
The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

author:Uncle Luo Ying
The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately
The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

Text | Uncle Luo Ying

Edit | Uncle Luo Ying

One day in March 2013, ma jinku, a murderous demon who killed two people in a row and slashed more than 20 axes at the victims, was being tried by the court in the Beijing No. 2 Intermediate People's Court.

Just sitting in the defendant's seat, he grinned and listened indifferently, sometimes sneering, sometimes dismissively.

In the face of the accusations of the victim's family, he also had an indifferent attitude, casually leaning on the defendant's seat, without remorse, and despite the judge's repeated reminders, he still maintained this state and never changed.

Finally, when the verdict with the death sentence and the two-year suspension came down, the stone in the heart of the family member holding the photo of the deceased finally fell.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

At this time, Ma Jinku, who had been smiling hippie, stood up, and he said to the judge a sentence that shocked all the reporters: "I had a terrible childhood, I didn't want to mention those days, I had the idea of taking my own life at a very young age, I hope the judge will sentence me to death and execute me immediately, thank you!" ”

Why did Makinku ask a judge to carry out the death penalty immediately in court? What really happened to his childhood that took him step by step on the path of crime?

The murder occurred

On May 22, 2011, Ma jinku, who wanted to sleep a full night, was woken up by the boss at 6 o'clock to unload the goods. According to Ma Jinku, he was not very angry in normal times, and the strange thing was that at that time, he was particularly angry and got up to work.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

At 8 o'clock in the morning, he came to the company's kitchen and put all the sleeping pills that he had wanted to commit suicide into the porridge, thinking that "everyone will want to sleep after eating, so they don't have to work." ”

About an hour later, the boss and several employees developed symptoms such as dizziness and nausea and went to the hospital for medical treatment.

Ma Jinku, who thought he was going to go to bed, was called by the boss's wife, Ms. Yin, to repair the light bulb at night, and then let him coax his children.

"I was particularly angry at the time and said I didn't want to coax. She said you were working part-time, and you coaxed you. ”
The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

Unable to control his ma jinku for a while, he picked up the axe on the wall and smashed it directly at Ms. Yin, who wanted to teach her a lesson, but unexpectedly, at this time, Ms. Yin shouted: "Killed, help" The child next to her also cried and laughed.

This made Ma Jinku, who did not want to kill Madam Yin, extremely upset, and he directly gave a fierce hand. He closed his eyes and slashed about 20 times, the axe was cut off, and directly killed both of them.

After killing people, Ma Jinku ran to the boss's house to change clothes, stole more than 3,000 yuan and other belongings, and fled in the boss's Buick car.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

After a night of investigation, the police quickly locked in the murderer Ma jinku. So he was arrested overnight. The next day, Ma Jinku, who wanted to go home to see his relatives and committed suicide, was directly arrested by the local police crouching in front of his home.

Unhappy childhood

Ma Jinku, whose original name was Qian Zhongming, was born in 1991 in a rural area in Heilongjiang Province, and was doomed to ma Jinku's misfortune in this life.

His biological father is named Qian Baosheng, just like the gambler played in the TV series, gambling addicted to sex, violent personality, and his biological mother Fan Shouli is an honest and responsible rural person.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

Every time Qian Baosheng gambled and went home drunk, he always had to punch and kick Ma Jinku's mother, Fan Shouli, and Fan Shouli's face was always blue and purple.

But for the sake of this family, Fan Shouli has always swallowed her anger and just wants her son to live better. But Fan Shouli, who has always been patient, did not exchange For Qian Baosheng's pity, only to intensify.

Fan Shouli, who could not bear such a life, finally filed for divorce from Qian Baosheng. Ma Jinku, who was now less than a year old, was thrown to the drunkard father.

Thus the childhood of Makinku born in such a family was doomed to be unfortunate.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

The departure of his biological mother did not awaken Qian Baosheng's conscience, so how could such a father educate Ma Jinku well?

Soon after, Qian Baosheng brought back a strange woman, who naturally became Ma Jinku's stepmother.

And this stepmother also caused a lot of harm to Ma Jinku.

After the stepmother entered the door, the life of this family did not improve, but worse than before.

Although my father used to gamble and drink heavily, my mother was his own biological mother, so his life was not bad.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

But this stepmother, whose father had newly married in, like Qian Baosheng, had a very poor personality. Qian Baosheng is still the same as before, smoking, drinking and gambling, and still beating his wife when he returns home.

The only difference is that Fan Shouli used to take good care of Ma Jinku, but this stepmother was different.

As long as Qian Baosheng beat her, she would find Ma Jinku to be angry, and she would beat and scold, which left a deep shadow in Ma Jinku's young heart.

According to the surrounding villagers, Ma Jinku always ate the last meal without the next meal, as long as there was a little bit of displeasure to the stepmother, in exchange for a severe beating.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

Ma jinku is like a punching bag, he is beaten every day, and he does not even have good skin on his body, he is always blue and purple.

And Makinku's father? Even when he heard his son's miserable cries, he was indifferent and did not pay attention to them. In his heart, as long as he has money, nothing else matters.

At first, Makkinku would resist or tell his father, but the more he did so, the more he scolded.

Slowly Ma Jinku no longer resisted, but silently endured all this, and this also made Ma Jinku a taciturn person.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

As the saying goes, with a stepmother there is a stepfather.

In 1995, Ma Jinku finally survived to the age of 4, this year Ma Jinku's father Qian Baosheng was in the casino, because of "a few yuan" and friends quarreled, in the process Qian Baosheng directly killed the other party, was sentenced to death by the court.

Ma Jinku also bears the reputation of "murderer's son", which also makes Ma Jinku's life more difficult.

After Qian Baosheng left, his stepmother, who had been beating and cursing Ma Jinku at every turn, did not know how to restrain himself and beat her even more fiercely.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

In this way, the slap of the fan, kicked one foot at a time, directly perforated the eardrum of Ma jinku's right ear, lost his hearing, and his eyesight was also affected.

In this way, in the day-to-day beatings, Ma Jinku spent the darkest two years of his life, and this is also the pain brought to him by his original family.

Two years later, the stepmother finally gave up the torture of Ma Jinku. He lost ma jinku to his biological mother, Fan Shouli.

The way Ma Jinku looked when he came to Fan Shouli made Fan Shouli still unable to forget.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

Dark and thin, bruised, wearing worn-out clothes and shoes with several holes, he was led to her by a woman.

Perhaps because Fan Shouli lived a good life after leaving Qian Baosheng, or perhaps because Ma Jinku's image aroused her desire for protection and maternal love.

In short, in the end, she left Ma Jinku behind. At this time, Ma Jinku was extremely eager for affection, and Fan Shouli, as Ma Jinku's biological mother, could indeed bring him love.

So this allows the closed mind to reopen with the old Makinku.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

Back to the biological mother

And Fan Shouli? In the face of this son who is deaf in the right ear and squints at his eyes, he feels extremely remorseful in his heart. Tears also flowed out of the eye sockets like a waterfall.

At this time, Ma Jinku, who was only 6 years old, looked at the woman in front of him, took the initiative to reach out and wipe away his mother's tears, pulled the corners of his mouth, and revealed a long-lost smile.

At this time, Fan Shouli was ready to remarry, but this time, she did not choose to abandon her son, but took him with her to remarry to the Ma family.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

Although the stepfather was not so happy about this "son" who suddenly broke into his life, he still had no choice but to accept it.

After Fan Shouli remarried, she also changed his name to Ma Jinku, which means that the family is rich and rich in life. And with Ma Jinku with a corrected vision of the eyes. However, because the cost of the ear was too high, Fan Shouli could not afford it, so she had to give up.

It may be because childhood life was too hard, so Ma Jinku cherished his current life very much.

Her mother was very kind to her, not only taking care of his daily life, but also finding a school for Makinku for him to attend.

And Ma Jinku is also very sensible, he studies hard, always ranks at the top of the class, and the walls of his home are plastered with Ma Jinku's awards.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

At the beginning of the primary school, Ma Jinku was admitted to the best local key middle school with excellent results. For her son, Fan Shouli has always loved her, which has also allowed Ma Jinku to spend several years happily.

But his stepfather did not like him, he only felt that the arrival of this stepson did not bring him anything, but only aggravated the expenses of the family.

Soon after, Fan Shouli became pregnant again. And this child gave the already wealthy family an extra mouth to eat. And the mother at this time is not as focused on him as before. Instead, he put more energy into his newborn sister.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

At this time, Ma jinku was not small, so he gradually knew some things, and sometimes when he watched his stepfather and mother holding his sister and constantly teasing, he felt that he was a superfluous person.

He pressed these things in his heart, never talking to anyone, and slowly Makinku became more less talkative and more gloomy. Perhaps it was at this time that Makinku had planted the seeds of darkness in his heart.

Even if Ma Jinku felt that he was superfluous, his mother was like a light shining in his life, and he was reluctant to leave this light, so he has been doing his best to help the family.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

His mother and stepfather were constantly busy every day to support him and his sister, and Makumku would go to the fields after school to do some farm and housework and take care of his sister.

And the family's contradictions finally broke out when Ma Jinku got the acceptance letter from the key middle school.

Because if Ma Jinku wants to go to a key middle school, he has to pay more than 6,000 tuition fees a semester, which is simply an amount that cannot be afforded for families that are not rich.

So Ma Jinku's stepfather said to let Ma Jinku go to a free school in the city, but Fan Shouli knew that once Ma Jinku went to this school, let alone college, he might not even be able to pass high school.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

Therefore, Fan Shouli resolutely disagreed, so the husband and wife quarreled.

At first, they would avoid Makinku, but later they quarreled more and more fiercely. In the constant quarrel between the two sides, Ma Jinku, who is in adolescence, finally realizes that he is indeed a superfluous presence in this family.

In order to restore the family to its former calm, the sensible Ma jinku agreed to his stepfather's proposal to go to a free secondary school.

But Fan Shouli was unwilling and said that she would send Ma Jinku to a key middle school.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

So Fan Shouli borrowed money everywhere, and finally scraped together enough for the 6,000 yuan, and sent Ma Jinku to the key middle school to study as she wished.

At this time, Ma Jinku only believed that his mother had moved his stepfather, and the stepfather took the money for his schooling.

This incident also became the source of constant quarrels between Fan Shouli and her stepfather.

Later, it was learned that the money was borrowed by his mother herself and not given by her stepfather, and Ma Jinku, who did not want his mother to work hard, chose to quit school.

But reading was Ma Jinku's dream all along, and this dream Ma Jinku never told Fan Shouli.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

The only time he confided his true heart was in front of his cousin Yashuang, who was in his third year of college, and he cried bitterly and told his cousin that he wanted to go to school and wanted to go to college.

But helplessly, reality will always wear down people's dreams, making you have to bow your head, and at this time, the dark seeds in Makinku's heart have also sprouted.

Ma Jinku even said to his mother Fan Shouli more than once: "Mom, you say how tired you are in life, why do you want to do it?" ”

Fan Shouli was also shocked to hear this, but he should be under the pressure of life and had no time to worry about Ma Jinku's psychological changes.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

In 2009, Fan Shouli, who did not want to argue with her husband every day, chose to divorce her husband and took her brother and sister out of the countryside to live in Beijing.

After arriving in Beijing, Fan Shouli raised two children alone, so she also went out to work, and Ma Jinku, who dropped out of school at home, also chose to go out to work in order to reduce the pressure on her mother.

But where is a person who has graduated from primary school willing to accept him?

So he looked around for a job, and as long as he could do it, he didn't hesitate to go. It is also a contribution to this family.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

In early 2009, Fan Shoulito's relationship put Ma Jinku to work in an auto repair shop in Cangzhou. But Makinku, who is disabled himself, was ridiculed by other workers at the auto repair shop.

How could Ma Jinku, who was already dark in his heart, let himself suffer losses, so he often quarreled with them, and he hid a kitchen knife under his pillow, thinking that if he quarreled again, I would give them a little color to see.

After seeing this situation, the owner of the auto repair shop quickly called Xue Shouli: "Quickly take the child away, I can't control him."

In this way, Ma Jinku returned to Beijing.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

But it was such a child who, when he received his first salary, jumped back home happily.

When he got home, Ma Jinku was like a big sum of money, giving 200 yuan to his mother and telling her to buy whatever she wanted, without pain.

He also gave 200 yuan to his grandmother, thanking her for taking care of him, and even spent more than a dozen yuan to buy a bottle of perfume for his cousin.

But it is such a well-behaved and sensible child, but in the end, because of the original family, to the endless darkness.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

And Fan Shouli? Soon after she arrived in Beijing, she found a new partner, started a new marriage, and Ma Jinku had a new stepfather. By this time, Ma Jinku already had three fathers and two mothers.

When they were in Beijing, in order to facilitate their daughter's study, the family rented a house near the Ma gezhuang Primary School. In this room of about 10 square meters, there are two beds and a TV, which houses Fan Shouli's three people, grandmother and new stepfather.

In this small room, the family has also been happy.

Every weekend, Ma Jinku could always be heard calling out to Xue Shouli in a crisp voice: "Mom, I'm hungry, get something delicious." ”

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

Because of the shadow of being starved by his stepmother as a child, "what to eat" became his mantra.

Fan Shouli, who feels that her son has suffered too much since childhood, is also bent on compensating Ma Jinku, so as long as it is within his ability, he will try to satisfy him.

At that time, computers were just popular, so Ma Jinku wanted a computer, so Fan Shouli took out his three months' salary and let Ma Jinku buy an assembly computer.

Near their home, there was a pirated bookstore, which became Makinku's second home, and when he had nothing to do, he would always hide in the corner of the bookstore and read some fantasy and martial arts novels.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

At this time, Ma Jinku is the happiest time, he can not care about the world he lives in, he is completely immersed in the novel, as if he is the protagonist of the novel, his mood will also rise and fall with the direction of the novel.

Since then, in addition to occasional odd jobs, Ma Jinku has been surfing the Internet at home, reading books, and slowly spending time like this.

In real life, Ma Jinku is silent and always gloomy, but in the virtual world, Ma Jinku has a completely different personality from life.

Short-lived love

He is lively and cheerful in the online world, and he has also made many friends.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

For example, Ding Dong, a little friend who stole vegetables on the Internet with him, remembered that Ma Jinku's mantra was - You'er, give Ge Le one.

In this way, the two became familiar with each other on the Internet. This may also be the only friend in Ma jinku's life.

At this time, another girl appeared at the same time in Ma Jinku's life, and this girl was his classmate when he was in junior high school.

In the process of getting along with the two, Ma Jinku gradually fell in love with this classmate, so he confessed to her, and she also agreed.

This is the only love that appears in Makinku's short life.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

After being with his junior high school classmates, Ma Jinku told his mother the good news, and her mother was happy for him.

Shortly before ma Jinku's accident, he had borrowed 500 yuan from Xue Shouli, but Fan Shouli only had 200 yuan in all his pockets.

Looking at his mother's poor appearance, Ma Jinku couldn't bear it, so he said to his mother, "I will lend her the money in hand first, and you will take this money first." And that she was Ma Jinku's junior high school classmate, his girlfriend.

For this girlfriend to open a shop, he borrowed money everywhere, even to Ding Dong's head. But Ding Dong was jealous at the time, so he did not lend him, and in the end, he still lent the money from his boss and gave it to his girlfriend.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

At that time, the QQ space of Ma Jinku was all about this girl, and he even wrote in the latest article: "For you, I can betray myself, abandon myself, and lose myself." ”

It can be seen how strong Ma Jinku's dependence on this girlfriend is, and this may also be the fuse of Ma Jinku's final mistake.

But the good times did not last long, and after four years of dating, the girl chose to break up because she felt that she could not see the future in Makinku.

When his mother, Xue Shouli, asked him how his relationship with his girlfriend had been recently, Ma Jinku said, "I don't have a girlfriend anymore." ”

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

The Emperor finally let him find a place that was willing to let him work for a long time, but this was also the place where his life came to an end.

His last job as a porter had been spent the first few weeks unscathed, but on May 22, 2011, the opening scene took place.

Finally, the Beijing No. 2 Intermediate People's Court rendered a judgment on December 11, 2013

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

1. Defendant Ma Jinku commits intentional homicide and is sentenced to death with a two-year suspension of execution and deprivation of political rights for life; for the crime of theft, he is sentenced to seven years' imprisonment, deprivation of political rights for one year, and a fine of RMB7,000, and decides to execute the death penalty with a two-year suspension of execution (the period of two-year suspension of execution of the death penalty is calculated from the date of approval by the Beijing Municipal Higher People's Court), deprivation of political rights for life, and a fine of RMB7,000 (to be paid within one month after the entry into force of this judgment).

2. Restrictions on commutation of sentence imposed on defendant Ma Jinku.

3. Continue to recover RMB 4,000 of defendant Ma Jinku's illegal gains and return them to the Chaoyang Branch of Beijing Commerce and Trade Co., Ltd.

4. The items seized in the case shall be confiscated.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

On October 14, 2016, the Heilongjiang Provincial High People's Court ruled that the sentence of convict Ma Jinku should be commuted to life imprisonment and deprivation of political rights for life; Restrictions on commutation of sentence remain unchanged.

A bad person, he is not born a bad person, the harm of the original family is very terrible for young children.

It is often said that if a person's childhood is happy, then his childhood will heal his whole life; if a person's childhood is unhappy, then he will spend his life to heal his childhood.

So even if we can't do something for our child to make him worry about food and clothing, at least let him have a happy and happy childhood.

The post-90s killer was sentenced to death with a smile on his face and said that it was my parents who harmed me, please execute me immediately

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