, so the craze of all members called "Zi Han" has gradually passed, but the next "rotten street" name has struck again, that is, the father surname + the mother's surname.

So is this new way of naming good?

Children are the crystallization of parental love, so the use of father's surname and motherhood combined, as the meaning of the name is good, although the repetition rate of names so up is not too high, but the characteristics are the same, listening to more will naturally feel boring and boring.

The whole staff called "Zi Han" has passed, and the next "rotten street" name is coming, and the baby is still to be called

In order to catch up with this trend, some parents have to forcibly combine their surnames, resulting in their children's names reading very strangely. And children whose names have this meaning, if their parents are not harmonious or even divorced in the future, have a great impact on the children. Whenever others ask the origin of the name, the child will be unconfident, or even unwilling to say it, bringing them distress and psychological harm.

So what should parents pay attention to when naming their children?

1. Don't follow suit and avoid duplicate names

Whether it is the past "full zihan" or the current new "rotten street" naming method, the results of the cloud are not satisfactory. Every child is a different firework, and the parents' expectations and wishes for their children are also different, so don't be affected by the popular naming method, think divergently, and express your original intention, which is the best name.

2. Use as few unfamiliar words as possible

Chinese culture is broad and profound, there are many rare words that we do not often use, and most people do not know how to read and write. If you name your child with such a word, it will not only be troublesome to write, but also cause others to shout the wrong name, which is very embarrassing and bring unnecessary trouble to the child.

The whole staff called "Zi Han" has passed, and the next "rotten street" name is coming, and the baby is still to be called

3. Don't blindly pursue novelty

Parents want their children's names to be the most unique, which is understandable, but when naming names, they blindly pursue novelty and use harmonic or ambiguous names to go astray. This kind of name will also become the focus, which may be an entertainment topic for people after dinner, affecting the psychology of children.

The name is the first gift given by parents to their children and will follow their life, so when naming a name, parents should pay more attention, choose words carefully, and do not blindly follow the trend.

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