
Chinese students infected with Aumicron in New York: Someone in the circle of friends reports that they are infected and keep drinking water

author:Red Star News

"The epidemic in New York is really very serious now, and I feel that I am almost either close or positive around me," Cheng Yufei (pseudonym), a Chinese student in New York, told Red Star News today.

With the recent "epidemic tsunami" set off by the new coronavirus mutant strain, Ahmed Kerong, a number of epidemic indicators in the United States have continuously hit record highs in recent days. According to the statistics of Johns Hopkins University in the United States, the United States added 1.08 million new confirmed cases on January 3, once again setting a new record on the 2nd.

According to the statistics of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the 4th, among the recent new confirmed cases, the infection of the Omiljung strain has accounted for 95%. New York, the most densely populated city in the United States, has once again become the "epicenter."

Chinese students infected with Aumicron in New York: Someone in the circle of friends reports that they are infected and keep drinking water

↑ Real-time "hot spots" of the U.S. epidemic on January 4.

What is the current state of the epidemic in the United States today? What are the symptoms of infection with Omikeron? Is it really like a cold? Today, Red Star News held a dialogue with two Chinese students who were infected with Omiclon in New York.

New York students infected with Omiclon: The circle of friends is "yangyang" every day

Cheng Yufei said that recently the United States has completely fallen, especially in New York, and the epidemic is getting more and more serious. "Every day the circle of friends is yangyang (sex), and I am unfortunate to be recruited." But my friends who have new crown around me will not tell the family soon, because the parents can only be in a hurry. She said.

Red Star News noticed on a social platform that since Christmas, many international students in New York have shared the news of their confirmed infection on the Internet, and Cheng Yufei is one of them. She told Red Star News about her experience of infection: "(Last year) on December 21, I went out with a friend with symptoms, but she didn't know that she was infected, she just felt uncomfortable in her throat, at first we all thought it was simple throat inflammation, we also watched Spider-Man together, went shopping and ate together. ”

Chinese students infected with Aumicron in New York: Someone in the circle of friends reports that they are infected and keep drinking water

↑Cheng Yufei received a positive nucleic acid test result. Courtesy of respondents

However, two days later, Cheng Yufei also developed symptoms of throat discomfort, at which time she realized that it might not be so simple. So, on Christmas Day, she went to the testing point to do nucleic acid testing, and as a result, she got the report on December 27 and found that she and her friends were "recruited", so she quickly began home isolation.

However, she told Red Star News that after getting the nucleic acid test report, there will be no requirements for the government or medical staff to call to tell them how to isolate and how to take medicine. Therefore, after his diagnosis, while checking the experience shared by infected people on the Internet, he asked his friends who studied medicine for help. Then, it's all up to you, "Everyone's physical fitness is different, just wait for it to get better." She said.

Mild symptoms of vaccination infection Healed before diagnosis was made

"I mainly took some proprietary Chinese medicines to treat colds, and also bought throat lozenges in pharmacies, in fact, most of the friends who have recently been infected are mainly throat discomfort, and then I must drink more water and drink non-stop." Talk to your friends more and keep your mood comfortable. She shared her recovery process, "Fortunately, I may have had 4 injections of vaccines, my symptoms are very mild, that is, colds and throat discomfort, recovery is also very fast, about ten days of self-testing is negative, and there is no loss of taste and smell, so the mood is still very good." ”

Chinese students infected with Aumicron in New York: Someone in the circle of friends reports that they are infected and keep drinking water

↑ Medications taken by Cheng Yufei after diagnosis. Courtesy of respondents

Another international student who was also "recruited" in New York, Gu Jie (pseudonym), told Red Star News that from his own experience, Omi Kerong is really contagious, but the symptoms of infection are really mild. He began to have mild symptoms on the evening of December 30 last year, then had a fever for two days, and by the time he received a positive result on Monday, he had recovered.

"So if you've been feeling sick to your throat lately and have symptoms of a cold, you must go and get tested." If you are infected, don't panic, don't rush to tell your family, buy a thermometer and oximeter, test and record your condition at any time, and go to the emergency for medical treatment if it is serious. Cheng Yufei concluded.

The epidemic in the United States is severe, and the summer vacation is likely to not be able to return to China

According to foreign media reports on the 3rd, the positive rate of the new crown test in the United States is now close to 1%, that is, 1 in 100 people are infected.

Cheng Yufei told Red Star News that the epidemic in New York is indeed very serious now, and it feels that the people around him are either close or positive. She said that even local Americans have become more cautious, and many will wear KN95 masks for protection. But according to her observation, even if the epidemic is very severe, everyone is not panicking now, because most of the symptoms of the Aomi Kerong infection are very mild, and everyone still thinks that the virus is very common.

But on the other hand, the spread of COVID-19 caused by Omi kerong has not only led to the cancellation of flights across the United States, the closure of schools and other institutions, but also the overwhelmed health care system. "Now that New York is full of outbreaks and the health care system is so full, people can't even make an appointment for nucleic acid testing on time unless they pay for it." Gu Jie told Red Star News.

Chinese students infected with Aumicron in New York: Someone in the circle of friends reports that they are infected and keep drinking water

↑ In this wave of the epidemic, New York State, centered on New York, has once again become the "epicenter".

Cheng Yufei also said that all the government or hospital testing points in New York are full, and it is almost necessary to queue for at least an hour or more. During the New Year's holiday, I also received a notice from the school, "The first two weeks of the new year in New York State are tentatively scheduled to be online classes, and it may be extended." "In the face of the severe epidemic, many Chinese students have dismissed the idea of returning to China for the New Year or even the summer vacation.

"Definitely not (going back), and a lot of people don't seem to plan to go back during the summer vacation." Going back to the rehabilitated process is too cumbersome. I've gone too much trouble with my research, so I'm probably not going back for the summer. Cheng Yufei said.

Red Star News reporter Xu Huan

Edited by Zhang Xun

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Chinese students infected with Aumicron in New York: Someone in the circle of friends reports that they are infected and keep drinking water

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