
Owen is finally back! Pre-game warm-up video exposure against the Pacers: consecutive hits

On January 6, Beijing time, basketball star Kyrie Irving finally ushered in the debut of the season. Before the game, the Nets reporter also filmed him warming up at the Pacers' home stadium.

Owen is finally back! Pre-game warm-up video exposure against the Pacers: consecutive hits

In the first video, Irving practiced dribbling near the free throw line and then hit a shot, and in just 12 seconds of the video, he tried three dribbles and hit all of them. In the next video, Irving's mid-range shot in the bottom corner was also hit. Irving, who has not played in the past 7 months, looks very good. Previously, the US media had reported that Irving had maintained high-intensity training during his suspension by the Nets, and he had also played some games, although the opponents were non-professional players.

Owen is finally back! Pre-game warm-up video exposure against the Pacers: consecutive hits
Owen is finally back! Pre-game warm-up video exposure against the Pacers: consecutive hits
Owen is finally back! Pre-game warm-up video exposure against the Pacers: consecutive hits

Irving triggered a health and safety agreement after returning to the Nets and was quarantined for a period of time, but this did not affect his quick integration into the team. Nash said before the game: "I don't think it's time for him to play 38 minutes, but I think he can still get a lot of playing time in the game. He's been in 3-4 days of 5-on-5 training and I think he has the ability to play a little more time, just not necessarily to play the 30+ minutes he's familiar with. ”

As for Irving's role when he returned to the team, Nash said he could play as a starter or as a substitute. Prior to the Pacers, Irving played 582 regular season games and 70 playoff games in his career, all of which were starting games.

Last season, Irving played in 54 games, averaging 26.9 points, 4.8 rebounds and 6 assists per game, shooting 50.6% from the field, 40.2% from three-point range and 92.2% from the free throw line, making it to 180 clubs.

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