
That black casserole pot from my hometown

author:Xi Liang's ancestors

My hometown is a small village in the Great Northwest. I remember when I was very young, in the 70s and 80s of the last century, every house would have a black casserole pot with a bird black and shiny, which was a pure black clay pot fired by local ceramicsmen by hand, and the shape was basically large in the middle and small, and the inside was deep.

That black casserole pot from my hometown

Locals like to use this black casserole pot to boil millet porridge and cook meat. But at that time, everyone in the village lived in poverty, and the casserole pot was basically supported by three stones and boiled millet porridge with firewood, but in winter, some people would hang their own big yellow dog or the stray dog in the village and use a black casserole to cook dog meat to eat. It is said that dog meat is hot and can be replenished in winter.

The village is so big, everyone knows the roots. Who cooked dog meat, I don't know for a while, everyone knows. When the aroma of meat wafted out of the casserole, the family had already come. After all, if you can't eat meat, you will also have a bowl of soup to drink, and no one in the township can wipe your face.

That black casserole pot from my hometown

In mid-July of this year, I returned to my hometown to visit my elderly parents. He sold a few pounds of beef and mutton in the city, and wanted to go home and give his parents either burned or stewed to supplement his parents.

When my parents saw me bring beef and mutton, they said that they were older, their teeth were not good, the fried meat was a little hard, they couldn't bite, or the stewed meat was rotten, they could eat it, and they could drink hot broth after they were finished, Bashi.

After saying that, the parents took out the dark casserole pot from the corner of the kitchen and set the small stove on fire. So the casserole goulash was made.

That black casserole pot from my hometown

If you don't have to say, this beef is slowly simmered in a casserole dish, and the meat and soup cooked are better than those made in an iron pot and an electric pressure cooker.

In addition, casserole boiled meat is also a kind of nostalgia for the old people's past years, just like the layer of greasy that seeps out of the outer surface of the cassette shell after years of cooking meat, which has become one with the casserole.